* __ .__ .__ ._____.
* _/ |_ _______ __|__| ____ | | |__\_ |__ ______
* \ __\/ _ \ \/ / |/ ___\| | | || __ \ / ___/
* | | ( <_> > <| \ \___| |_| || \_\ \\___ \
* |__| \____/__/\_ \__|\___ >____/__||___ /____ >
* \/ \/ \/ \/
* Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Karsten Schmidt
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
package toxi.sim.fluids;
* Optimized Jos Stam style fluid solver with vorticity confinement and buoyancy
* force.
* @author Alexander McKenzie
* @author Karsten Schmidt
* optimized by toxi 2006-02-09
* - reduced nesting level of loops
* - removed need for I() util method by unrolling all index
* calculations
* - renamed variables for better legibility
public class FluidSolver2D {
protected int numIterations = 10;
protected int width,
protected int size;
protected float timeStep;
protected float viscosity = 0;
protected float diffusion = 0.000001f;
protected float buoyancyA = 0.000625f;
protected float buoyancyB = 0.025f;
// protected float[] tmp;
protected float[] d,
protected float[] u,
protected float[] v,
protected float[] curl;
* Creates a new instance of the given dimension uses the specified time
* step.
* @param w
* matrix width
* @param h
* matrix height
* @param timeStep
public FluidSolver2D(int w, int h, float timeStep) {
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
this.totalWidth = w + 2;
this.totalHeight = h + 2;
this.timeStep = timeStep;
size = totalWidth * totalHeight;
d = new float[size];
dOld = new float[size];
u = new float[size];
uOld = new float[size];
v = new float[size];
vOld = new float[size];
curl = new float[size];
* @param buffer
* @param prev
protected void addSource(float[] buffer, float[] prev) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buffer[i] += timeStep * prev[i];
* Calculate the input array after advection. We start with an input array
* from the previous timestep and an and output array. For all grid cells we
* need to calculate for the next timestep, we trace the cell's center
* position backwards through the velocity field. Then we interpolate from
* the grid of the previous timestep and assign this value to the current
* grid cell.
* @param b
* Flag specifying how to handle boundries.
* @param d
* Array to store the advected field.
* @param d0
* The array to advect.
* @param du
* The x component of the velocity field.
* @param dv
* The y component of the velocity field.
protected void advect(int b, float[] d, float[] d0, float[] du, float[] dv) {
int i0, j0;
float x, y, s0, t0, s1, t1, scaledTime;
float wmax = width + 0.5f;
float hmax = height + 0.5f;
scaledTime = timeStep * width;
for (int i = 1, j = 1, idx = i + totalWidth; j <= height;) {
// go backwards through velocity field
x = i - scaledTime * du[idx];
y = j - scaledTime * dv[idx];
// interpolate results
if (x > wmax) {
x = wmax;
if (x < 0.5f) {
x = 0.5f;
i0 = (int) x;
if (y > hmax) {
y = hmax;
if (y < 0.5f) {
y = 0.5f;
j0 = (int) y;
s1 = x - i0;
s0 = 1 - s1;
t1 = y - j0;
t0 = 1 - t1;
int idx0 = i0 + j0 * totalWidth;
d[idx] = s0 * (t0 * d0[idx0] + t1 * d0[idx0 + totalWidth]) + s1
* (t0 * d0[idx0 + 1] + t1 * d0[idx0 + totalWidth + 1]);
if (i < width) {
} else {
i = 1;
idx += 3;
setBoundary(b, d);
* Calculate the buoyancy force as part of the velocity solver. Fbuoy =
* -a*d*Y + b*(T-Tamb)*Y where Y = (0,1). The constants a and b are positive
* with appropriate (physically meaningful) units. T is the temperature at
* the current cell, Tamb is the average temperature of the fluid grid. The
* density d provides a mass that counteracts the buoyancy force.
* In this simplified implementation, we say that the temperature is
* synonymous with density (since smoke is *hot*) and because there are no
* other heat sources we can just use the density field instead of a new,
* seperate temperature field.
