# Vidibus::Service [![](http://travis-ci.org/vidibus/vidibus-service.png)](http://travis-ci.org/vidibus/vidibus-service)


This gem is part of [Vidibus](http://vidibus.org), an open source toolset for building distributed (video) applications.

## Installation

Add `gem "vidibus-service"` to your Gemfile. Then call `bundle install` on your console.

##  Requirements

In order to work properly this gem needs the route /connector to call a Rack app. Usually this
route gets provided automatically but that may fail if your application has some sort of catch-all
route. To check if the route works as expected, just call http://yourapp.com/connector and expect
an error message like this:

This service has not been configured yet. Use your Connector to set it up.

If you don't see this error message, add the route manually at the top of your routes.rb:

match "/connector" => Vidibus::Service::ConnectorApp

## Usage


## Copyright

© 2010-2013 Andre Pankratz. See LICENSE for details.