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Show this message -o filename Write output to named file -m startMode Start the transform in this mode -xw Strip non-significant whitespace from source and stylesheet -xe Do not resolve external definitions during parse phase -v Validate documents during parse phase -t Show load and transformation timings -pi Get stylesheet URL from xml-stylesheet PI in source document -u version Use a specific version of MSXML: '2.6', '3.0', '4.0' - Dash used as source argument loads XML from stdin - Dash used as stylesheet argument loads XSL from stdin Source document load time: %1 milliseconds Stylesheet document load time: %2 milliseconds Stylesheet compile time: %3 milliseconds Stylesheet execution time: %4 milliseconds $Unrecognized option : '-%1'. Missing source filename. $Missing stylesheet filename. 4Missing output filename after '-o' option. 4Missing start mode name after '-m' option. @Parameter name '%1' must be followed by an '=' character. HNamespace declaration '%1' must be followed by an '=' character. `The '=' character must be preceded by the name of a parameter or a namespace declaration. HParameter '%1' is missing a value following the '=' character. PNamespace declaration '%1' is missing a URI following the '=' character. TPrefix '%1' cannot be resolved. Use xmlns:%1='...' to bind '%1' to a URI. The input and the stylesheet document cannot both be read from stdin. At least one of them must be loaded from a URL. pCould not create the '%1' object. Make sure that MSXML version %2 is correctly installed on the machine. 4Error occurred while parsing command line. 8Error occurred while creating MSXML COM objects. 4Error occurred while loading document '%1'. 0Error occurred while parsing document. 8Error occurred while compiling stylesheet '%1'. 0Error occurred while creating file '%1'. LError occurred while setting the stylesheet's starting mode to '%1'. HError occurred while passing parameter '%1' to the stylesheet. 8Error occurred while executing stylesheet '%1'. %1 Code: 0x%2 %3%0 0URL: %1 Line: %2 Column: %3 %4%0 %0 DThe system cannot provide error text for error number 0x%1. 8The system cannot locate the object specified. tCould not locate a recognized version of MSXML on the machine. Please re-install MSXML version 2.6 or later. The source document does not contain an 'xml-stylesheet' processing instruction of this form: DThe '-u' option must have a value of '2.6', '3.0', or '4.0'. TThe '-pi' option cannot be used when the stylesheet argument is specified. 4VS_VERSION_INFO?,StringFileInfo040904b04 CompanyNameMicrosoft4FileDescriptionmsxsl0FileVersion1.1.0.1,InternalNamemsxslx*LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 2000 - 2001< OriginalFilenamemsxsl.exeDProductNameCommand Line XSLT4ProductVersion1.1.0.1DVarFileInfo$Translation @0- *H 010 *H 0g +7Y0W03 +70% <<<Obsolete>>>0 0 *H wYR -800%J8Y]s_]ܣ0  *H 010U VeriSign Trust Network10U VeriSign, Inc.1,0*U #VeriSign Time Stamping Service Root1402U +NO LIABILITY ACCEPTED, (c)97 VeriSign, Inc.0 970512000000Z 040107235959Z010U VeriSign Trust Network10U VeriSign, Inc.1,0*U #VeriSign Time Stamping Service Root1402U +NO LIABILITY ACCEPTED, (c)97 VeriSign, Inc.00  *H 0. h|,-.  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