module StaticMatic module Helpers module AssetsHelper self.extend self # Generates links to all stylesheets in the source directory # = stylesheets # or specific stylesheets in a specific order # = stylesheets :reset, :application # Can also pass options hash in at the end so you can specify :media => :print def stylesheets(*params) options = {} if params.last.is_a?(Hash) options = params.last params.slice!(-1, 1) end options[:media] = 'all' unless options.has_key?(:media) options[:rel] = 'stylesheet'; options[:type] = 'text/css' relative_path = current_page_relative_path output = "" if params.length == 0 # no specific files requested so include all in no particular order stylesheet_dir = File.join(@staticmatic.src_dir, 'stylesheets') stylesheet_directories = Dir[File.join(stylesheet_dir, '**','*.{sass,scss}')] # Bit of a hack here - adds any stylesheets that exist in the site/ dir that haven't been generated from source sass Dir[File.join(@staticmatic.site_dir, 'stylesheets', '*.css')].each do |filename| search_filename = File.basename(filename).chomp(File.extname(filename)) puts search_filename already_included = false stylesheet_directories.each do |path| if File.basename(path).include?(search_filename) already_included = true break end end stylesheet_directories << filename unless already_included end stylesheet_directories.each do |path| filename_without_extension = File.basename(path).chomp(File.extname(path)) if !filename_without_extension.match(/^\_/) path = path.gsub(/#{@staticmatic.src_dir}/, ""). gsub(/#{@staticmatic.site_dir}/, ""). gsub(/#{filename_without_extension}\.(sass|scss|css)/, "") options[:href] = File.join(relative_path, path, "#{filename_without_extension}.css") output << tag(:link, options) end end else #specific files requested and in a specific order params.each do |file| if File.exist?(File.join(@staticmatic.src_dir, 'stylesheets', "#{file}.sass")) || File.exist?(File.join(@staticmatic.site_dir, 'stylesheets', "#{file}.css")) options[:href] = File.join(relative_path, "stylesheets", "#{file}.css") output << tag(:link, options) end end end output end # Generate javascript source tags for the specified files # # javascripts('test') -> <script language="javascript" src="javascripts/test.js"></script> # def javascripts(*files) relative_path = current_page_relative_path output = "" files.each do |file| file_str = file.to_s src = file_str.match(%r{^((\.\.?)?/|https?://)}) ? file_str : "#{relative_path}javascripts/#{file_str}.js" output << tag(:script, :language => 'javascript', :src => src, :type => "text/javascript") { "" } end output end # Generates an image tag always relative to the current page unless absolute path or http url specified. # # img('test_image.gif') -> <img src="/images/test_image.gif" alt="Test image"/> # img('contact/test_image.gif') -> <img src="/images/contact/test_image.gif" alt="Test image"/> # img('http://localhost/test_image.gif') -> <img src="http://localhost/test_image.gif" alt="Test image"/> def img(name, options = {}) options[:src] = name.match(%r{^((\.\.?)?/|https?://)}) ? name : "#{current_page_relative_path}images/#{name}" options[:alt] ||= name.split('/').last.split('.').first.capitalize.gsub(/_|-/, ' ') tag :img, options end end end end