- in_section :people - content_for :title do #{@person} =render "header" .row .span4 -unless @person.dummy? %p= link_to "Edit #{@person.possessive} Info", '#edit-person', 'data-toggle' => 'modal' = render :partial => 'comp_membership', :locals => { :person => @person } = render @person.address %ul - @person.phones.each do |phone| %li %span.muted= phone.kind = phone.number %section#email-subscription %h5 Email Lists = form_for @person do |form| .do-not-email = form.label :do_not_email, :class => "checkbox" do = form.check_box :do_not_email, :class => "checkbox" %span Do Not Email - if @person.organization.kits.mailchimp .mailchimp-list - mailchimp_kit = @person.organization.kits.mailchimp = hidden_field_tag "person[subscribed_lists][]", nil, :id => "person_subscribed_lists_empty" - mailchimp_kit.attached_lists.each do |list| = label_tag "", :class => "checkbox" do = check_box_tag "person[subscribed_lists][]", list[:list_id], @person.subscribed_lists.include?(list[:list_id]), :class => "checkbox mail-chimp-list", :disabled => @person.do_not_email %span= list[:list_name] = form.submit "Save", :class => 'btn btn-primary hidden' .span8 #notes .row-fluid .span3 %h3 Notes .span9 = icon_link_to("Add", new_person_note_path(@person, :format => :html), 'icon-plus-sign', 'btn new-note-link', '') .person-inline-form.new-note-form{:style => 'display:none;'} = form_for [@person, Note.new] do |form| = form.text_area :text, :size => "125x5", :class => 'input-xxlarge', :placeholder => "This is a good place for little nuggets about #{@person} you don't want to forget..." = form.submit "Save", :class => "btn btn-primary" = link_to 'Cancel', '#', :onclick => "$('.new-note-form').hide()", :class => 'btn' %table.table-condensed.table#notes-list %tbody - if @notes.empty? %tr %td No notes for this = @person.individual? ? "individual." : "record." - else = render @notes[0..2] - if @notes[3] %tr#more-notes-link %td.triangle ▸ %td= link_to pluralize(@notes.length-3, 'more note'), "#" %tbody#more-notes{:style => 'display:none'} = render @notes[3..-1] #actions .row-fluid .span3 %h3 Action Feed .span9 = icon_link_to("Add", new_person_action_path(@person, :format => :html, :type => :hear), 'icon-plus-sign', 'btn new-action-link', '') .person-inline-form.action-form.new-action-form{:style => 'display:none;'} = render :partial => 'actions/inline', :locals => {:target => @person, :action => @new_action} %table.table-condensed.sortedstar.table#action-list %thead %tr %th %th{:style => 'width:60px;'} Date %th{:style => 'width:25px'} %th #{@person}... %tbody - if @actions.empty? %tr %td %td %td %td No actions for this = @person.individual? ? "individual." : "record." - else = render :partial => 'actions/action', :collection => @actions = will_paginate @actions, :id => 'endless-scroll-pagination' %div{"ng-controller" => "EditPersonCtrl"} = render 'edit_modal', :header => "Edit #{@person.possessive} Info" = render 'convert_to_company_modal' #edit-order-popup.modal - if current_user.current_organization.kits.mailchimp .modal#subscribe-modal(role="dialog") .modal-header %button(type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true") × %h3 MailChimp List Subscription .modal-body %p #{@person} will receive an email from MailChimp confirming their addition to this list .modal-footer %button(class="btn" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true") Cancel %button(class="btn btn-primary") OK