* @param buoy
* Array to store buoyancy force for each cell.
protected void buoyancy(float[] buoy) {
float avgTemperature = 0;
// sum all temperatures
for (int i = 1, idx = 1 + totalWidth, j = 1; j <= height;) {
avgTemperature += d[idx];
if (i < width) {
} else {
i = 1;
idx += 3;
// get average temperature
avgTemperature /= (width * height);
// for each cell compute buoyancy force
for (int i = 1, idx = 1 + totalWidth, j = 1; j <= height;) {
float currD = d[idx];
buoy[idx] = buoyancyA * currD - buoyancyB
* (currD - avgTemperature);
if (i < width) {
} else {
i = 1;
idx += 3;
* Calculate the curl
* @param idx
* @return
protected final float curl(int idx) {
float du_dy = (u[idx + totalWidth] - u[idx - totalWidth]) * 0.5f;
float dv_dx = (v[idx + 1] - v[idx - 1]) * 0.5f;
return du_dy - dv_dx;
* @param decay
public final void decay(float decay) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
u[i] *= decay;
v[i] *= decay;
d[i] *= decay;
* The basic density solving routine.
public void densitySolver() {
// add density input by mouse
addSource(d, dOld);
float[] temp = d;
d = dOld;
dOld = temp;
diffusion(0, d, dOld, diffusion);
temp = d;
d = dOld;
dOld = temp;
advect(0, d, dOld, u, v);
// clear input density array for next frame
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
dOld[i] = 0;
* Recalculate the input array with diffusion effects. Here we consider a
* stable method of diffusion by finding the densities, which when diffusion
* used backward in time yield the same densities we started with. This is
* achieved through use of a linear solver to solve the sparse matrix built
* from this linear system.
* @param b
* Flag to specify how boundaries should be handled.
* @param c
* The array to store the results of the diffusion computation.
* @param c0
* The input array on which we should compute diffusion.
* @param diffusion
* The factor of diffusion.
protected void diffusion(int b, float[] c, float[] c0, float diffusion) {
float a = timeStep * diffusion * width * height;
linearSolver(b, c, c0, a, 1 + 4 * a);
* @return the buoyancyA
public float getBuoyancyA() {
return buoyancyA;
* @return the buoyancyB
public float getBuoyancyB() {
return buoyancyB;
* @return the curl
public float[] getCurl() {
return curl;
* @return the d
public float[] getDensityField() {
return d;
* @return the diffusion
public float getDiffusion() {
return diffusion;
* @return the numIterations
public int getNumIterations() {
return numIterations;
* @return the timeStep
public float getTimeStep() {
return timeStep;
* @return the totalHeight
public int getTotalHeight() {
return totalHeight;
* @return the totalWidth
public int getTotalWidth() {
return totalWidth;
* @return the u
public float[] getVelocityFieldU() {
return u;
* @return the v
public float[] getVelocityFieldV() {
return v;
* @return the viscosity
public float getViscosity() {
return viscosity;
* Iterative linear system solver using the Gauss-Seidel relaxation
* technique. Room for much improvement here...
* @param b
* @param x
* @param x0
* @param a
* @param c
protected void linearSolver(int b, float[] x, float[] x0, float a, float c) {
c = 1f / c;
for (int k = 0; k < numIterations; k++) {
for (int i = 1, idx = 1 + totalWidth, j = 1; j <= height;) {
x[idx] = (a
* (x[idx - 1] + x[idx + 1] + x[idx - totalWidth] + x[idx
+ totalWidth]) + x0[idx])
* c;
if (i < width) {
} else {
i = 1;
idx = j * totalWidth + 1;
setBoundary(b, x);
* Use project() to make the velocity a mass conserving, incompressible
* field. Achieved through a Hodge decomposition. First we calculate the
* divergence field of our velocity using the mean finite diffusionernce
* approach, and apply the linear solver to compute the Poisson equation and
* obtain a "height" field. Now we subtract the gradient of this field to
* obtain our mass conserving velocity field.
* @param x
* The array in which the x component of our final velocity field
* is stored.
* @param y
* The array in which the y component of our final velocity field
* is stored.
* @param p
* A temporary array we can use in the computation.
* @param div
* Another temporary array we use to hold the velocity divergence
* field.
protected void project(float[] x, float[] y, float[] p, float[] div) {
float fact = -0.5f / width;
for (int i = 1, idx = 1 + totalWidth, j = 1; j <= height;) {
div[idx] = (x[idx + 1] - x[idx - 1] + y[idx + totalWidth] - y[idx
- totalWidth])
* fact;
p[idx] = 0;
if (i < width) {
} else {
i = 1;
idx += 3;
setBoundary(0, div);
setBoundary(0, p);
linearSolver(0, p, div, 1, 4);
fact = -0.5f * width;
for (int i = 1, idx = 1 + totalWidth, j = 1; j <= height;) {
x[idx] += fact * (p[idx + 1] - p[idx - 1]);
y[idx] += fact * (p[idx + totalWidth] - p[idx - totalWidth]);
if (i < width) {
} else {
i = 1;
idx += 3;
setBoundary(1, x);
setBoundary(2, y);
* Reset the datastructures. We use 1d arrays for speed.
public final void reset() {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
u[i] = uOld[i] = v[i] = vOld[i] = 0.0f;
d[i] = dOld[i] = curl[i] = 0.0f;
* specifies simple boundary conditions.
