module Padrino module Generators # Raised when an application does not have a resolved root path. class AppRootNotFound < RuntimeError; end ## # Common actions needed to support project and component generation. # module Actions def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end ## # Performs the necessary generator for a given component choice. # # @param [Symbol] component # The type of component module. # @param [String] choice # The name of the component module choice. # # @example # execute_component_setup(:mock, 'rr') # def execute_component_setup(component, choice) return true && say_status(:skipping, "#{component} component...") if choice.to_s == 'none' say_status(:applying, "#{choice} (#{component})...") apply_component_for(choice, component) send("setup_#{component}") if respond_to?("setup_#{component}") end ## # Returns the related module for a given component and option. # # @param [String] choice # The name of the component module. # @param [Symbol] component # The type of the component module. # # @example # generator_module_for('rr', :mock) # def apply_component_for(choice, component) # I need to override Thor#apply because for unknow reason :verbose => false break tasks. path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/components/#{component.to_s.pluralize}/#{choice}.rb") say_status :apply, "#{component.to_s.pluralize}/#{choice}" shell.padding += 1 instance_eval( shell.padding -= 1 end ## # Includes the component module for the given component and choice. # It determines the choice using .components file. # # @param [Symbol] component # The type of component module. # @param [String] choice # The name of the component module. # # @example # include_component_module_for(:mock) # include_component_module_for(:mock, 'rr') # def include_component_module_for(component, choice=nil) choice = fetch_component_choice(component) unless choice return false if choice.to_s == 'none' apply_component_for(choice, component) end ## # Returns the component choice stored within the .component file of an application. # # @param [Symbol] component # The type of component module. # # @return [String] Name of the component module. # # @example # fetch_component_choice(:mock) # def fetch_component_choice(component) retrieve_component_config(destination_root('.components'))[component] end ## # Set the component choice in the .component file of the application. # # @param [Symbol] key # The type of component module. # @param [Symbol] value # The name of the component module. # # @return [Symbol] The name of the component module. # # @example # store_component_choice(:renderer, :haml) # def store_component_choice(key, value) path = destination_root('.components') config = retrieve_component_config(path) config[key] = value create_file(path, :force => true) { config.to_yaml } value end ## # Loads the component config back into a hash. # # @param [String] target # Path to component config file. # # @return [Hash] Loaded YAML file. # # @example # retrieve_component_config(...) # # => { :mock => 'rr', :test => 'riot', ... } # def retrieve_component_config(target) YAML.load_file(target) end ## # Prompts the user if necessary until a valid choice is returned for the component. # # @param [Symbol] component # The type of component module. # # @return [String] Name of component if valid, otherwise ask for valid choice. # # @example # resolve_valid_choice(:mock) # def resolve_valid_choice(component) available_string = self.class.available_choices_for(component).join(", ") choice = options[component] until valid_choice?(component, choice) say("Option for --#{component} '#{choice}' is not available.", :red) choice = ask("Please enter a valid option for #{component} (#{available_string}):") end choice end ## # Returns true if the option passed is a valid choice for component. # # @param [Symbol] component # The type of component module. # @param [String] choice # The name of the component module. # # @return [Boolean] Boolean of whether the choice is valid. # # @example # valid_choice?(:mock, 'rr') # def valid_choice?(component, choice) choice.present? && self.class.available_choices_for(component).include?(choice.to_sym) end ## # Creates a component_config file at the destination containing all component options. # Content is a YAMLized version of a hash containing component name mapping to chosen value. # # @param [String] destination # The file path to store the component config. # # @example # store_component_config('/foo/bar') # def store_component_config(destination) components = @_components || options create_file(destination) do self.class.component_types.inject({}) { |result, comp| result[comp] = components[comp].to_s; result }.to_yaml end end ## # Returns the root for this Thor class (also aliased as destination root). # # @param [Array] paths # The relative path from destination root. # # @return [String] The full path # # @example # destination_root('config/boot.rb') # def destination_root(*paths) File.expand_path(File.join(@destination_stack.last, paths)) end ## # Returns true if inside a Padrino application. # def in_app_root? File.exist?(destination_root('config/boot.rb')) end ## # Returns true if constant name already exists. # def already_exists?