# # Author:: Tim Smith () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" describe Chef::Resource::ChefClientScheduledTask do let(:node) { Chef::Node.new } let(:events) { Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new } let(:run_context) { Chef::RunContext.new(node, {}, events) } let(:resource) { Chef::Resource::ChefClientScheduledTask.new("fakey_fakerton", run_context) } let(:provider) { resource.provider_for_action(:add) } before do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).and_call_original allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("COMSPEC").and_return("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe") end it "sets the default action as :add" do expect(resource.action).to eql([:add]) end it "coerces splay to an Integer" do resource.splay "10" expect(resource.splay).to eql(10) end it "raises an error if splay is not a positive number" do expect { resource.splay("-10") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed) end it "set splay to 0" do resource.splay "0" expect(resource.splay).to eql(0) end it "coerces frequency_modifier to an Integer" do resource.frequency_modifier "10" expect(resource.frequency_modifier).to eql(10) end it "expects default frequency modifier to be 30 when frequency is set to 'minute'" do resource.frequency "minute" expect(resource.frequency_modifier).to eql(30) end it "expects default frequency modifier to be 1 when frequency is set to 'daily'" do resource.frequency "daily" expect(resource.frequency_modifier).to eql(1) end it "validates the start_time property input" do expect { resource.start_time("8:00 am") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed) expect { resource.start_time("8:00") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed) expect { resource.start_time("08:00") }.not_to raise_error end it "validates the start_date property input" do expect { resource.start_date("2/1/20") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed) expect { resource.start_date("02/01/20") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed) expect { resource.start_date("02/01/2020") }.not_to raise_error end it "raises an error if frequency_modifier is not a positive number" do expect { resource.frequency_modifier("-10") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed) end it "builds a default value for chef_binary_path dist values" do expect(resource.chef_binary_path).to eql("C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client") end context "priority" do it "default value is 7" do expect(resource.priority).to eq(7) end it "raise error when priority value less than 0" do expect { resource.priority(-1) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, "Option priority's value -1 should be in range of 0 to 10!") end it "raise error when priority values is greater than 10" do expect { resource.priority 11 }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, "Option priority's value 11 should be in range of 0 to 10!") end end it "supports :add and :remove actions" do expect { resource.action :add }.not_to raise_error expect { resource.action :remove }.not_to raise_error end it "expects use_consistent_splay to be true when set" do resource.use_consistent_splay = true expect(resource.use_consistent_splay).to eql(true) end context "when configured to use a consistent splay" do before do node.automatic_attrs[:shard_seed] = nil allow(node).to receive(:name).and_return("test_node") resource.config_directory = "C:/chef" # Allows local unit testing on nix flavors resource.use_consistent_splay = true end it "sleeps the same amount each time based on splay before running the task" do expect(provider.full_command).to eql("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe /c \"C:/windows/system32/windowspowershell/v1.0/powershell.exe Start-Sleep -s 272 && C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client -L C:/chef/log/client.log -c C:/chef/client.rb\"") end end describe "#consistent_splay_command" do context "when use_consistent_splay is false" do it "returns nil" do expect(provider.consistent_splay_command).to eql(nil) end end context "when use_consistent_splay is true" do before do resource.use_consistent_splay true allow(provider).to receive(:splay_sleep_time).and_return(222) end it "returns a powershell sleep command to be appended to the chef client run command" do expect(provider.consistent_splay_command).to eql("C:/windows/system32/windowspowershell/v1.0/powershell.exe Start-Sleep -s 222 && ") end end end describe "#splay_sleep_time" do it "uses shard_seed attribute if present" do node.automatic_attrs[:shard_seed] = "73399073" expect(provider.splay_sleep_time(300)).to satisfy { |v| v >= 0 && v <= 300 } end it "uses a hex conversion of a md5 hash of the splay if present" do node.automatic_attrs[:shard_seed] = nil allow(node).to receive(:name).and_return("test_node") expect(provider.splay_sleep_time(300)).to satisfy { |v| v >= 0 && v <= 300 } end end describe "#client_cmd" do it "creates a valid command if using all default properties" do expect(provider.client_cmd).to eql("C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client -L /etc/chef/log/client.log -c /etc/chef/client.rb") | eql("C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client -L C:\\chef/log/client.log -c C:\\chef/client.rb") end it "uses daemon_options if set" do resource.daemon_options ["--foo 1", "--bar 2"] expect(provider.client_cmd).to eql("C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client -L /etc/chef/log/client.log -c /etc/chef/client.rb --foo 1 --bar 2") | eql("C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client -L C:\\chef/log/client.log -c C:\\chef/client.rb --foo 1 --bar 2") end it "uses custom config dir if set" do resource.config_directory "C:/foo/bar" expect(provider.client_cmd).to eql("C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client -L C:/foo/bar/log/client.log -c C:/foo/bar/client.rb") end it "uses custom log files / paths if set" do resource.log_file_name "my-client.log" resource.log_directory "C:/foo/bar" expect(provider.client_cmd).to eql("C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client -L C:/foo/bar/my-client.log -c /etc/chef/client.rb") | eql("C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client -L C:/foo/bar/my-client.log -c C:\\chef/client.rb") end it "uses custom chef-client binary if set" do resource.chef_binary_path "C:/foo/bar/chef-client" expect(provider.client_cmd).to eql("C:/foo/bar/chef-client -L /etc/chef/log/client.log -c /etc/chef/client.rb") | eql("C:/foo/bar/chef-client -L C:\\chef/log/client.log -c C:\\chef/client.rb") end it "sets the license acceptance flag if set" do resource.accept_chef_license true expect(provider.client_cmd).to eql("C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client -L /etc/chef/log/client.log -c /etc/chef/client.rb --chef-license accept") | eql("C:/opscode/chef/bin/chef-client -L C:\\chef/log/client.log -c C:\\chef/client.rb --chef-license accept") end end end