# # Mercurial Rake Tasks require 'enumerator' # # Authors: # * Michael Granger # unless defined?( HG_DOTDIR ) # Mercurial constants HG_DOTDIR = BASEDIR + '.hg' HG_STORE = HG_DOTDIR + 'store' IGNORE_FILE = BASEDIR + '.hgignore' ### ### Helpers ### module MercurialHelpers require './helpers.rb' unless defined?( RakefileHelpers ) include RakefileHelpers ############### module_function ############### ### Generate a commit log from a diff and return it as a String. def make_commit_log diff = read_command_output( 'hg', 'diff' ) fail "No differences." if diff.empty? return diff end ### Generate a commit log and invoke the user's editor on it. def edit_commit_log diff = make_commit_log() File.open( COMMIT_MSG_FILE, File::WRONLY|File::TRUNC|File::CREAT ) do |fh| fh.print( diff ) end edit( COMMIT_MSG_FILE ) end ### Generate a changelog. def make_changelog log = read_command_output( 'hg', 'log', '--style', 'compact' ) return log end ### Get the 'tip' info and return it as a Hash def get_tip_info data = read_command_output( 'hg', 'tip' ) return YAML.load( data ) end ### Return the ID for the current rev def get_current_rev id = read_command_output( 'hg', '-q', 'identify' ) return id.chomp end ### Read the list of existing tags and return them as an Array def get_tags taglist = read_command_output( 'hg', 'tags' ) return taglist.split( /\n/ ) end ### Read any remote repo paths known by the current repo and return them as a hash. def get_repo_paths paths = {} pathspec = read_command_output( 'hg', 'paths' ) pathspec.split.each_slice( 3 ) do |name, _, url| paths[ name ] = url end return paths end ### Return the list of files which are of status 'unknown' def get_unknown_files list = read_command_output( 'hg', 'status', '-un', '--no-color' ) list = list.split( /\n/ ) trace "New files: %p" % [ list ] return list end ### Returns a human-scannable file list by joining and truncating the list if it's too long. def humanize_file_list( list, indent=FILE_INDENT ) listtext = list[0..5].join( "\n#{indent}" ) if list.length > 5 listtext << " (and %d other/s)" % [ list.length - 5 ] end return listtext end ### Add the list of +pathnames+ to the .hgignore list. def hg_ignore_files( *pathnames ) patterns = pathnames.flatten.collect do |path| '^' + Regexp.escape(path) + '$' end trace "Ignoring %d files." % [ pathnames.length ] IGNORE_FILE.open( File::CREAT|File::WRONLY|File::APPEND, 0644 ) do |fh| fh.puts( patterns ) end end ### Delete the files in the given +filelist+ after confirming with the user. def delete_extra_files( filelist ) description = humanize_file_list( filelist, ' ' ) log "Files to delete:\n ", description ask_for_confirmation( "Really delete them?", false ) do filelist.each do |f| rm_rf( f, :verbose => true ) end end end end # module MercurialHelpers ### Rakefile support def get_vcs_rev( dir='.' ) return MercurialHelpers.get_current_rev end def make_changelog return MercurialHelpers.make_changelog end ### ### Tasks ### desc "Mercurial tasks" namespace :hg do include MercurialHelpers desc "Prepare for a new release" task :prep_release do tags = get_tags() rev = get_current_rev() # Look for a tag for the current release version, and if it exists abort if tags.include?( PKG_VERSION ) error "Version #{PKG_VERSION} already has a tag. Did you mean " + "to increment the version in #{VERSION_FILE}?" fail end # Sign the current rev log "Signing rev #{rev}" run 'hg', 'sign' # Tag the current rev log "Tagging rev #{rev} as #{PKG_VERSION}" run 'hg', 'tag', PKG_VERSION # Offer to push Rake::Task['hg:push'].invoke end desc "Check for new files and offer to add/ignore/delete them." task :newfiles do log "Checking for new files..." entries = get_unknown_files() unless entries.empty? files_to_add = [] files_to_ignore = [] files_to_delete = [] entries.each do |entry| action = prompt_with_default( " #{entry}: (a)dd, (i)gnore, (s)kip (d)elete", 's' ) case action when 'a' files_to_add << entry when 'i' files_to_ignore << entry when 'd' files_to_delete << entry end end unless files_to_add.empty? run 'hg', 'add', *files_to_add end unless files_to_ignore.empty? hg_ignore_files( *files_to_ignore ) end unless files_to_delete.empty? delete_extra_files( files_to_delete ) end end end task :add => :newfiles desc "Pull and update from the default repo" task :pull do paths = get_repo_paths() if origin_url = paths['default'] ask_for_confirmation( "Pull and update from '#{origin_url}'?", false ) do run 'hg', 'pull', '-u' end else trace "Skipping pull: No 'default' path." end end desc "Check the current code in if tests pass" task :checkin => ['hg:pull', 'hg:newfiles', 'test', COMMIT_MSG_FILE] do targets = get_target_args() $stderr.puts '---', File.read( COMMIT_MSG_FILE ), '---' ask_for_confirmation( "Continue with checkin?" ) do run 'hg', 'ci', '-l', COMMIT_MSG_FILE, targets rm_f COMMIT_MSG_FILE end Rake::Task['hg:push'].invoke end task :commit => :checkin task :ci => :checkin CLEAN.include( COMMIT_MSG_FILE ) desc "Push to the default origin repo (if there is one)" task :push do paths = get_repo_paths() if origin_url = paths['default'] ask_for_confirmation( "Push to '#{origin_url}'?", false ) do run 'hg', 'push' end else trace "Skipping push: No 'default' path." end end end if HG_DOTDIR.exist? trace "Defining mercurial VCS tasks" desc "Check in all the changes in your current working copy" task :ci => 'hg:ci' desc "Check in all the changes in your current working copy" task :checkin => 'hg:ci' desc "Tag and sign revision before a release" task :prep_release => 'hg:prep_release' file COMMIT_MSG_FILE do edit_commit_log() end else trace "Not defining mercurial tasks: no #{HG_DOTDIR}" end end