(name, project_name = nil) project_name = project_name ? (Object.const_get(project_name) rescue nil) : nil Object.const_defined?(name) || (project_name && project_name.const_defined?(name)) end ## # Returns the field with an unacceptable name(for symbol) else returns nil. # # @param [Array] fields # Field names for generators. # # @return [Array] array of invalid fields # # @example # invalid_fields ['foo:bar', 'hello:world'] # def invalid_fields(fields) results = { |field| field.split(":").first =~ /\W/ } results.empty? ? nil : results end ## # Apply default field types. # # @param [Array] fields # Field names for generators. # # @return [Array] fields with default types # def apply_default_fields(fields)! { |field| field =~ /:/ ? field : "#{field}:string" } end # Returns the namespace for the project. # # @param [String] app # folder name of application. # # @return [String] namespace for application. # # @example # fetch_project_name # def fetch_project_name(app='app') app_path = destination_root(app, 'app.rb') @project_name = fetch_component_choice(:namespace) if @project_name.empty? @project_name ||= begin say "Autodetecting project namespace using folder name.", :red say "" detected_namespace = File.basename(destination_root('.')).gsub(/\W/, '_').camelize say(<<-WARNING, :red) From v0.11.0 on, applications should have a `namespace` setting in their .components file. Please include a line like the following in your .components file: WARNING say "\t:namespace: #{detected_namespace}", :yellow say "" detected_namespace end end ## # Returns the app_name for the application at root. # # @param [String] app # folder name of application. # # @return [String] class name for application. # # @example # fetch_app_name('subapp') # def fetch_app_name(app='app') app_path = destination_root(app, 'app.rb') @app_name ||=\s(.*?)\s] gem_names # Splat of gems to require in Gemfile. # @param [Hash] options # The options to pass to gem in Gemfile. # # @example # require_dependencies('active_record') # require_dependencies('mocha', 'bacon', :group => 'test') # require_dependencies('json', :version => ">=1.2.3") # def require_dependencies(*gem_names) options = gem_names.extract_options! gem_names.reverse.each { |lib| insert_into_gemfile(lib, options) } end ## # Inserts a required gem into the Gemfile to add the bundler dependency. # # @param [String] name # Name of gem to insert into Gemfile. # @param [Hash] options # Options to generate into Gemfile for gem. # # @example # insert_into_gemfile(name) # insert_into_gemfile(name, :group => 'test', :require => 'foo') # insert_into_gemfile(name, :group => 'test', :version => ">1.2.3") # def insert_into_gemfile(name, options={}) after_pattern = options[:group] ? "#{options[:group].to_s.capitalize} requirements\n" : "Component requirements\n" version = options.delete(:version) gem_options = { |k, v| k.to_s == 'require' && [true,false].include?(v) ? ":#{k} => #{v}" : ":#{k} => '#{v}'" }.join(", ") write_option = gem_options.present? ? ", #{gem_options}" : '' write_version = version.present? ? ", '#{version}'" : '' include_text = "gem '#{name}'" << write_version << write_option << "\n" inject_into_file('Gemfile', include_text, :after => after_pattern) end ## # Inserts an hook before or after load in our boot.rb. # # @param [String] include_text # Text to include into hooks in boot.rb. # @param [Symbol] where # method hook to call from Padrino, i.e :after_load, :before_load. # # @example # insert_hook("DataMapper.finalize", :after_load) # def insert_hook(include_text, where) inject_into_file('config/boot.rb', " #{include_text}\n", :after => "Padrino.#{where} do\n") end ## # Inserts a middleware inside app.rb. # # @param [String] include_text # Text to include into hooks in boot.rb. # # @example # insert_middleware(ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement) # def insert_middleware(include_text, app=nil) name = app || (options[:name].present? ? @app_name.downcase : 'app') inject_into_file("#{name}/app.rb", " use #{include_text}\n", :after => "Padrino::Application\n") end ## # Registers and creates initializer. # # @param [Symbol] name # Name of the initializer. # @param [String] data # Text to generate into the initializer file. # # @example # initializer(:test, "some stuff here") # #=> generates 'lib/test_init.rb' # def initializer(name, data=nil) @_init_name, @_init_data = name, data register = data.present? ? " register #{name.to_s.underscore.camelize}Initializer\n" : " register #{name}\n" inject_into_file destination_root("/app/app.rb"), register, :after => "Padrino::Application\n" template "templates/", destination_root("/lib/#{name}_initializer.rb") if data.present? end ## # Insert the regired gem and add in boot.rb custom contribs. # # @param [String] contrib # name of library from padrino-contrib # # @example # require_contrib('auto_locale') # def require_contrib(contrib) insert_into_gemfile 'padrino-contrib' contrib = "require '" + File.join("padrino-contrib", contrib) + "'\n" inject_into_file destination_root("/config/boot.rb"), contrib, :before => "\nPadrino.load!" end ## # Return true if our project has test component. # def test? fetch_component_choice(:test).to_s != 'none' end ## # Return true if we have a tiny skeleton. # def tiny? File.exist?