=begin rdoc RPCQooxdoo - simple JSON-handler for Qooxdoo-RPC cross-domain requests ONLY! RPCQooxdooService - to be inherited by your services RPCQooxdooHandler - handles requests from Qooxdoo in different ways Each Qooxdoo-request has a service, method and a params. This class allows a convenient way to map these to Ruby classes and do as less as possible. In order to add a service, you just have to inherit from RPCQooxdooSerivce, and your new service will automatically be available under the following name: * DELETED, REMOVE THE COMMENT IF NEEDED: the first part till the first "_" is cut - allowing for else overlapping service names * all "_" in the name are replaced with "." RPCQooxdooService makes an instance of your class, which will be used thereafter to handle calls to different methods The method of the RPC call are simply mapped to methods of the class. The return of the method is wrapped up to fit JSON In your HTTP-handler you have to either call * RPCQooxdooHandler::parse( stid, data ) - if you have the data: * stid is the _ScriptTransport_id - field * data is the _ScriptTransport_data - field * RPCQooxdooHandler::parse_query( q ) - if you're using something that gives the query as a hash, Camping or Webrick Or you leave it all to Webrick by calling RPCQooxdooHandler::webrick( port ) =end require 'webrick' require 'helper_classes/timing' include HelperClasses include WEBrick class RPCQooxdooService @@services_hash = {} @@needs = {} @@is_instance = false # As we can't call .new during "inherited", we have # to do it afterwards - too bad. def initialize(services = '.*') get_services(services) end def needs_covered(a) return true unless @@needs.has_key?(a) @@needs[a].each { |n| return false if @@services_hash[n].class == Class } return true end def get_services(services = '.*') #dputs_func do_init = true while do_init do_init = false dputs(3) { "List is: #{@@services_hash.keys.inspect} for services #{services.inspect}" } # The entities have to be initialized before the views %w(Entities View).each { |e| @@services_hash.sort.each { |k, v| if k =~ /^#{e}/ and k =~ /#{services}/ dputs(3) { "Initializing #{k.class.name} with #{v.class.name}" } if @@services_hash[k].class == Class dputs(5) { "Needs is: #{@@needs.inspect}" } #if @@needs.has_key?(k) && # @@services_hash[@@needs[k]].class == Class if !needs_covered(k) dputs(3) { "Not initializing #{k}, as it needs #{@@needs[k]}" } @@needs[k].each { |n| get_services(/^#{n}$/) } do_init = true else dputs(3) { "RPC: making an instance of #{k.inspect} with #{v.inspect}" } @@services_hash[k] = v.new end end end } } end @@is_instance = true end def self.migrate_all # And now do eventual migrations on everybody @@services_hash.each_pair { |k, v| if k =~ /^Entities/ and v.class != Class dputs(3) { "Migration of #{k}" } oldload = v.loading v.loading = true v.migrate v.loading = oldload dputs(3) { "Migration of #{k}" } end } end def self.entities RPCQooxdooService.services.each { |service_name, service_class| if service_name.to_s =~ /^Entities/ dputs(4) { "Found Entities of #{service_name.inspect}" } yield service_class end } end # Catches the name of the new class def self.inherited(subclass) # name = "#{subclass}".sub( /^.*?_/, "" ).gsub( '_', '.' ) name = "#{subclass}".gsub('_', '.') super_name = subclass.superclass.name if super_name != 'RPCQooxdooService' name = "#{super_name}.#{name}" end dputs(5) { "A new handler -#{subclass} is created for the class: #{super_name} with path #{name}" } @@services_hash[name] = subclass end def self.services @@services_hash end def self.needs @@needs end # Adds a new service of type "subclass" and stores it under "name" def self.add_prime_service(subclass, name) dputs(5) { "Add a new service: #{subclass} as #{name}" } @@services_hash[name] = subclass.new @@services_hash[name].load(false) end end class RPCQooxdooHandler @@paths = {} @@file_paths = {} # self.answer and self.error return a hash, which will be converted later def self.answer(result, id, error = nil) not result and result = [] {'result' => result, 'error' => error, 'id' => id} end def self.error(origin, code, message, id) self.answer(nil, id, {'origin' => origin, 'code' => code, 'message' => message}.to_json) end def self.get_ip(req) dputs(3) { "header is #{req.header.inspect} - peeraddr is #{req.peeraddr.inspect}" } if (ret = req.header['x-forwarded-for']) && (ret != []) dputs(3) { "x-forward of #{ret.inspect}" } ret.first else dputs(3) { "peeraddr - #{req.peeraddr[3]}" } req.peeraddr[3] end end # Replies to a request def self.request(id, service, method, params, web_req = nil) # dputs_func # dp params[0] #dp Sessions.search_all_ #dp web_req show_request_reply = 3 time = Timing.new(3) session = Sessions.match_by_sid(params[0].shift) || Sessions.create dputs(3) { "session is #{session.inspect}" } if service =~ /^View/ and session dputs(3) { "Going to test if we can view #{service}" } if not session.can_view(service) return self.error(2, 3, 'Not allowed to view that!', id) end session.web_req = web_req if web_req session.client_ip = self.get_ip(web_req) end end dputs(show_request_reply) { "Going to call #{service}, #{method}. Args = #{params.inspect}" } # Get an answer with some error-checking if RPCQooxdooService::services.has_key?(service) s = RPCQooxdooService::services[service] method = "rpc_#{method}" if s.respond_to?