module PaperTrail # Represents the history of a single record. # @api private class RecordHistory # @param versions - ActiveRecord::Relation - All versions of the record. # @param version_class - Class - Usually PaperTrail::Version, # but it could also be a custom version class. # @api private def initialize(versions, version_class) @versions = versions @version_class = version_class end # Returns ordinal position of `version` in `sequence`. # @api private def index(version) sequence.to_a.index(version) end private # Returns `@versions` in chronological order. # @api private def sequence if @version_class.primary_key_is_int? else @versions. select([timestamp, primary_key]). order(@version_class.timestamp_sort_order) end end # @return - Arel::Attribute - Attribute representing the primary key # of the version table. The column's data type is usually a serial # integer (the rails convention) but not always. # @api private def primary_key table[@version_class.primary_key] end # @return - Arel::Table - The version table, usually named `versions`, but # not always. # @api private def table @version_class.arel_table end # @return - Arel::Attribute - Attribute representing the timestamp column # of the version table, usually named `created_at` (the rails convention) # but not always. # @api private def timestamp table[PaperTrail.timestamp_field] end end end