require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'rspec' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' ## safely load all the rake tasks in the `tasks` directory def safe_load(file) begin load file rescue LoadError => ex puts "Error loading rake tasks from '#{file}' but will continue..." puts ex.message end end Dir.glob('tasks/**/*.rake').each do |rakefile| safe_load rakefile end task :default => :test if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) require 'ant' directory 'pkg/classes' directory 'pkg/tests' desc "Clean up build artifacts" task :clean do rm_rf "pkg/classes" rm_rf "pkg/tests" rm_rf "lib/thread_safe/jruby_cache_backend.jar" end desc "Compile the extension" task :compile => "pkg/classes" do |t| ant.javac :srcdir => "ext", :destdir => t.prerequisites.first, :source => "1.5", :target => "1.5", :debug => true, :classpath => "${java.class.path}:${sun.boot.class.path}" end desc "Build the jar" task :jar => :compile do ant.jar :basedir => "pkg/classes", :destfile => "lib/thread_safe/jruby_cache_backend.jar", :includes => "**/*.class" end desc "Build test jar" task 'test-jar' => 'pkg/tests' do |t| ant.javac :srcdir => 'spec/src', :destdir => t.prerequisites.first, :source => "1.5", :target => "1.5", :debug => true ant.jar :basedir => 'pkg/tests', :destfile => 'spec/package.jar', :includes => '**/*.class' end task :package => [ :clean, :compile, :jar, 'test-jar' ] else # No need to package anything for non-jruby rubies task :package end :test => :package do |t| t.rspec_opts = '--color --backtrace --tag ~unfinished --seed 1 --format documentation ./spec' end