# frozen_string_literal: true module HTTPX class Options WINDOW_SIZE = 1 << 14 # 16K MAX_BODY_THRESHOLD_SIZE = (1 << 10) * 112 # 112K CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 60 OPERATION_TIMEOUT = 60 KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT = 20 SETTINGS_TIMEOUT = 10 DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :debug => ENV.key?("HTTPX_DEBUG") ? $stderr : nil, :debug_level => (ENV["HTTPX_DEBUG"] || 1).to_i, :ssl => {}, :http2_settings => { settings_enable_push: 0 }, :fallback_protocol => "http/1.1", :timeout => { connect_timeout: CONNECT_TIMEOUT, settings_timeout: SETTINGS_TIMEOUT, operation_timeout: OPERATION_TIMEOUT, keep_alive_timeout: KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT, }, :headers => {}, :window_size => WINDOW_SIZE, :body_threshold_size => MAX_BODY_THRESHOLD_SIZE, :request_class => Class.new(Request), :response_class => Class.new(Response), :headers_class => Class.new(Headers), :request_body_class => Class.new(Request::Body), :response_body_class => Class.new(Response::Body), :connection_class => Class.new(Connection), :options_class => Class.new(self), :transport => nil, :transport_options => nil, :addresses => nil, :persistent => false, :resolver_class => (ENV["HTTPX_RESOLVER"] || :native).to_sym, :resolver_options => { cache: true }, }.freeze begin module HashExtensions refine Hash do def >=(other) Hash[other] <= self end def <=(other) other = Hash[other] return false unless size <= other.size each do |k, v| v2 = other.fetch(k) { return false } return false unless v2 == v end true end end end using HashExtensions end unless Hash.method_defined?(:>=) class << self def new(options = {}) # let enhanced options go through return options if self == Options && options.class < self return options if options.is_a?(self) super end def method_added(meth) super return unless meth =~ /^option_(.+)$/ optname = Regexp.last_match(1).to_sym attr_reader(optname) end def def_option(optname, *args, &block) if args.size.zero? && !block_given? class_eval(<<-OUT, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def option_#{optname}(v); v; end OUT return end deprecated_def_option(optname, *args, &block) end def deprecated_def_option(optname, layout = nil, &interpreter) warn "DEPRECATION WARNING: using `def_option(#{optname})` for setting options is deprecated. " \ "Define module OptionsMethods and `def option_#{optname}(val)` instead." if layout class_eval(<<-OUT, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def option_#{optname}(value) #{layout} end OUT elsif block_given? define_method(:"option_#{optname}") do |value| instance_exec(value, &interpreter) end end end end def initialize(options = {}) defaults = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) defaults.each do |k, v| next if v.nil? begin value = __send__(:"option_#{k}", v) instance_variable_set(:"@#{k}", value) rescue NoMethodError raise Error, "unknown option: #{k}" end end freeze end def option_origin(value) URI(value) end def option_headers(value) Headers.new(value) end def option_timeout(value) timeouts = Hash[value] if timeouts.key?(:loop_timeout) warn ":loop_timeout is deprecated, use :operation_timeout instead" timeouts[:operation_timeout] = timeouts.delete(:loop_timeout) end timeouts end def option_max_concurrent_requests(value) raise TypeError, ":max_concurrent_requests must be positive" unless value.positive? value end def option_max_requests(value) raise TypeError, ":max_requests must be positive" unless value.positive? value end def option_window_size(value) Integer(value) end def option_body_threshold_size(value) Integer(value) end def option_transport(value) transport = value.to_s raise TypeError, "\#{transport} is an unsupported transport type" unless IO.registry.key?(transport) transport end def option_addresses(value) Array(value) end %i[ params form json body ssl http2_settings request_class response_class headers_class request_body_class response_body_class connection_class options_class io fallback_protocol debug debug_level transport_options resolver_class resolver_options persistent ].each do |method_name| def_option(method_name) end REQUEST_IVARS = %i[@params @form @json @body].freeze private_constant :REQUEST_IVARS def ==(other) ivars = instance_variables | other.instance_variables ivars.all? do |ivar| case ivar when :@headers headers = instance_variable_get(ivar) headers.same_headers?(other.instance_variable_get(ivar)) when *REQUEST_IVARS true else instance_variable_get(ivar) == other.instance_variable_get(ivar) end end end def merge(other) raise ArgumentError, "#{other} is not a valid set of options" unless other.respond_to?(:to_hash) h2 = other.to_hash return self if h2.empty? h1 = to_hash return self if h1 >= h2 merged = h1.merge(h2) do |_k, v1, v2| if v1.respond_to?(:merge) && v2.respond_to?(:merge) v1.merge(v2) else v2 end end self.class.new(merged) end def to_hash instance_variables.each_with_object({}) do |ivar, hs| hs[ivar[1..-1].to_sym] = instance_variable_get(ivar) end end if RUBY_VERSION > "2.4.0" def initialize_dup(other) instance_variables.each do |ivar| instance_variable_set(ivar, other.instance_variable_get(ivar).dup) end end else def initialize_dup(other) instance_variables.each do |ivar| value = other.instance_variable_get(ivar) value = case value when Symbol, Fixnum, TrueClass, FalseClass # rubocop:disable Lint/UnifiedInteger value else value.dup end instance_variable_set(ivar, value) end end end end end