#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/util/metric' describe Puppet::Util::Metric do before do @metric = Puppet::Util::Metric.new("foo") end it "should be aliased to Puppet::Metric" do Puppet::Util::Metric.should equal(Puppet::Metric) end [:type, :name, :value, :label, :basedir].each do |name| it "should have a #{name} attribute" do @metric.should respond_to(name) @metric.should respond_to(name.to_s + "=") end end it "should default to the :rrdir as the basedir "do rrddir = File.expand_path("myrrd") Puppet[:rrddir] = rrddir @metric.basedir.should == rrddir end it "should use any provided basedir" do @metric.basedir = "foo" @metric.basedir.should == "foo" end it "should require a name at initialization" do lambda { Puppet::Util::Metric.new }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should always convert its name to a string" do Puppet::Util::Metric.new(:foo).name.should == "foo" end it "should support a label" do Puppet::Util::Metric.new("foo", "mylabel").label.should == "mylabel" end it "should autogenerate a label if none is provided" do Puppet::Util::Metric.new("foo_bar").label.should == "Foo bar" end it "should have a method for adding values" do @metric.should respond_to(:newvalue) end it "should have a method for returning values" do @metric.should respond_to(:values) end it "should require a name and value for its values" do lambda { @metric.newvalue }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should support a label for values" do @metric.newvalue("foo", 10, "label") @metric.values[0][1].should == "label" end it "should autogenerate value labels if none is provided" do @metric.newvalue("foo_bar", 10) @metric.values[0][1].should == "Foo bar" end it "should return its values sorted by label" do @metric.newvalue("foo", 10, "b") @metric.newvalue("bar", 10, "a") @metric.values.should == [["bar", "a", 10], ["foo", "b", 10]] end it "should use an array indexer method to retrieve individual values" do @metric.newvalue("foo", 10) @metric["foo"].should == 10 end it "should return nil if the named value cannot be found" do @metric["foo"].should == 0 end # LAK: I'm not taking the time to develop these tests right now. # I expect they should actually be extracted into a separate class # anyway. it "should be able to graph metrics using RRDTool" it "should be able to create a new RRDTool database" it "should be able to store metrics into an RRDTool database" end