1000: name: InvalidAuthToken http_code: 401 message: "Invalid Auth Token" 1001: name: MessageParseError http_code: 400 message: "Request invalid due to parse error: %s" 1002: name: InvalidRelation http_code: 400 message: "Invalid relation: %s" 10000: name: NotFound http_code: 404 message: "Unknown request" 10001: name: ServerError http_code: 500 message: "Server error" 10002: name: NotAuthenticated http_code: 401 message: "Authentication error" 10003: name: NotAuthorized http_code: 403 message: "You are not authorized to perform the requested action" 10004: name: InvalidRequest http_code: 400 message: "The request is invalid" 10005: name: BadQueryParameter http_code: 400 message: "The query parameter is invalid: %s" 10006: name: AssociationNotEmpty http_code: 400 message: "Please delete the %s associations for your %s." 20001: name: UserInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The user info is invalid: %s" 20002: name: UaaIdTaken http_code: 400 message: "The UAA ID is taken: %s" 20003: name: UserNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The user could not be found: %s" 30001: name: OrganizationInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The organization info is invalid: %s" 30002: name: OrganizationNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The organization name is taken: %s" 30003: name: OrganizationNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The organization could not be found: %s" 40001: name: SpaceInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The app space info is invalid: %s" 40002: name: SpaceNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The app space name is taken: %s" 40003: name: SpaceUserNotInOrg http_code: 400 message: "The app space and the user are not in the same org: %s" 40004: name: SpaceNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The app space could not be found: %s" 50001: name: ServiceAuthTokenInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The service auth token is invalid: %s" 50002: name: ServiceAuthTokenLabelTaken http_code: 400 message: "The service auth token label is taken: %s" 50003: name: ServiceAuthTokenNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The service auth token could not be found: %s" 60001: name: ServiceInstanceNameInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The service instance name is taken: %s" 60002: name: ServiceInstanceNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The service instance name is taken: %s" 60003: name: ServiceInstanceServiceBindingWrongSpace http_code: 400 message: "The service instance and the service binding are in different app spaces: %s" 60003: name: ServiceInstanceInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The service instance is invalid: %s" 60004: name: ServiceInstanceNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The service instance could not be found: %s" 60005: name: ServiceInstanceFreeQuotaExceeded http_code: 400 message: "You have exceeded your organization's services limit. Please login to your account and upgrade." 60006: name: ServiceInstancePaidQuotaExceeded http_code: 400 message: "You have exceeded your organization's services limit. Please file a support ticket to request additional resources." 60007: name: ServiceInstanceServicePlanNotAllowed http_code: 400 message: "The service instance cannot be created because paid service plans are not allowed." 60008: name: ServiceInstanceDuplicateNotAllowed http_code: 400 message: "A service of this type is already present in this space. Some services disallow duplicates." 60009: name: ServiceInstanceNameTooLong http_code: 400 message: "You have requested an invalid service instance name. Names are limited to 50 characters." 60010: name: ServiceInstanceOrganizationNotAuthorized http_code: 403 message: A service instance for the selected plan cannot be created in this organization. The plan is visible because another organization you belong to has access to it. 70001: name: RuntimeInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The runtime is invalid: %s" 70002: name: RuntimeNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The runtime name is taken: %s" 70003: name: RuntimeNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The runtime could not be found: %s" 80001: name: FrameworkInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The framework is invalid: %s" 80002: name: FrameworkNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The framework name is taken: %s" 80003: name: FrameworkNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The framework could not be found: %s" 90001: name: ServiceBindingInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The service binding is invalid: %s" 90002: name: ServiceBindingDifferentSpaces http_code: 400 message: "The app and the service are not in the same app space: %s" 90003: name: ServiceBindingAppServiceTaken http_code: 400 message: "The app space binding to service is taken: %s" 90004: name: ServiceBindingNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The service binding could not be found: %s" 90005: name: UnbindableService http_code: 400 message: "The service doesn't support binding." 100001: name: AppInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The app is invalid: %s" 100002: name: AppNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The app name is taken: %s" 100004: name: AppNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The app name could not be found: %s" 100005: name: AppMemoryQuotaExceeded http_code: 400 message: "You have exceeded your organization's memory limit. Please login to your account and upgrade. If you are trying to scale down and you are receiving this error, you can either delete an app or contact support." 100006: name: AppMemoryInvalid http_code: 400 message: "You have specified an invalid amount of memory for your application." 110001: name: ServicePlanInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The service plan is invalid: %s" 110002: name: ServicePlanNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The service plan name is taken: %s" 110003: name: ServicePlanNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The service plan could not be found: %s" 120001: name: ServiceInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The service is invalid: %s" 120002: name: ServiceLabelTaken http_code: 400 message: "The service lable is taken: %s" 120003: name: ServiceNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The service could not be found: %s" 130001: name: DomainInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The domain is invalid: %s" 130002: name: DomainNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The domain could not be found: %s" 130003: name: DomainNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The domain name is taken: %s" 140001: name: LegacyApiWithoutDefaultSpace http_code: 400 message: "A legacy api call requring a default app space was called, but no default app space is set for the user." 150001: name: AppPackageInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The app package is invalid: %s" 150002: name: AppPackageNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The app package could not be found: %s" 160001: name: AppBitsUploadInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The app upload is invalid: %s" 170001: name: StagingError http_code: 400 message: "Staging error: %s" 170002: name: NotStaged http_code: 400 message: "App has not finished staging" 180001: name: SnapshotNotFound http_code: 404 message: "Snapshot could not be found: %s" 180002: name: ServiceGatewayError http_code: 503 message: "Service gateway internal error: %s" 180003: name: ServiceNotImplemented http_code: 501 message: "Operation not supported for service" 180004: name: SDSNotAvailable http_code: 501 message: "No serialization service backends available" 190001: name: FileError http_code: 400 message: "File error: %s" 200001: name: StatsError http_code: 400 message: "Stats error: %s" 210001: name: RouteInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The route is invalid: %s" 210002: name: RouteNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The route could not be found: %s" 210003: name: RouteHostTaken http_code: 400 message: "The host is taken: %s" 220001: name: InstancesError http_code: 400 message: "Instances error: %s" 230001: name: BillingEventQueryInvalid http_code: 400 message: "Billing event query start_date and/or end_date are missing or invalid" 230002: name: EventNotFound http_code: 404 message: "Event could not be found: %s" 240001: name: QuotaDefinitionNotFound http_code: 404 message: "Quota Definition could not be found: %s" 240002: name: QuotaDefinitionNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "Quota Definition is taken: %s" 240003: name: QuotaDefinitionInvalid http_code: 400 message: "Quota Definition is invalid: %s" 250001: name: StackInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The stack is invalid: %s" 250002: name: StackNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The stack name is taken: %s" 250003: name: StackNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The stack could not be found: %s" 260001: name: ServicePlanVisibilityInvalid http_code: 400 message: "Service Plan Visibility is invalid: %s" 260002: name: ServicePlanVisibilityAlreadyExists http_code: 400 message: "This combination of ServicePlan and Organization is already taken: %s" 270001: name: ServiceBrokerInvalid http_code: 400 message: "Service Broker is invalid: %s" 270002: name: ServiceBrokerNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The service broker name is taken: %s" 270003: name: ServiceBrokerUrlTaken http_code: 400 message: "The service broker url is taken: %s"