module Jena module Util # Return the given prefix map object as a `PrefixMapping`. Convert a hash # to a `PrefixMapping` if necessary def self.as_prefix_map( map ) return nil unless map return map if map.is_a? com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.PrefixMapping pm = map.each_pair do |k,v| pm.setNsPrefix k.to_s, v.to_s end pm end # Return a new resource URN made from a UUID. If the given def self.uuid_resource( model = nil ) (model || Core::ResourceFactory).createResource( Util::JenaUUID.factory.generate.asURN ) end # Return the current time as a literal def cal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance cal.setTime( ) Core::ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral( cal ) end end end