GreenhouseGas.class_eval do data_miner do schema Earth.database_options do string 'name' string 'abbreviation' string 'ipcc_report' integer 'time_horizon' string 'time_horizon_units' integer 'global_warming_potential' end import "greenhouse gas global warming potentials taken from the IPCC AR4", :url => '' do key 'name' store 'abbreviation' store 'ipcc_report' store 'time_horizon', :units_field_name => 'time_horizon_units' store 'global_warming_potential' end verify "Abbreviation and IPCC report should never be missing" do GreenhouseGas.all.each do |record| %w{ abbreviation ipcc_report }.each do |attribute| value = record.send(:"#{attribute}") unless value.present? raise "Missing #{attribute} for GreenhouseGas '#{}'" end end end end verify "Time horizon should be 100" do GreenhouseGas.all.each do |record| value = record.send(:time_horizon) unless value == 100 raise "Invalid time horizon for GreenhouseGas '#{}': #{value} (should be 100)" end end end verify "Time horizon units should be years" do GreenhouseGas.all.each do |record| units = record.send(:time_horizon_units) unless units == "years" raise "Invalid time horizon units for GreenhouseGas '#{}': #{units} (should be years)" end end end verify "Global warming potential should be one or more" do GreenhouseGas.all.each do |record| value = record.send(:global_warming_potential) unless value >= 1 raise "Invalid global warming potential for GreenhouseGas '#{}': #{value} (should >= 1)" end end end end end