_.def('Luca.components.GridView').extend('Luca.components.Panel').with bodyTemplate: "components/grid_view" autoBindEventHandlers: true events: "dblclick table tbody tr" : "double_click_handler" "click table tbody tr": "click_handler" className: 'luca-ui-g-view' rowClass: "luca-ui-g-row" wrapperClass: "luca-ui-g-view-wrapper" # add whatever additional container classes you want # to be applied to the wrapper here additionalWrapperClasses: [] # add additional style declarations to the wrapper if you like # these will be added by jquery.css and accept the same syntax wrapperStyles: {} scrollable: true emptyText: 'No Results To display.' # available options are striped, condensed, bordered # or any combination of these, split up by space tableStyle: 'striped' # we have to specify height to make the scrollable table portion work defaultHeight: 285 # unless we specify the width ourselves # the width of the grid will automatically be set to the width of the container # and if it can't be determined, then it will be set to the default defaultWidth: 756 # the grid should never outgrow its container maxWidth: undefined # hooks is configuration sugar # the before:grid:render trigger # will automatically fire the # beforeGridRender function hooks:[ "before:grid:render" "before:render:header" "before:render:row" "after:grid:render" "row:double:click" "row:click" "after:collection:load" ] initialize: (@options={})-> _.extend @, @options _.extend @, Luca.modules.Deferrable @loadMask = Luca.enableBootstrap unless @loadMask? @loadMaskEl ||= ".luca-ui-g-view-body" if @loadMask is true Luca.components.Panel::initialize.apply(@, arguments) @configure_collection(true) @collection.bind "before:fetch", ()=> @trigger "enable:loadmask" if @loadMask is true @collection.bind "reset", (collection) => @refresh() @trigger "disable:loadmask" if @loadMask is true @trigger "after:collection:load", collection # if a model changes, then we will update the row's contents # by rerendering that row's cells @collection.bind "change", (model)=> return unless @rendered is true try rowEl = @getRowEl( model.id || model.get('id') || model.cid ) cells = @render_row(model, @collection.indexOf(model), cellsOnly: true ) $( rowEl ).html( cells.join(" ") ) catch error console.log "Error in change handler for GridView.collection", error, @, model beforeRender: ()-> Luca.components.Panel::beforeRender?.apply(@, arguments) @trigger "before:grid:render", @ @table = @$ 'table.luca-ui-g-view' @header = @$ "thead" @body = @$ "tbody" @footer = @$ "tfoot" @wrapper = @$ ".#{ @wrapperClass }" @applyCssClasses() @setDimensions() if @scrollable @renderHeader() @emptyMessage() $(@container).append @$el afterRender: ()-> Luca.components.Panel::afterRender?.apply(@, arguments) @rendered = true @refresh() @trigger "after:grid:render", @ applyCssClasses: ()-> @$el.addClass 'scrollable-g-view' if @scrollable _( @additionalWrapperClasses ).each (containerClass)=> @wrapper?.addClass( containerClass ) if Luca.enableBootstrap @table.addClass('table') _( @tableStyle?.split(" ") ).each (style)=> @table.addClass("table-#{ style }") setDimensions: (offset)-> @height ||= @defaultHeight @$('.luca-ui-g-view-body').height( @height ) @$('tbody.scrollable').height( @height - 23 ) @container_width = do => $(@container).width() @width ||= if @container_width > 0 then @container_width else @defaultWidth # don't let the grid outgrow its maxWidth @width = _([@width, (@maxWidth || @width)]).max() @$('.luca-ui-g-view-body').width @width @$('.luca-ui-g-view-body table').width @width @setDefaultColumnWidths() resize: (newWidth)-> difference = newWidth - @width @width = newWidth @$('.luca-ui-g-view-body').width( @width ) @$('.luca-ui-g-view-body table').width( @width ) if @columns.length > 0 distribution = difference / @columns.length _(@columns).each (col,index)=> column = $(".column-#{ index }", @el ) column.width( col.width = col.width + distribution ) padLastColumn: ()-> configured_column_widths = _(@columns).inject (sum, column)-> sum = (column.width) + sum , 0 unused_width = @width - configured_column_widths if unused_width > 0 @lastColumn().width += unused_width setDefaultColumnWidths: ()-> default_column_width = if @columns.length > 0 then @width / @columns.length else 200 _( @columns ).each (column)-> parseInt(column.width ||= default_column_width) @padLastColumn() lastColumn: ()-> @columns[ @columns.length - 1 ] emptyMessage: (text="")-> text ||= @emptyText @body.html('') @body.append Luca.templates["components/grid_view_empty_text"](colspan:@columns.length,text:text) refresh: ()-> @body.html('') @collection.each (model,index)=> @render_row.apply(@, [model,index]) if @collection.models.length == 0 @emptyMessage() ifLoaded: (fn, scope)-> scope ||= @ fn ||= ()-> true @collection.ifLoaded(fn,scope) applyFilter: (values, options={auto:true,refresh:true})-> @collection.applyFilter(values, options) renderHeader: ()-> @trigger "before:render:header" headers = _(@columns).map (column,column_index) => # temporary hack for scrollable grid dimensions. style = if column.width then "width:#{ column.width }px;" else "" "