= rufus-jig A HTTP client, greedy with JSON content, GETting conditionally. Uses Patron (http://github.com/toland/patron) or em-http-request (http://github.com/igrigorik/em-http-request) and Yajl-ruby (http://github.com/brianmario/yajl-ruby) whenever possible. This library also contains some CouchDB helpers. To select a HTTP transport layer for rufus-jig, just make sure you have loaded the library before loading rufus-jig. For Patron: require 'patron' require 'rufus/jig' For em-http-request: require 'em-http' require 'rufus/jig' Please not that em-http-request-0.2.2 and earlier don't support the PUT and DELETE verbs. Until a newer gem is released you'll need to build the em-http-request gem from source. == examples === HTTP client Let's say we have an hypothetical document server. getting... require 'patron' require 'yajl' require 'rufus/jig' h = Rufus::Jig::Http.new('', 4567) p @h.get('/document/xyz.json') # # => { "type" => "letter", "title" => "four birds" } # # if it's JSON, decodes it immediately r = @h.get('/document/xyz.txt') p [ r.status, r.body ] # # => [ 200, "letter:\n\nfour birds" ] # # else returns a Response object (currently the one of Patron) j = @h.get('/document', :content_type => 'application/json') j = @h.get('/document', :content_type => :json) # # 'Accepts' JSON posting... r = @h.post( '/documents', 'four birds', :content_type => 'application/xml') p [ r.status, r.body ] # # => [ 201, "created." ] === Couch helpers For the real thing : http://github.com/couchrest/couchrest There is also the excellent : http://github.com/langalex/couch_potato require 'patron' require 'yajl' require 'rufus/jig' c = Rufus::Jig::Couch.get_couch('', 5984) # connecting to the local couch db = @c.put_db('rufus_jig_test') # let's create a database named 'rufus_jig_test' d = @db.put_doc('ct2', { 'item' => 'suit', 'brand' => 'suit company' }) p [ d._id, d._rev, d['item'] ] # # => [ "ct2", "1-755f205df9f3c3a05849df3554ea24f7", "suit" ] # meanwhile, somebody else modifies the doc ... d['size'] = 'XL' d.put # # ouch, this gives us : # => conflict: Document update conflict. (Rufus::Jig::CouchError) d.get p [ d._id, d._rev, d['size'] ] # # re-getting the document # # => [ "ct2", "2-3a09eafe8739b54ab46105b96c1c69a2", "XL" ] d.delete # # getting rid of the document Some class methods (getting right to the stuff). require 'patron' require 'yajl' require 'rufus/jig' db = Rufus::Jig::Couch.get_db('') # returns a Rufus::Jig::CouchDatabase instance # or nil if the db doesn't exist db = Rufus::Jig::Couch.put_db('') # creates a new database, or raise an exception if the db already exists doc = Rufus::Jig::Couch.get_doc('') # returns a Rufus::Jig::CouchDocument instance # or nil the document doesn't exist # ... Perhaps the right way to interact from rufus-jig to CouchDB is something like : db = Rufus::Jig::Couch.get_db('') doc = db.get_doc('doc0') doc['car'] = { 'brand' => 'BMW', 'model' => 'MarkIII' } doc.put # ... Get a CouchDatabase instance then play from it. == rdoc http://rufus.rubyforge.org/rufus-jig/ == testing At first, make sure to start the tiny sinatra test server : ruby test/server.rb then do ruby test/test.rb To test the CouchDB helpers, make you have a running Couch on http:/ then do ruby test/test.rb --couch To test the em-http-request HTTP transport, make sure the sinatra server is running and then do: ruby test/test.rb -- --em == mailing list On the rufus-ruby list : http://groups.google.com/group/rufus-ruby == issue tracker http://github.com/jmettraux/rufus-jig/issues == irc irc.freenode.net #ruote == the rest of Rufus http://rufus.rubyforge.org == authors * John Mettraux, jmettraux@gmail.com, http://jmettraux.wordpress.com == license MIT