* @param b
* @param x
protected void setBoundary(int b, float[] x) {
int idn = height * totalWidth;
for (int i = 1, idi = totalWidth; i <= width; i++) {
x[idi] = b == 1 ? -x[idi + 1] : x[idi + 1];
x[width + 1 + idi] = b == 1 ? -x[idi + width] : x[idi + width];
x[i] = b == 2 ? -x[totalWidth + i] : x[totalWidth + i];
x[i + idn + totalWidth] = b == 2 ? -x[idn + i] : x[idn + i];
idi += totalWidth;
x[0] = 0.5f * (x[1] + x[totalWidth]);
x[idn + totalWidth] = 0.5f * (x[1 + totalWidth + idn] + x[idn]);
x[width + 1] = 0.5f * (x[width] + x[width + 1 + totalWidth]);
x[width + 1 + totalWidth + idn] = 0.5f * (x[width + totalWidth + idn] + x[width
+ 1 + idn]);
* @param buoyancyA
* the buoyancyA to set
public void setBuoyancyA(float buoyancyA) {
this.buoyancyA = buoyancyA;
* @param buoyancyB
* the buoyancyB to set
public void setBuoyancyB(float buoyancyB) {
this.buoyancyB = buoyancyB;
* @param curl
* the curl to set
public void setCurl(float[] curl) {
this.curl = curl;
* @param diffusion
* the diffusion to set
public void setDiffusion(float diffusion) {
this.diffusion = diffusion;
* @param numIterations
* the numIterations to set
public void setNumIterations(int numIterations) {
this.numIterations = numIterations;
* @param timeStep
* the timeStep to set
public void setTimeStep(float timeStep) {
this.timeStep = timeStep;
* @param viscosity
* the viscosity to set
public void setViscosity(float viscosity) {
this.viscosity = viscosity;
* The basic velocity solving routine as described by Stam.
public void velocitySolver() {
// add velocity that was input by mouse
addSource(u, uOld);
addSource(v, vOld);
// add in vorticity confinement force
vorticityConfinement(uOld, vOld);
addSource(u, uOld);
addSource(v, vOld);
// add in buoyancy force
addSource(v, vOld);
float [] temp = u;
u = uOld;
uOld = temp;
diffusion(0, u, uOld, viscosity);
temp = v;
v = vOld;
vOld = temp;
diffusion(0, v, vOld, viscosity);
// we create an incompressible field
// for more effective advection.
project(u, v, uOld, vOld);
temp = u;
u = uOld;
uOld = temp;
temp = v;
v = vOld;
vOld = temp;
// self advect velocities
advect(1, u, uOld, uOld, vOld);
advect(2, v, vOld, uOld, vOld);
// make an incompressible field
project(u, v, uOld, vOld);
// clear all input velocities for next frame
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
uOld[i] = vOld[i] = 0;
* Calculate the vorticity confinement force for each cell in the fluid
* grid. At a point (i,j), Fvc = N x width where width is the curl at (i,j)
* and N = del |width| / |del |width||. N is the vector pointing to the
* vortex center, hence we add force perpendicular to N.
* @param Fvc_x
* The array to store the x component of the vorticity
* confinement force for each cell.
* @param Fvc_y
* The array to store the y component of the vorticity
* confinement force for each cell.
public void vorticityConfinement(float[] Fvc_x, float[] Fvc_y) {
float dw_dx, dw_dy;
float length;
float vort;
// Calculate magnitude of curl(u,v) for each cell. (|width|)
for (int i = 1, j = 1, idx = i + totalWidth; j <= height;) {
float c = curl(idx);
curl[idx] = c > 0 ? c : -c;
if (i < width) {
} else {
i = 1;
idx += 3; // j*totalWidth+1;
for (int i = 2, j = 2, idx = i + totalWidth * j; j < height;) {
// Find derivative of the magnitude (n = del |width|)
dw_dx = (curl[idx + 1] - curl[idx - 1]) * 0.5f;
dw_dy = (curl[idx + totalWidth] - curl[idx - totalWidth]) * 0.5f;
// Calculate vector length. (|n|)
// Add small factor to prevent divide by zeros.
length = 1f / ((float) Math.sqrt(dw_dx * dw_dx + dw_dy * dw_dy) + 0.000001f);
// N = ( n/|n| )
dw_dx *= length;
dw_dy *= length;
vort = curl[idx];
// N x width
Fvc_x[idx] = dw_dy * -vort;
Fvc_y[idx] = dw_dx * vort;
if (i < width - 1) {
} else {
i = 2;
idx += 5; // j*totalWidth+2;