require_relative '../spec_helper' require_relative '../../lib/puppet-check/output_results' describe OutputResults do context '.text' do before(:each) do PuppetCheck.settings[:error_files] = [] PuppetCheck.settings[:warning_files] = [] PuppetCheck.settings[:clean_files] = [] PuppetCheck.settings[:ignored_files] = [] end it 'outputs files with errors' do PuppetCheck.settings[:error_files] = ['foo: i had an error'] expect { OutputResults.text }.to output("\033[31mThe following files have errors:\033[0m\n-- foo: i had an error\n").to_stdout end it 'outputs files with warnings' do PuppetCheck.settings[:warning_files] = ['foo: i had a warning'] expect { OutputResults.text }.to output("\n\033[33mThe following files have warnings:\033[0m\n-- foo: i had a warning\n").to_stdout end it 'outputs files with no errors or warnings' do PuppetCheck.settings[:clean_files] = ['foo: i was totally good to go'] expect { OutputResults.text }.to output("\n\033[32mThe following files have no errors or warnings:\033[0m\n-- foo: i was totally good to go\n").to_stdout end it 'outputs files that were not processed' do PuppetCheck.settings[:ignored_files] = ['foo: who knows what i am'] expect { OutputResults.text }.to output("\n\033[36mThe following files have unrecognized formats and therefore were not processed:\033[0m\n-- foo: who knows what i am\n").to_stdout end end context '.markup' do before(:each) do PuppetCheck.settings[:error_files] = [] PuppetCheck.settings[:warning_files] = [] PuppetCheck.settings[:clean_files] = [] PuppetCheck.settings[:ignored_files] = [] end it 'outputs files with errors as yaml' do PuppetCheck.settings[:output_format] = 'yaml' PuppetCheck.settings[:error_files] = ['foo: i had an error'] expect { OutputResults.markup }.to output("---\nerrors:\n- 'foo: i had an error'\n").to_stdout end it 'outputs files with warnings as yaml' do PuppetCheck.settings[:output_format] = 'yaml' PuppetCheck.settings[:warning_files] = ['foo: i had a warning'] expect { OutputResults.markup }.to output("---\nwarnings:\n- 'foo: i had a warning'\n").to_stdout end it 'outputs files with no errors or warnings as yaml' do PuppetCheck.settings[:output_format] = 'yaml' PuppetCheck.settings[:clean_files] = ['foo: i was totally good to go'] expect { OutputResults.markup }.to output("---\nclean:\n- 'foo: i was totally good to go'\n").to_stdout end it 'outputs files that were not processed as yaml' do PuppetCheck.settings[:output_format] = 'yaml' PuppetCheck.settings[:ignored_files] = ['foo: who knows what i am'] expect { OutputResults.markup }.to output("---\nignored:\n- 'foo: who knows what i am'\n").to_stdout end it 'outputs files with errors as json' do PuppetCheck.settings[:output_format] = 'json' PuppetCheck.settings[:error_files] = ['foo: i had an error'] expect { OutputResults.markup }.to output("{\n \"errors\": [\n \"foo: i had an error\"\n ]\n}\n").to_stdout end it 'outputs files with warnings as json' do PuppetCheck.settings[:output_format] = 'json' PuppetCheck.settings[:warning_files] = ['foo: i had a warning'] expect { OutputResults.markup }.to output("{\n \"warnings\": [\n \"foo: i had a warning\"\n ]\n}\n").to_stdout end it 'outputs files with no errors or warnings as json' do PuppetCheck.settings[:output_format] = 'json' PuppetCheck.settings[:clean_files] = ['foo: i was totally good to go'] expect { OutputResults.markup }.to output("{\n \"clean\": [\n \"foo: i was totally good to go\"\n ]\n}\n").to_stdout end it 'outputs files that were not processed as json' do PuppetCheck.settings[:output_format] = 'json' PuppetCheck.settings[:ignored_files] = ['foo: who knows what i am'] expect { OutputResults.markup }.to output("{\n \"ignored\": [\n \"foo: who knows what i am\"\n ]\n}\n").to_stdout end it 'raises an error for an unsupported output format' do PuppetCheck.settings[:output_format] = 'awesomesauce' expect { OutputResults.markup }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, 'puppet-check: Unsupported output format \'awesomesauce\' was specified.') end end end