# frozen_string_literal: true module DiverDown module Trace class Tracer # @return [Array] def self.trace_events @trace_events || %i[call c_call return c_return] end # @param events [Array] class << self attr_writer :trace_events end # @param module_set [DiverDown::Trace::ModuleSet, Array] # @param caller_paths [Array, nil] if nil, trace all files # @param ignored_method_ids [Array] # @param filter_method_id_path [#call, nil] filter method_id.path # @param module_set [DiverDown::Trace::ModuleSet, nil] for optimization def initialize(module_set: {}, caller_paths: nil, ignored_method_ids: nil, filter_method_id_path: nil) if caller_paths && !caller_paths.all? { Pathname.new(_1).absolute? } raise ArgumentError, "caller_paths must be absolute path(#{caller_paths})" end @module_set = if module_set.is_a?(DiverDown::Trace::ModuleSet) module_set elsif module_set.is_a?(Hash) DiverDown::Trace::ModuleSet.new(**module_set) else raise ArgumentError, <<~MSG Given invalid module_set. #{module_set}" Available types are: Hash{ modules: Array | Set | nil paths: Array | Set | nil } | DiverDown::Trace::ModuleSet MSG end @ignored_method_ids = if ignored_method_ids.is_a?(DiverDown::Trace::IgnoredMethodIds) ignored_method_ids elsif !ignored_method_ids.nil? DiverDown::Trace::IgnoredMethodIds.new(ignored_method_ids) end @caller_paths = caller_paths&.to_set @filter_method_id_path = filter_method_id_path end # Trace the call stack of the block and build the definition # # @param title [String] # @param definition_group [String, nil] # # @return [DiverDown::Definition] def trace(title: SecureRandom.uuid, definition_group: nil, &) session = new_session(title:, definition_group:) session.start yield session.stop session.definition ensure # Ensure to stop the session session&.stop end # @param title [String] # @param definition_group [String, nil] # # @return [TracePoint] def new_session(title: SecureRandom.uuid, definition_group: nil) DiverDown::Trace::Session.new( module_set: @module_set, ignored_method_ids: @ignored_method_ids, caller_paths: @caller_paths, filter_method_id_path: @filter_method_id_path, definition: DiverDown::Definition.new( title:, definition_group: ) ) end end end end