require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'facter/util/manufacturer' describe Facter::Manufacturer do it "should return the system DMI table" do Facter::Manufacturer.should respond_to(:get_dmi_table) end it "should return nil on non-supported operating systems" do Facter.stubs(:value).with(:kernel).returns("SomeThing") Facter::Manufacturer.get_dmi_table().should be_nil end it "should strip white space on dmi output with spaces" do sample_output_file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../data/linux_dmidecode_with_spaces" dmidecode_output = Facter::Manufacturer.expects(:get_dmi_table).returns(dmidecode_output) Facter.fact(:kernel).stubs(:value).returns("Linux") query = { '[Ss]ystem [Ii]nformation' => [ { 'Product(?: Name)?:' => 'productname' } ] } Facter::Manufacturer.dmi_find_system_info(query) Facter.value(:productname).should == "MS-6754" end it "should handle output from smbios when run under sunos" do sample_output_file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../data/opensolaris_smbios" smbios_output = Facter::Manufacturer.expects(:get_dmi_table).returns(smbios_output) Facter.fact(:kernel).stubs(:value).returns("SunOS") query = { 'BIOS information' => [ { 'Release Date:' => 'reldate' } ] } Facter::Manufacturer.dmi_find_system_info(query) Facter.value(:reldate).should == "12/01/2006" end it "should not split on dmi keys containing the string Handle" do dmidecode_output = <<-eos Handle 0x1000, DMI type 16, 15 bytes Physical Memory Array Location: System Board Or Motherboard Use: System Memory Error Correction Type: None Maximum Capacity: 4 GB Error Information Handle: Not Provided Number Of Devices: 123 Handle 0x001F DMI type 127, 4 bytes. End Of Table eos Facter::Manufacturer.expects(:get_dmi_table).returns(dmidecode_output) Facter.fact(:kernel).stubs(:value).returns("Linux") query = { 'Physical Memory Array' => [ { 'Number Of Devices:' => 'ramslots'}]} Facter::Manufacturer.dmi_find_system_info(query) Facter.value(:ramslots).should == "123" end it "should match the key in the defined section and not the first one found" do dmidecode_output = <<-eos Handle 0x000C, DMI type 7, 19 bytes Cache Information Socket Designation: Internal L2 Cache Configuration: Enabled, Socketed, Level 2 Operational Mode: Write Back Location: Internal Installed Size: 4096 KB Maximum Size: 4096 KB Supported SRAM Types: Burst Installed SRAM Type: Burst Speed: Unknown Error Correction Type: Single-bit ECC System Type: Unified Associativity: 8-way Set-associative Handle 0x1000, DMI type 16, 15 bytes Physical Memory Array Location: System Board Or Motherboard Use: System Memory Error Correction Type: None Maximum Capacity: 4 GB Error Information Handle: Not Provided Number Of Devices: 2 Handle 0x001F DMI type 127, 4 bytes. End Of Table eos Facter::Manufacturer.expects(:get_dmi_table).returns(dmidecode_output) Facter.fact(:kernel).stubs(:value).returns("Linux") query = { 'Physical Memory Array' => [ { 'Location:' => 'ramlocation'}]} Facter::Manufacturer.dmi_find_system_info(query) Facter.value(:ramlocation).should == "System Board Or Motherboard" end def find_product_name(os) output_file = case os when "FreeBSD": File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../data/freebsd_dmidecode" when "SunOS" : File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../data/opensolaris_smbios" end output = query = { '[Ss]ystem [Ii]nformation' => [ { 'Product(?: Name)?:' => "product_name_#{os}" } ] } Facter.fact(:kernel).stubs(:value).returns(os) Facter::Manufacturer.expects(:get_dmi_table).returns(output) Facter::Manufacturer.dmi_find_system_info(query) return Facter.value("product_name_#{os}") end it "should return the same result with smbios than with dmidecode" do find_product_name("FreeBSD").should_not == nil find_product_name("FreeBSD").should == find_product_name("SunOS") end end