require 'rake/tasklib' require 'rake/clean' require 'ffi' require 'tmpdir' module FFI class Compiler class Task < Rake::TaskLib def initialize(name) @name = name @defines = [] @include_paths = [] @library_paths = [] @libraries = [] @headers = [] @functions = [] yield self if block_given? define_task! end def have_func?(func) main = <<-C_FILE extern void #{func}(); int main(int argc, char **argv) { #{func}(); return 0; } C_FILE if try_compile(main) @functions << func return true end false end def have_header?(header, *paths) try_header(header, @include_paths) || try_header(header, paths) end def have_library?(libname, *paths) try_library(libname, @library_paths) || try_library(libname, paths) end def create_rakefile! create_rakefile(@name) end private def define_task! lib_name = FFI.map_library_name(@name) pic_flags = '-fPIC' so_flags = '' ld_flags = '' cc = 'cc' cxx = 'c++' iflags = { |p| "-I#{p}" }.join(' ') defines = { |f| "-DHAVE_#{f.upcase}=1" }.join(' ') defines << " " + { |h| "-DHAVE_#{h.upcase.sub(/\./, '_')}=1" }.join(' ') if FFI::Platform.mac? pic_flags = '' ld_flags += ' -dynamiclib ' elsif =~ /linux/ so_flags += " -shared -Wl,-soname,#{lib_name} " end cflags = "#{pic_flags} #{iflags} #{defines}".strip ld_flags += so_flags ld_flags += { |path| "-L#{path}" }.join(' ') ld_flags.strip! ld = FileList['*.cpp'].empty? ? cc : cxx cxxflags = cflags libs = { |l| "-l#{l}" }.join(" ") obj_files = FileList['*.c', '*.cpp'].map { |f| f.gsub(/\.(c|cpp)$/, '.o') } CLEAN.include(obj_files) desc "Compile C file to object file" rule '.o' => ['.c'] do |t| sh "#{cc} #{cflags} -o #{} -c #{t.source}" end desc "Compile C++ file to object file" rule '.o' => ['.cpp'] do |t| sh "#{cxx} #{cxxflags} -o #{} -c #{t.source}" end desc "Compile to dynamic library" file lib_name => obj_files do |t| sh "#{ld} #{ld_flags} -o #{} #{t.prerequisites.join(' ')} #{libs}" end CLEAN.include(lib_name) task :default => [ lib_name ] end def try_header(header, paths) main = <<-C_FILE #include <#{header}> int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; } C_FILE if paths.empty? && try_compile(main) @headers << header return true end paths.each do |path| if try_compile(main, "-I#{path}") @include_paths << path @headers << header return true end end false end def try_library(libname, paths) main = <<-C_FILE int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; } C_FILE if paths.empty? && try_compile(main) @libraries << libname return true end paths.each do |path| if try_compile(main, "-L#{path}", "-l#{libname}") @library_paths << path @libraries << libname end end end def try_compile(src, *opts) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| path = File.join(dir, 'ffi-test.c'), "w") do |f| f << src end begin return system "cc #{opts.join(' ')} -o #{File.join(dir, 'ffi-test')} #{path} >& /dev/null" rescue return false end end end end end end