require 'spec_helper' describe ThinkingSphinx::RakeInterface do let(:configuration) { double('configuration', :controller => controller) } let(:interface) { } before :each do ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.stub :instance => configuration interface.stub(:puts => nil) end describe '#clear' do let(:controller) { double 'controller' } before :each do configuration.stub( :indices_location => '/path/to/indices', :searchd => double(:binlog_path => '/path/to/binlog') ) FileUtils.stub :rm_r => true File.stub :exists? => true end it "removes the directory for the index files" do FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_r).with('/path/to/indices') interface.clear end it "removes the directory for the binlog files" do FileUtils.should_receive(:rm_r).with('/path/to/binlog') interface.clear end end describe '#configure' do let(:controller) { double('controller') } before :each do configuration.stub( :configuration_file => '/path/to/foo.conf', :render_to_file => true ) end it "renders the configuration to a file" do configuration.should_receive(:render_to_file) interface.configure end it "prints a message stating the file is being generated" do interface.should_receive(:puts). with('Generating configuration to /path/to/foo.conf') interface.configure end end describe '#index' do let(:controller) { double('controller', :index => true) } before :each do ThinkingSphinx.stub :before_index_hooks => [] configuration.stub( :configuration_file => '/path/to/foo.conf', :render_to_file => true, :indices_location => '/path/to/indices' ) FileUtils.stub :mkdir_p => true end it "renders the configuration to a file by default" do configuration.should_receive(:render_to_file) interface.index end it "does not render the configuration if requested" do configuration.should_not_receive(:render_to_file) interface.index false end it "creates the directory for the index files" do FileUtils.should_receive(:mkdir_p).with('/path/to/indices') interface.index end it "calls all registered hooks" do called = false ThinkingSphinx.before_index_hooks << { called = true } interface.index called.should be_true end it "indexes all indices verbosely" do controller.should_receive(:index).with(:verbose => true) interface.index end end describe '#start' do let(:controller) { double('controller', :start => true, :pid => 101) } before :each do controller.stub(:running?).and_return(false, true) configuration.stub :indices_location => 'my/index/files' FileUtils.stub :mkdir_p => true end it "creates the index files directory" do FileUtils.should_receive(:mkdir_p).with('my/index/files') interface.start end it "starts the daemon" do controller.should_receive(:start) interface.start end it "raises an error if the daemon is already running" do controller.stub :running? => true lambda { interface.start }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "prints a success message if the daemon has started" do controller.stub(:running?).and_return(false, true) interface.should_receive(:puts). with('Started searchd successfully (pid: 101).') interface.start end it "prints a failure message if the daemon does not start" do controller.stub(:running?).and_return(false, false) interface.should_receive(:puts). with('Failed to start searchd. Check the log files for more information.') interface.start end end describe '#stop' do let(:controller) { double('controller', :stop => true, :pid => 101) } before :each do controller.stub :running? => true end it "prints a message if the daemon is not already running" do controller.stub :running? => false interface.should_receive(:puts).with('searchd is not currently running.') interface.stop end it "stops the daemon" do controller.should_receive(:stop) interface.stop end it "prints a message informing the daemon has stopped" do interface.should_receive(:puts).with('Stopped searchd daemon (pid: 101).') interface.stop end it "should retry stopping the daemon until it stops" do controller.should_receive(:stop).twice.and_return(false, true) interface.stop end end end