describe :file_fnmatch, :shared => true do it "matches entire strings" do File.send(@method, 'cat', 'cat').should == true end it "does not match partial strings" do File.send(@method, 'cat', 'category').should == false end it "does not support { } patterns" do File.send(@method, 'c{at,ub}s', 'cats').should == false File.send(@method, 'c{at,ub}s', 'c{at,ub}s').should == true end it "matches a single character for each ? character" do File.send(@method, 'c?t', 'cat').should == true File.send(@method, 'c??t', 'cat').should == false end it "matches zero or more characters for each * character" do File.send(@method, 'c*', 'cats').should == true File.send(@method, 'c*t', 'c/a/b/t').should == true end it "matches ranges of characters using bracket expresions (e.g. [a-z])" do File.send(@method, 'ca[a-z]', 'cat').should == true end it "matches ranges of characters using bracket expresions, taking case into account" do File.send(@method, '[a-z]', 'D').should == false File.send(@method, '[^a-z]', 'D').should == true File.send(@method, '[A-Z]', 'd').should == false File.send(@method, '[^A-Z]', 'd').should == true File.send(@method, '[a-z]', 'D', File::FNM_CASEFOLD).should == true end it "does not match characters outside of the range of the bracket expresion" do File.send(@method, 'ca[x-z]', 'cat').should == false File.send(@method, '/ca[s][s-t]/rul[a-b]/[z]he/[x-Z]orld', '/cats/rule/the/World').should == false end it "matches ranges of characters using exclusive bracket expresions (e.g. [^t] or [!t])" do File.send(@method, 'ca[^t]', 'cat').should == false File.send(@method, 'ca[!t]', 'cat').should == false end it "matches characters with a case sensitive comparison" do File.send(@method, 'cat', 'CAT').should == false end it "matches characters with case insensitive comparison when flags includes FNM_CASEFOLD" do File.send(@method, 'cat', 'CAT', File::FNM_CASEFOLD).should == true end platform_is_not :windows do it "doesn't match case sensitive characters on platfroms with case sensitive paths, when flags include FNM_SYSCASE" do File.send(@method, 'cat', 'CAT', File::FNM_SYSCASE).should == false end end # platform_is :windows do # it "matches case sensitive characters on platfroms with case insensitive paths, when flags include FNM_SYSCASE" do # File.send(@method, 'cat', 'CAT', Filee::FNM_SYSCASE).should == true # end # end it "does not match '/' characters with ? or * when flags includes FNM_PATHNAME" do File.send(@method, '?', '/', File::FNM_PATHNAME).should == false File.send(@method, '*', '/', File::FNM_PATHNAME).should == false end it "does not match '/' characters inside bracket expressions when flags includes FNM_PATHNAME" do File.send(@method, '[/]', '/', File::FNM_PATHNAME).should == false end it "matches literal ? or * in path when pattern includes \\? or \\*" do File.send(@method, '\?', '?').should == true File.send(@method, '\?', 'a').should == false File.send(@method, '\*', '*').should == true File.send(@method, '\*', 'a').should == false end it "matches literal character (e.g. 'a') in path when pattern includes escaped character (e.g. \\a)" do File.send(@method, '\a', 'a').should == true File.send(@method, 'this\b', 'thisb').should == true end it "matches '\\' characters in path when flags includes FNM_NOESACPE" do File.send(@method, '\a', '\a', File::FNM_NOESCAPE).should == true File.send(@method, '\a', 'a', File::FNM_NOESCAPE).should == false File.send(@method, '\[foo\]\[bar\]', '[foo][bar]', File::FNM_NOESCAPE).should == false end it "escapes special characters inside bracket expression" do File.send(@method, '[\?]', '?').should == true File.send(@method, '[\*]', '*').should == true end it "does not match leading periods in filenames with wildcards by default" do File.send(@method, '*', '.profile').should == false File.send(@method, '*', 'home/.profile').should == true File.send(@method, '*/*', 'home/.profile').should == true File.send(@method, '*/*', 'dave/.profile', File::FNM_PATHNAME).should == false end it "matches patterns with leading periods to dotfiles by default" do File.send(@method, '.*', '.profile').should == true File.send(@method, ".*file", "nondotfile").should == false end it "matches leading periods in filenames when flags includes FNM_DOTMATCH" do File.send(@method, '*', '.profile', File::FNM_DOTMATCH).should == true File.send(@method, '*', 'home/.profile', File::FNM_DOTMATCH).should == true end it "matches multiple directories with ** and *" do files = '**/*.rb' File.send(@method, files, 'main.rb').should == false File.send(@method, files, './main.rb').should == false File.send(@method, files, 'lib/song.rb').should == true File.send(@method, '**.rb', 'main.rb').should == true File.send(@method, '**.rb', './main.rb').should == false File.send(@method, '**.rb', 'lib/song.rb').should == true File.send(@method, '*', 'dave/.profile').should == true end it "matches multiple directories with ** when flags includes File::FNM_PATHNAME" do files = '**/*.rb' flags = File::FNM_PATHNAME File.send(@method, files, 'main.rb', flags).should == true File.send(@method, files, 'one/two/three/main.rb', flags).should == true File.send(@method, files, './main.rb', flags).should == false flags = File::FNM_PATHNAME | File::FNM_DOTMATCH File.send(@method, files, './main.rb', flags).should == true File.send(@method, files, 'one/two/.main.rb', flags).should == true File.send(@method, "**/best/*", 'lib/my/best/song.rb').should == true end it "returns false if '/' in pattern do not match '/' in path when flags includes FNM_PATHNAME" do pattern = '*/*' File.send(@method, pattern, 'dave/.profile', File::FNM_PATHNAME).should be_false pattern = '**/foo' File.send(@method, pattern, 'a/.b/c/foo', File::FNM_PATHNAME).should be_false end it "returns true if '/' in pattern match '/' in path when flags includes FNM_PATHNAME" do pattern = '*/*' File.send(@method, pattern, 'dave/.profile', File::FNM_PATHNAME | File::FNM_DOTMATCH).should be_true pattern = '**/foo' File.send(@method, pattern, 'a/b/c/foo', File::FNM_PATHNAME).should be_true File.send(@method, pattern, '/a/b/c/foo', File::FNM_PATHNAME).should be_true File.send(@method, pattern, 'c:/a/b/c/foo', File::FNM_PATHNAME).should be_true File.send(@method, pattern, 'a/.b/c/foo', File::FNM_PATHNAME | File::FNM_DOTMATCH).should be_true end it "raises a TypeError if the first and second arguments are not string-like" do lambda { File.send(@method, nil, nil, 0, 0) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { File.send(@method, 1, 'some/thing') }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { File.send(@method, 'some/thing', 1) }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { File.send(@method, 1, 1) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises a TypeError if the third argument is not an Integer" do lambda { File.send(@method, "*/place", "path/to/file", "flags") }.should raise_error(TypeError) lambda { File.send(@method, "*/place", "path/to/file", nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "does not raise a TypeError if the third argument can be coerced to an Integer" do flags = mock("flags") flags.should_receive(:to_int).and_return(10) lambda { File.send(@method, "*/place", "path/to/file", flags) }.should_not raise_error end end