(destination_root('app/controllers.rb')) end ## # Run the bundler. # def run_bundler say 'Bundling application dependencies using bundler...', :yellow in_root { run 'bundle install' } end ## # Ask something to the user and receives a response. # # @param [String] statement # String of statement to display for input. # @param [String] default # Default value for input. # @param [String] color # Name of color to display input. #auto_locale # @return [String] Input value # # @example # ask("What is your name?") # ask("Path for ruby", "/usr/local/bin/ruby") => "Path for ruby (leave blank for /usr/local/bin/ruby):" # def ask(statement, default=nil, color=nil) default_text = default ? " (leave blank for #{default}):" : nil say("#{statement}#{default_text} ", color) result = $stdin.gets.strip result.blank? ? default : result end ## # Raise SystemExit if the app does not exist. # # @param [String] app # Directory name of application. # # @example # check_app_existence 'app' # def check_app_existence(app) unless File.exist?(destination_root(app)) say say "=================================================================" say "Unable to locate '#{app.underscore.camelize}' application " say "=================================================================" say raise SystemExit end end ## # Generates standard and tiny applications within a project. # # @param [String] app # Name of application. # @param [Boolean] tiny # Boolean to generate a tiny structure. # # @example # app_skeleton 'some_app' # app_skeleton 'sub_app', true # def app_skeleton(app, tiny=false) directory('app/', destination_root(app)) if tiny template 'templates/', destination_root(app, 'controllers.rb') template 'templates/', destination_root(app, 'helpers.rb') @short_name = 'notifier' template 'templates/', destination_root(app, 'mailers.rb') else empty_directory destination_root(app, 'controllers') empty_directory destination_root(app, 'helpers') empty_directory destination_root(app, 'views') empty_directory destination_root(app, 'views', 'layouts') end end ## # Ensure that project name is valid, else raise an NameError. # # @param [String] name # Name of project. # # @return [Exception] Exception with error message if not valid. # # @example # valid_constant '1235Stuff' # valid_constant '#Abc' # def valid_constant?(name) if name =~ /^\d/ raise ::NameError, "Project name #{name} cannot start with numbers" elsif name =~ /^\W/ raise ::NameError, "Project name #{name} cannot start with non-word character" end end # Class methods for Thor generators to support the generators and component choices. module ClassMethods ## # Defines a class option to allow a component to be chosen and add to component type list. # Also builds the available_choices hash of which component choices are supported. # # @param [Symbol] name # Name of component. # @param [String] caption # Description of the component. # @param [Hash] options # Additional parameters for component choice. # # @example # component_option :test, "Testing framework", :aliases => '-t', :choices => [:bacon, :shoulda] # def component_option(name, caption, options = {}) (@component_types ||= []) << name # TODO use ordered hash and combine with choices below (@available_choices ||=[name] = options[:choices] description = "The #{caption} component (#{options[:choices].join(', ')}, none)" class_option name, :default => options[:default] || options[:choices].first, :aliases => options[:aliases], :desc => description end ## # Definitions for the available customizable components. # def defines_component_options(options = {}) [ [ :orm, 'database engine', { :aliases => '-d', :default => :none }], [ :test, 'testing framework', { :aliases => '-t', :default => :none }], [ :mock, 'mocking library', { :aliases => '-m', :default => :none }], [ :script, 'javascript library', { :aliases => '-s', :default => :none }], [ :renderer, 'template engine', { :aliases => '-e', :default => :slim }], [ :stylesheet, 'stylesheet engine', { :aliases => '-c', :default => :none }] ].each do |name, caption, opts| opts[:default] = '' if options[:default] == false component_option name, caption, opts.merge(:choices => Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/components/#{name.to_s.pluralize}/*.rb"].map{|lib| File.basename(lib, '.rb').to_sym}) end end ## # Tell Padrino that for this Thor::Group it is a necessary task to run. # def require_arguments! @require_arguments = true end ## # Return true if we need an arguments for our Thor::Group. # def require_arguments? @require_arguments end ## # Returns the compiled list of component types which can be specified. # def component_types @component_types end ## # Returns the list of available choices for the given component (including none). # # @param [Symbol] component # The type of the component module. # # @return [Array] Array of component choices. # # @example # available_choices_for :test # => [:shoulda, :bacon, :riot, :minitest] # def available_choices_for(component) @available_choices[component] + [:none] end end end end end