require "securerandom" module Discorb::View # # Handler for the components. # class ComponentHandler <, :block) # # Redirects method calls to the object. # def method_missing(method, ...) object.send(method, ...) end def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false) object.respond_to?(method, include_private) end end # # Handles the rendering of the components. # class ViewHandler <, :block); end # # Base class for the view. # @note You should not use this class directly. # @abstract # class Base class << self # @return [Hash{Symbol => Discorb::Component}] The components. attr_accessor :components # @return [Array] The view handlers. attr_accessor :views # @private def inherited(base) base.prepend(Discorb::View::Base::Prepend) base.components = {} base.views = [] end # # Adds button component to the view. # # @param [Symbol] id The id of the button. # @param [String] label The label of the button. # @param [:primary, :secondary, :success, :danger] style The style of the button. # @param [Discorb::Emoji, nil] emoji The emoji of the button. # @yield The block to execute when the button is clicked. # @yieldparam [Discorb::MessageComponentInteraction] interaction The interaction. # def button(id, label, style = :secondary, emoji: nil, &block) raise ArgumentError, "block required" unless block_given? button =, style, emoji: emoji, custom_id: id) @components[id] =, block) end # # Adds select menu component to the view. # # @param [Symbol] id The id of the button. # @param [String] label The label of the button. # @param [String, nil] placeholder The placeholder of the select menu. # @param [Integer, nil] min_length The minimum length of the select menu. # @param [Integer, nil] max_length The max length of the select menu. # @yield The block to execute when the menu is changed. # @yieldparam [Discorb::MessageComponentInteraction] interaction The interaction. # def select_menu(id, options, placeholder = nil, min_values: nil, max_values: nil, &block) raise ArgumentError, "block required" unless block_given?! { |option| option.is_a?(Discorb::SelectMenu::Option) ? option :*option) } menu =, options, placeholder: placeholder, min_values: min_values, max_values: max_values) @components[id] =, block) end # # Add view handler to the view. # # @param [Proc, nil] check The check of the view handler. # The view handler will be executed when the check returns true, or check is nil. # @yield The block to execute when the view handler is executed. # @yieldparam [Discorb::View::Base::Prepend::Result] result The result of the view. # # @note There must be one handler with no check. # def view(check = nil, &block) raise ArgumentError, "block required" unless block_given? @views.insert(0,, block)) end # # Starts the view. # # @param [Discorb::Messageable] channel The channel to send the message to. # def start(channel, ...) client = channel.instance_variable_get(:@client) if @views.empty? raise "No views defined" elsif not @views.any? { |v| v.check.nil? } raise "No fallback view defined" elsif @views.filter { |v| v.check.nil? }.count > 1 raise "Multiple fallback views defined" end view = new(client, channel, ...) view.start end end # # Modules for the prepend. # module Prepend # @return [Discorb::MessageComponentInteraction] The interaction. attr_writer :interaction # # The result for rendering the view. # class Result <, :embeds, :components); end # @private def initialize(client, channel, ...) @client = channel.instance_variable_get(:@client) @channel = channel @message_id = nil @stopped = false @components = { |id, component| [id,, component.block)] }.to_h @result =, [], []) super(...) end # @private def start render @client.views[@message_id.to_s] = self end # # Stops the view. # # @param [Boolean] disable Whether to disable the components. # @param [Boolean] delete Whether to delete the message. # def stop!(disable: true, delete: false) @client.views.delete(@message_id.to_s) if disable @stopped = true render end @channel.delete_message!(@message_id) if delete end # # Renders the view. # def render instance_exec(@result, &actual_view.block) components = do |c| case c when Symbol @components[c]&.object or raise ArgumentError "Unknown component ID #{c}" when Button c else raise ArgumentError "Component must be a Symbol or a Button" end end if @stopped components.each do |component| component.disabled = true end end if @interaction @interaction.edit(@result.content, embeds: @result.embeds, components: components).wait else msg =, embeds: @result.embeds, components: components).wait @message_id = end end # @private def actual_view view = self.class.views.filter { |v| v.check }.find { |v| instance_exec(@interaction, &v.check) } if view.nil? view = self.class.views.find { |v| v.check.nil? } end view end end end end