require_relative '../ffi/ogr' require_relative 'spatial_reference_extensions' module OGR # Represents a geographic coordinate system. There are two primary types: # 1. "geographic", where positions are measured in long/lat. # 2. "projected", where positions are measure in meters or feet. class SpatialReference include SpatialReferenceExtensions # @return [Array] def self.projection_methods return @projection_methods if @projection_methods methods_ptr_ptr = FFI::GDAL.OPTGetProjectionMethods count = FFI::GDAL.CSLCount(methods_ptr_ptr) # For some reason #get_array_of_string leaves off the first 6. pointer_array = methods_ptr_ptr.get_array_of_pointer(0, count) end # @param projection_method [String] One of # OGR::SpatialReference.projection_methods. # @return [Hash{parameter => Array, user_visible_name => String}] def self.parameter_list(projection_method) name_ptr = name_ptr_ptr = name_ptr_ptr.write_pointer(name_ptr) params_ptr_ptr = FFI::GDAL.OPTGetParameterList(projection_method, name_ptr_ptr) count = FFI::GDAL.CSLCount(params_ptr_ptr) # For some reason #get_array_of_string leaves off the first 6. pointer_array = params_ptr_ptr.get_array_of_pointer(0, count) name = if !name_ptr_ptr.read_pointer.null? name_ptr_ptr.read_pointer.read_string else nil end { parameters:, user_visible_name: name } end def self.parameter_info(projection_method, parameter_name) name_ptr = name_ptr_ptr = name_ptr_ptr.write_pointer(name_ptr) type_ptr = type_ptr_ptr = type_ptr_ptr.write_pointer(type_ptr) default_value_ptr = result = FFI::GDAL.OPTGetParameterInfo(projection_method, parameter_name, name_ptr_ptr, type_ptr_ptr, default_value_ptr) return {} unless result name = if !name_ptr_ptr.read_pointer.null? name_ptr_ptr.read_pointer.read_string else nil end type = if !type_ptr_ptr.read_pointer.null? type_ptr_ptr.read_pointer.read_string else nil end { type: type, default_value: default_value_ptr.read_double, user_visible_name: name } end # @param code [Fixnum] # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def self.new_from_epsg(code) build_spatial_ref do |spatial_ref| FFI::GDAL.OSRImportFromEPSG(spatial_ref.c_pointer, code) end end # @param code [Fixnum] # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def self.new_from_epsga(code) build_spatial_ref do |spatial_ref| FFI::GDAL.OSRImportFromEPSGA(spatial_ref.c_pointer, code) end end # @param projection_name [String] I.e. "NUTM11" or "GEOGRAPHIC". # @param datum_name [String] I.e. "NAD83". # @param linear_unit_name [String] Plural form of linear units, i.e. "FEET". # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def self.new_from_erm(projection_name, datum_name, linear_unit_name) build_spatial_ref do |spatial_ref| FFI::GDAL.OSRImportFromERM(spatial_ref.c_pointer, projection_name, datum_name, linear_unit_name) end end # @param prj_text [Array] # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def self.new_from_esri(prj_text) build_spatial_ref do |spatial_ref| prj_ptr =, prj_text.size) prj_ptr_ptr = prj_ptr_ptr.write_pointer(prj_ptr) FFI::GDAL.OSRImportFromESRI(spatial_ref.c_pointer, prj_ptr_ptr) end end # @param coord_sys [String] The Mapinfo style CoordSys definition string. # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def self.new_from_mapinfo(coord_sys) build_spatial_ref do |spatial_ref| FFI::GDAL.OSRImportFromMICoordSys(spatial_ref.c_pointer, coord_sys) end end # @param proj [String] # @param units [String] # @param proj_params [Array] # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def self.new_from_pci(proj, units, *proj_params) build_spatial_ref do |spatial_ref| if proj_params.empty? proj_ptr = nil else proj_ptr =, proj_params.size) proj_ptr.write_array_of_double(proj_params) end FFI::GDAL.OSRImportFromPCI(spatial_ref.c_pointer, proj, units, proj_ptr) end end # @param proj4 [String] # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def self.new_from_proj4(proj4) build_spatial_ref do |spatial_ref| FFI::GDAL.OSRImportFromProj4(spatial_ref.c_pointer, proj4) end end # @param url [String] URL to fetch the spatial reference from. # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def self.new_from_url(url) build_spatial_ref do |spatial_ref| FFI::GDAL.OSRImportFromUrl(spatial_ref.c_pointer, url) end end def self.new_from_user_input(definition) build_spatial_ref do |spatial_ref| FFI::GDAL.OSRSetFromUserInput(spatial_ref.c_pointer, definition) end end # @param projection_system_code # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def self.new_from_usgs(projection_system_code, zone, datum, *proj_params) build_spatial_ref do |spatial_ref| if proj_params.empty? proj_ptr = nil else proj_ptr =, proj_params.size) proj_ptr.write_array_of_double(proj_params) end FFI::GDAL.OSRImportFromUSGS(spatial_ref.c_pointer, projection_system_code, zone, proj_ptr, datum) end end # This wipes the existing SRS definition and reassigns it based on the # contents of +wkt+. # # @param wkt [String] # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def self.new_from_wkt(wkt) build_spatial_ref do |spatial_ref| wkt_ptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(wkt) wkt_ptr_ptr = wkt_ptr_ptr.write_pointer(wkt_ptr) FFI::GDAL.OSRImportFromWkt(spatial_ref.c_pointer, wkt_ptr_ptr) end end # Use for importing a GML coordinate system. # # @param xml [String] # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def self.new_from_xml(xml) build_spatial_ref do |spatial_ref| FFI::GDAL.OSRImportFromXML(spatial_ref.c_pointer, xml) end end # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def self.build_spatial_ref(spatial_reference_or_wkt=nil) object = new(spatial_reference_or_wkt) ogr_err = yield object ogr_err.to_ruby object end private_class_method :build_spatial_ref # Builds a spatial reference object using either the passed-in WKT string, # OGR::SpatialReference object, or a pointer to an in-memory # SpatialReference object. If nothing is passed in, an empty # SpatialReference object is created, in which case you'll need to populate # relevant attributes. # # @param spatial_reference_or_wkt [OGR::SpatialReference, FFI::Pointer, # String] def initialize(spatial_reference_or_wkt=nil) @ogr_spatial_ref_pointer = if spatial_reference_or_wkt.is_a? OGR::SpatialReference spatial_reference_or_wkt.c_pointer elsif spatial_reference_or_wkt.is_a? String FFI::GDAL.OSRNewSpatialReference(spatial_reference_or_wkt) elsif spatial_reference_or_wkt.is_a? FFI::Pointer spatial_reference_or_wkt else FFI::GDAL.OSRNewSpatialReference(nil) end close_me = -> { destroy! } ObjectSpace.define_finalizer self, close_me end def c_pointer @ogr_spatial_ref_pointer end def destroy! FFI::GDAL.OSRDestroySpatialReference(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # Uses the C-API to clone this spatial reference object. def clone new_spatial_ref_ptr = FFI::GDAL.OSRClone(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # Makes a duplicate of the GEOGCS node of this spatial reference. # # @return [OGR::SpatialReference] def clone_geogcs new_spatial_ref_ptr = FFI::GDAL.OSRCloneGeogCS(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # @return +true+ if successful, otherwise raises an OGR exception. def validate ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRValidate(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) ogr_err.to_ruby end # @return +true+ if successful, otherwise raises an OGR exception. def fixup_ordering! ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRFixupOrdering(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) ogr_err.to_ruby end # @return +true+ if successful, otherwise raises an OGR exception. def fixup! ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRFixup(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) ogr_err.to_ruby end # @return +true+ if successful, otherwise raises an OGR exception. def strip_ct_parameters! ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRStripCTParms(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) ogr_err.to_ruby end # @param name [String] The case-insensitive tree node to look for. # @param child [Fixnum] The child of the node to fetch. # @return [String, nil] def attribute_value(name, child=0) FFI::GDAL.OSRGetAttrValue(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, name, child) end # @return [Hash{unit_name: String, value: Float}] def angular_units name = name_ptr = name_ptr.write_pointer(name) value = FFI::GDAL.OSRGetAngularUnits(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, name_ptr) { unit_name: name_ptr.read_pointer.read_string, value: value } end # @return [Hash{unit_name: String, value: Float}] def linear_units name = name_ptr = name_ptr.write_pointer(name) value = FFI::GDAL.OSRGetLinearUnits(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, name_ptr) { unit_name: name_ptr.read_pointer.read_string, value: value } end # @param target_key [String] I.e. "PROJCS" or "VERT_CS". # @return [Hash] def target_linear_units(target_key) name = name_ptr = name_ptr.write_pointer(name) value = FFI::GDAL.OSRGetTargetLinearUnits(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, target_key, name_ptr) { unit_name: name_ptr.read_pointer.read_string, value: value } end # @return [Hash] def prime_meridian pm = pm_ptr = pm_ptr.write_pointer(pm) value = FFI::GDAL.OSRGetPrimeMeridian(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, pm_ptr) { name: pm_ptr.read_pointer.read_string, value: value } end # @param projection_name [String] # @return +true+ if successful, otherwise raises an OGR exception. def projection=(projection_name) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRSetProjection(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, projection_name) ogr_err.to_ruby end # Sets the EPSG authority info if possible. # # @return +true+ if successful, otherwise raises an OGR exception. def auto_identify_epsg! ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRAutoIdentifyEPSG(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) ogr_err.to_ruby end # @return [Boolean] +true+ if this coordinate system should be treated as # having lat/long coordinate ordering. def epsg_treats_as_lat_long? FFI::GDAL.OSREPSGTreatsAsLatLong(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # @return [Boolean] +true+ if this coordinate system should be treated as # having northing/easting coordinate ordering. def epsg_treats_as_northing_easting? FFI::GDAL.OSREPSGTreatsAsNorthingEasting(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # @return [Array] def towgs84 coefficients =, 7) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRGetTOWGS84(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, coefficients, 7) ogr_err.to_ruby coefficients.read_array_of_double(0) end # @param target_key [String] The partial or complete path to the node to get # an authority from ("PROJCS", "GEOCS", "GEOCS|UNIT"). Leave empty to # search at the root element. # @return [String, nil] def authority_code(target_key=nil) FFI::GDAL.OSRGetAuthorityCode(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, target_key) end # @param target_key [String] The partial or complete path to the node to get # an authority from ("PROJCS", "GEOCS", "GEOCS|UNIT"). Leave empty to # search at the root element. # @return [String, nil] def authority_name(target_key=nil) FFI::GDAL.OSRGetAuthorityName(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, target_key) end # @param axis_number [Fixnum] The Axis to query (0 or 1.) # @param target_key [String] # @return [String, nil] def axis(axis_number, target_key=nil) axis_orientation_ptr = name = FFI::GDAL.OSRGetAxis(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, target_key, axis_number, axis_orientation_ptr) ao_value = axis_orientation_ptr.read_int { name: name, orientation: OGRAxisOrientation[ao_value] } end # @return [Float] def spheroid_inverse_flattening err_ptr = value = FFI::GDAL.OSRGetInvFlattening(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, err_ptr) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL::OGRErr[err_ptr.read_int] if ogr_err == :OGRERR_FAILURE && value.is_a?(Float) # noinspection RubyQuotedStringsInspection warn 'WARN: #spheroid_inverse_flattening received error _and_ a value. Something is fishy...' end ogr_err.to_ruby value end # @return [Float] def semi_major err_ptr = value = FFI::GDAL.OSRGetSemiMajor(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, err_ptr) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL::OGRErr[err_ptr.read_int] if ogr_err == :OGRERR_FAILURE && value.is_a?(Float) # noinspection RubyQuotedStringsInspection warn 'WARN: #semi_major received error _and_ a value. Something is fishy...' end ogr_err.to_ruby value end # @param hemisphere [Symbol] :north or :south. # @return [Fixnum] The zone, or 0 if this isn't a UTM definition. def utm_zone(hemisphere=:north) north = case hemisphere when :north then 1 when :south then 0 else raise "Unknown hemisphere type #{hemisphere}. Please choose :north or :south." end north_ptr = north_ptr.write_bytes(north.to_s) FFI::GDAL.OSRGetUTMZone(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, north_ptr) end # @return [Float] def semi_minor err_ptr = value = FFI::GDAL.OSRGetSemiMinor(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, err_ptr) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL::OGRErr[err_ptr.read_int] if ogr_err == :OGRERR_FAILURE && value.is_a?(Float) # noinspection RubyQuotedStringsInspection warn "WARN: #semi_minor received error _and_ a value. Something is fishy..." end ogr_err.to_ruby value end # Set the user-visible LOCAL_CS name. # # @param name [String] # @return +true+ if successful, otherwise raises an OGR exception. def local_cs=(name) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRSetLocalCS(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, name) ogr_err.to_ruby end # Set the user-visible GEOCCS name. # # @param name [String] # @return +true+ if successful, otherwise raises an OGR exception. def geoccs=(name) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRSetGeocCS(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, name) ogr_err.to_ruby end # Set the GEOCCS based on a well-knon name. # # @param name [String] # @return +true+ if successful, otherwise raises an OGR exception. def well_known_geoccs=(name) if GDAL._supported? :OSRSetWellKnownGeocCS ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRSetWellKnownGeocCS(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, name) ogr_err.to_ruby end end # Set the user-visible PROJCS name. # # @param name [String] # @return +true+ if successful, otherwise raises an OGR exception. def projcs=(name) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRSetProjCS(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, name) ogr_err.to_ruby end # @return [Hash] def to_erm projection_name = datum_name = units = ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRExportToERM(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, projection_name, datum_name, units) ogr_err.to_ruby { projection_name: projection_name.read_string, datum_name: datum_name.read_string, units: units.read_string } end # @return [Array] def to_mapinfo return_ptr = return_ptr_ptr = return_ptr_ptr.write_pointer(return_ptr) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRExportToMICoordSys(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, return_ptr_ptr) ogr_err.to_ruby return_ptr_ptr.get_array_of_string(0) end # @return [Hash] def to_pci proj = proj_ptr = proj_ptr.write_pointer(proj) units = units_ptr = units_ptr.write_pointer(units) prj_params = prj_params_ptr = prj_params_ptr.write_pointer(prj_params) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRExportToPCI(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, proj_ptr, units_ptr, prj_params_ptr) ogr_err.to_ruby { projection: proj_ptr.read_pointer.read_string, units: units_ptr.read_pointer.read_string, projection_parameters: prj_params_ptr.read_array_of_double(0) } end # @return [String] def to_proj4 proj4 = proj4_ptr = proj4_ptr.write_pointer(proj4) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRExportToProj4(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, proj4_ptr) ogr_err.to_ruby proj4_ptr.read_pointer.read_string end # @return [Hash] def to_usgs proj_sys = zone = datum = prj_params = prj_params_ptr = prj_params_ptr.write_pointer(prj_params) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRExportToUSGS(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, proj_sys, zone, prj_params_ptr, datum) ogr_err.to_ruby { projection_system_code: proj_sys.read_long, zone: zone.read_long, projection_parameters: prj_params_ptr.read_array_of_double(0), datum: datum.read_long } end # @return [String] def to_wkt wkt_ptr = wkt_ptr_ptr = wkt_ptr_ptr.write_pointer(wkt_ptr) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRExportToWkt(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, wkt_ptr_ptr) ogr_err.to_ruby wkt_ptr_ptr.read_pointer.read_string end # @param simplify [Boolean] +true+ strips off +AXIS+, +AUTHORITY+ and # +EXTENSION+ nodes. def to_pretty_wkt(simplify=false) wkt_ptr = wkt_ptr_ptr = wkt_ptr_ptr.write_pointer(wkt_ptr) ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRExportToPrettyWkt(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, wkt_ptr_ptr, simplify) ogr_err.to_ruby wkt_ptr_ptr.read_pointer.read_string end # @return [Hash] def to_xml xml_ptr = xml_ptr_ptr = xml_ptr_ptr.write_pointer(xml_ptr) dialect = ogr_err = FFI::GDAL.OSRExportToXML(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, xml_ptr_ptr, dialect) ogr_err.to_ruby { dialect: dialect.read_string, xml: xml_ptr_ptr.get_array_of_string(0) } end # Converts, in place, to ESRI WKT format. def morph_to_esri! FFI::GDAL.OSRMorphToESRI(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # Converts, in place, from ESRI WKT format. def morph_from_esri! FFI::GDAL.OSRMorphFromESRI(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # @return [Boolean] def geographic? FFI::GDAL.OSRIsGeographic(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # @return [Boolean] def local? FFI::GDAL.OSRIsLocal(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # @return [Boolean] def projected? FFI::GDAL.OSRIsProjected(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # @return [Boolean] def compound? FFI::GDAL.OSRIsCompound(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # @return [Boolean] def geocentric? FFI::GDAL.OSRIsGeocentric(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # @return [Boolean] def vertical? FFI::GDAL.OSRIsVertical(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer) end # @param other_spatial_ref [OGR::SpatialReference, FFI::Pointer] # @return [Boolean] def same?(other_spatial_ref) spatial_ref_ptr = GDAL._pointer(other_spatial_ref) FFI::GDAL.OSRIsSame(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, spatial_ref_ptr) end alias_method :==, :same? # @param other_spatial_ref [OGR::SpatialReference, FFI::Pointer] # @return [Boolean] def geoccs_is_same?(other_spatial_ref) spatial_ref_ptr = GDAL._pointer(other_spatial_ref) FFI::GDAL.OSRIsSameGeogCS(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, spatial_ref_ptr) end # @param other_spatial_ref [OGR::SpatialReference, FFI::Pointer] # @return [Boolean] def vertcs_is_same?(other_spatial_ref) spatial_ref_ptr = GDAL._pointer(other_spatial_ref) FFI::GDAL.OSRIsSameVertCS(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, spatial_ref_ptr) end # @return [FFI::Pointer] Pointer to an OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation. def create_coordinate_transformation(destination_spatial_ref) dest_ptr = GDAL._pointer(OGR::SpatialReference, destination_spatial_ref) FFI::GDAL.OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(@ogr_spatial_ref_pointer, dest_ptr) end end end