# Note: Must be required explicitely! # This is a best attempt to fake BasicObject in Ruby 1.8.x # What you do get: # * as few methods as the real BasicObject (at the moment the library is required...) # * BasicObject === <anything> # ==> returns true # What you don't get: # * BasicObject is not in the ancestor list of all classes and thus # * Comparisons between classes won't work, e.g. # Object < BasicObject # ==> returns true instead of false # * Instance methods added to Object or Kernel after you require 'backports/basic_object' # might also be available in instances of BasicObject and subclasses # (they will only be undefined whenever a subclass of BasicObject is created) # Because of all the fineprint, BasicObject must be required explicitely require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/tools") Backports.require_relative '1.8.7' class BasicObject KEEP = [:instance_eval, :instance_exec, :__send__, "instance_eval", "instance_exec", "__send__"] # undefine almost all instance methods begin old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil # silence the warning for undefining __id__ (instance_methods - KEEP).each do |method| undef_method method end ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end class << self def === (cmp) true end # Let's try to keep things clean, in case methods have been added to Object # either directly or through an included module. # We'll do this whenever a class is derived from BasicObject # Ideally, we'd do this by trapping Object.method_added # and M.method_added for any module M included in Object or a submodule # Seems really though to get right, but pull requests welcome ;-) def inherited(sub) BasicObject.class_eval do (instance_methods - KEEP).each do |method| if Object.method_defined?(method) && instance_method(method).owner == Object.instance_method(method).owner undef_method method end end end end end end unless Kernel.const_defined? :BasicObject