# Vidibus::Service [](http://travis-ci.org/vidibus/vidibus-service) DESCRIBE This gem is part of [Vidibus](http://vidibus.org), an open source toolset for building distributed (video) applications. ## Installation Add `gem "vidibus-service"` to your Gemfile. Then call `bundle install` on your console. ## Requirements In order to work properly this gem needs the route /connector to call a Rack app. Usually this route gets provided automatically but that may fail if your application has some sort of catch-all route. To check if the route works as expected, just call http://yourapp.com/connector and expect an error message like this: ``` This service has not been configured yet. Use your Connector to set it up. ``` If you don't see this error message, add the route manually at the top of your routes.rb: ```ruby match "/connector" => Vidibus::Service::ConnectorApp ``` ## Usage DESCRIBE ## Copyright © 2010-2013 Andre Pankratz. See LICENSE for details.