(method) dputs(3) { "Calling #{method} with #{params.inspect}" } System.rescue_all("while handling #{method} with #{params.inspect}") do parsed = s.parse_request(method, session, params[0]) time.probe("Parsing #{service}.#{method}") dputs(4) { "Parsed request is #{parsed.inspect}" } answer = s.parse_reply(method, session, parsed) time.probe("Replying #{service}.#{method}") dputs(3) { "First answer is #{answer.inspect}" } if answer.class == Array answer.delete_if { |a| a.class != Hash or (a.keys.join != 'cmddata' and a.keys.join != 'datacmd') } else dputs(3) { 'Creating empty reply' } answer = [{:cmd => 'none', :data => []}] end dputs(show_request_reply) { "Final answer is #{answer.inspect}" } return self.answer(answer, id) end return self.error(2, 2, 'Error in handling method', id) else return self.error(2, 2, "No such method #{method} for #{s.class.name}", id) end else return self.error(2, 1, 'No such service', id) end end # Parsing of an incoming RPC-request - returns a string to be sent # to the client def self.parse(data, web_req = nil) # Prepare all variables if not data answer = self.error(2, 0, "Didn't receive request", -1) else dputs(3) { "Request-data is: #{data.inspect}" } answer = self.request(data['id'], data['service'], data['method'], data['params'], web_req) end # And put it in a nice qx-compatible reply dputs(3) { "Answer is: #{answer}" } return answer end # A more easy handler for a query-hash, e.g. camping or webrick def self.parse_query(q) request = JSON.parse(q.body) dputs(4) { "JSON of body is #{request.inspect}" } reply = self.parse(request, q).to_json # dp "Reply is: #{reply.encoding} - #{reply.size} - #{reply.bytesize} - #{reply}" return reply.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) end def self.parse_query_xdomain(q) stid = q.query['_ScriptTransport_id'] answer = self.parse(JSON.parse(q.query['_ScriptTransport_data']), q) dp "Answer is: #{answer} - #{answer.to_json}" return "qx.io.remote.transport.Script._requestFinished('#{stid}', " + "#{answer.to_json} );" end @@server = [] # And a no-worry with Webrick def self.webrick(port, dir = ".", duration = nil) dputs(3) { "Starting webrick for port #{port}, dir #{dir}, duration #{duration.inspect}" } access_log_stream = File.open('webrick.access.log', 'w') logger = [[access_log_stream, AccessLog::COMBINED_LOG_FORMAT]] #logger.push [$stderr, WEBrick::AccessLog::COMMON_LOG_FORMAT] #logger.push [$stderr, WEBrick::AccessLog::REFERER_LOG_FORMAT] if @@server[port] dputs(2) { 'Server already running - halting' } @@server[port].shutdown end begin @@server[port] = HTTPServer.new(:Port => port, :Logger => WEBrick::Log.new('webrick.log'), :AccessLog => logger, :DoNotReverseLookup => true) rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE => e dputs(0) { "Couldn't bind to address #{port} - already in use" } raise Errno::EADDRINUSE end # server = HTTPServer.new(:Port => port ) #server.mount "/rpc", GetPost # This is the remote-procedure-handling from the Frontend @@server[port].mount_proc('/rpc') { |req, res| $webrick_request = req dputs(5) { "Request is #{req.inspect}" } dputs(5) { "Body is is #{req.body.inspect}" } dputs(4) { "Request-path is #{req.path}" } if req.body res.body = self.parse_query(req) else res.body = self.parse_query_xdomain(req) end #res['content-type'] = "text/html" res['content-type'] = 'application/json' res['content-length'] = res.body.length dputs(3) { "RPC-Reply is #{res.body}" } raise HTTPStatus::OK } # And any other handling required by modules @@paths.each { |path, cl| dputs(2) { "Mounting path /#{path} to class #{cl.name}" } @@server[port].mount_proc("/#{path.to_s}") { |req, res| $webrick_request = req dputs(5) { "Webrick_request is #{$webrick_request.inspect}" } dputs(4) { "#{path}-Request is #{req.path} and " + "method is #{req.request_method}" } status = HTTPStatus::OK res['content-type'] = 'text/html' System.rescue_all("while handling #{cl.name} with #{req.inspect}") { if cl.respond_to? :parse_req_res res.body = cl.parse_req_res(req, res).to_s elsif cl.respond_to? :parse_req res.body = cl.parse_req(req).to_s else res.body = cl.parse(req.request_method, req.path, req.query).to_s end } or res.body = 'Error in handling method' res.body.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) res['content-length'] = res.body.length res['status'] = status if res['content-type'] == 'text/html' dputs(3) { "#{path}-reply is #{res.body.inspect}" } end dputs(3) { "Status is #{status.inspect}" } } } @@file_paths.each { |web, dir| dputs(2) { "Mounting web-path /#{web} to file-path #{dir}" } @@server[port].mount("/#{web}", HTTPServlet::FileHandler, dir) } @@server[port].mount('/tmp', HTTPServlet::FileHandler, '/tmp') @@server[port].mount('/', HTTPServlet::FileHandler, dir) if not duration dputs(2) { 'Starting forever' } %w(INT TERM).each { |signal| trap(signal) { dputs(3) { 'Shutting down http-server' } @@server[port].shutdown } } @@server[port].start else dputs(2) { "Starting for #{duration} seconds" } server_loop = Thread.new { @@server[port].start dputs(2) { 'Webrick stopped' } } sleep duration @@server[port].shutdown server_loop.join end end def self.add_path(path, cl) @@paths[path.to_sym] = cl end def self.add_file_path(web, dir) @@file_paths[web.to_sym] = dir end end class RPCQooxdooPath def self.inherited(subclass) name = subclass.name.downcase dputs(2) { "A new path -#{subclass} is created for the class: #{subclass} with path /#{name}" } RPCQooxdooHandler.add_path(name, subclass) end def self.sanitize(filename) filename.gsub(/[^0-9A-z._\/-]/, '') end end