# The Twitter4R API provides a nicer Ruby object API to work with
# instead of coding around the REST API.
# Module to encapsule the Twitter4R API.
module Twitter
# Mixin module for classes that need to have a constructor similar to
# Rails' models, where a Hash is provided to set attributes
# appropriately.
# To define a class that uses this mixin, use the following code:
# class FilmActor
# include ClassUtilMixin
# end
module ClassUtilMixin #:nodoc:
def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
# Instance methods defined for Twitter::ModelMixin module.
module InstanceMethods #:nodoc:
# Constructor/initializer that takes a hash of parameters that
# will initialize *members* or instance attributes to the
# values given. For example,
# class FilmActor
# include Twitter::ClassUtilMixin
# attr_accessor :name
# end
# class Production
# include Twitter::ClassUtilMixin
# attr_accessor :title, :year, :actors
# end
# # Favorite actress...
# jodhi = FilmActor.new(:name => "Jodhi May")
# jodhi.name # => "Jodhi May"
# # Favorite actor...
# robert = FilmActor.new(:name => "Robert Lindsay")
# robert.name # => "Robert Lindsay"
# # Jane is also an excellent pick...gotta love her accent!
# jane = FilmActor.new(name => "Jane Horrocks")
# jane.name # => "Jane Horrocks"
# # Witty BBC series...
# mrs_pritchard = Production.new(:title => "The Amazing Mrs. Pritchard",
# :year => 2005,
# :actors => [jodhi, jane])
# mrs_pritchard.title # => "The Amazing Mrs. Pritchard"
# mrs_pritchard.year # => 2005
# mrs_pritchard.actors # => [#,
# ]
# # Any Ros Pritchard's out there to save us from the Tony Blair
# # and Gordon Brown *New Labour* debacle? You've got my vote!
# jericho = Production.new(:title => "Jericho",
# :year => 2005,
# :actors => [robert])
# jericho.title # => "Jericho"
# jericho.year # => 2005
# jericho.actors # => [#]
# Assuming class FilmActor includes
# Twitter::ClassUtilMixin in the class definition
# and has an attribute of name, then that instance
# attribute will be set to "Jodhi May" for the actress
# object during object initialization (aka construction for
# you Java heads).
def initialize(params = {})
params.each do |key,val|
self.send("#{key}=", val) if self.respond_to? key
self.send(:init) if self.respond_to? :init
# Helper method to provide an easy and terse way to require
# a block is provided to a method.
def require_block(block_given)
raise ArgumentError, "Must provide a block" unless block_given
end # ClassUtilMixin
# Exception subclass raised when there is an error encountered upon
# querying or posting to the remote Twitter REST API.
# To consume and query any RESTError raised by Twitter4R:
# begin
# # Do something with your instance of Twitter::Client.
# # Maybe something like:
# timeline = twitter.timeline_for(:public)
# rescue RESTError => re
# puts re.code, re.message, re.uri
# end
# Which on the code raising a RESTError will output something like:
# 404
# Resource Not Found
# /i_am_crap.json
class RESTError < RuntimeError
include ClassUtilMixin
@@ATTRIBUTES = [:code, :message, :uri]
attr_accessor :code, :message, :uri
# Returns string in following format:
# "HTTP #{@code}: #{@message} at #{@uri}"
# For example,
# "HTTP 404: Resource Not Found at /i_am_crap.json"
def to_s
"HTTP #{@code}: #{@message} at #{@uri}"
end # RESTError
# Remote REST API interface representation
class RESTInterfaceSpec
include ClassUtilMixin
# Remote REST API method representation
class RESTMethodSpec
include ClassUtilMixin
attr_accessor :uri, :method, :parameters
# Remote REST API method parameter representation
class RESTParameterSpec
include ClassUtilMixin
attr_accessor :name, :type, :required
def required?; @required; end