class SlackSmartBot # help: ---------------------------------------------- # help: >** # help: `repl` # help: `live` # help: `irb` # help: `repl SESSION_NAME` # help: `private repl SESSION_NAME` # help: `clean repl SESSION_NAME` # help: `repl ENV_VAR=VALUE` # help: `repl SESSION_NAME ENV_VAR=VALUE ENV_VAR='VALUE'` # help: `repl SESSION_NAME: "DESCRIPTION"` # help: `repl SESSION_NAME: "DESCRIPTION" ENV_VAR=VALUE ENV_VAR='VALUE'` # help: Will run all we write as a ruby command and will keep the session values. # help: SESSION_NAME only admits from a to Z, numbers, - and _ # help: If no SESSION_NAME supplied it will be treated as a temporary REPL # help: If 'private' specified the repl will be accessible only by you and it will be displayed only to you when `see repls` # help: If 'clean' specified the repl won't pre execute the code written on the .smart-bot-repl file # help: To avoid a message to be treated, start the message with '-'. # help: Send _quit_, _bye_ or _exit_ to finish the session. # help: Send puts, print, p or pp if you want to print out something when using _run repl_ later. # help: After 30 minutes of no communication with the Smart Bot the session will be dismissed. # help: If you declare on your rules file a method called 'project_folder' returning the path for the project folder, the code will be executed from that folder. # help: By default it will be automatically loaded the gems: string_pattern, nice_hash and nice_http # help: To pre-execute some ruby when starting the session add the code to .smart-bot-repl file on the project root folder defined on project_folder # help: If you want to see the methods of a class or module you created use _ls TheModuleOrClass_ # help: To see the code of a method: _code TheModuleOrClass.my_method_ # help: To see the documentation of a method: _doc TheModuleOrClass.my_method_ # help: You can ask *ChatGPT* to help you or suggest any code by sending the message: `? PROMPT` # help: If you send just `?` it will suggest some code to be added. # help: You can supply the Environmental Variables you need for the Session # help: You can add collaborators by sending _add collaborator @USER_ to the session. # help: Examples: # help: _repl CreateCustomer LOCATION=spain HOST=''_ # help: _repl CreateCustomer: "It creates a random customer for testing" LOCATION=spain HOST=''_ # help: _repl delete_logs_ # help: _private repl random-ssn_ # help: # help: command_id: :repl # help: def repl(dest, user, session_name, env_vars, rules_file, command, description, type) #todo: add more tests from = team_id_user = "#{user.team_id}_#{}" if has_access?(__method__, user) if !@repl_sessions.key?(team_id_user) save_stats(__method__) Dir.mkdir("#{config.path}/repl") unless Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/repl") Dir.mkdir("#{config.path}/repl/#{@channel_id}") unless Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/repl/#{@channel_id}") serialt ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S%N") if session_name.to_s == "" session_name = "#{from}_#{serialt}" temp_repl = true else temp_repl = false i = 0 name = session_name while File.exist?("#{config.path}/repl/#{@channel_id}/#{session_name}.input") i += 1 session_name = "#{name}#{i}" end end @repl_sessions[team_id_user] = { name: session_name, dest: dest, started:, finished:, input: [], on_thread: Thread.current[:on_thread], thread_ts: Thread.current[:thread_ts], collaborators: [], user_type: :creator, user_creator: team_id_user, } unless temp_repl @repls[session_name] = { created: @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:started].to_s, accessed: @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:started].to_s, creator_name:, creator_team_id: user.team_id, creator_id:, description: description, type: type, runs_by_creator: 0, runs_by_others: 0, gets: 0, } update_repls() end react :running @ts_react ||= {} if Thread.current[:ts].to_s == "" @ts_react[session_name] = Thread.current[:thread_ts] else @ts_react[session_name] = Thread.current[:ts] end @ts_repl ||= {} @ts_repl[session_name] = "" process_to_run = repl_client(team_id_user, session_name, type, serialt, env_vars) unless rules_file.empty? # to get the project_folder begin eval( + rules_file).read) if File.exist?(config.path + rules_file) end end file_run_path = "./tmp/repl/#{@channel_id}/#{session_name}.rb" if defined?(project_folder) Dir.mkdir("#{project_folder}/tmp/") unless Dir.exist?("#{project_folder}/tmp/") Dir.mkdir("#{project_folder}/tmp/repl") unless Dir.exist?("#{project_folder}/tmp/repl") Dir.mkdir("#{project_folder}/tmp/repl/#{@channel_id}/") unless Dir.exist?("#{project_folder}/tmp/repl/#{@channel_id}/") file_run ="./", "#{project_folder}/"), "w") file_run.write process_to_run file_run.close else Dir.mkdir("./tmp/") unless Dir.exist?("./tmp/") Dir.mkdir("./tmp/repl") unless Dir.exist?("./tmp/repl") Dir.mkdir("./tmp/repl/#{@channel_id}/") unless Dir.exist?("./tmp/repl/#{@channel_id}/") file_run =, "w") file_run.write process_to_run file_run.close end process_to_run = "ruby #{file_run_path}" started = process_to_run = ("cd #{project_folder} && " + process_to_run) if defined?(project_folder) stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr = Open3.popen3(process_to_run) timeout = TIMEOUT_LISTENING # 30 minutes file_output_repl ="#{config.path}/repl/#{@channel_id}/#{session_name}.output", "r") @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:pid] = @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:output] ||= [] @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:input_output] ||= [] @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:input_output] << "Please chatgpt return code in Ruby language." if File.exist?("#{project_folder}/.smart-bot-repl") and type != :private_clean and type != :public_clean pre_input ="#{project_folder}/.smart-bot-repl") @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:input_output] << "```\n#{pre_input}\n```" respond "*Preloaded source code:*\n```\n#{pre_input}\n```" end while (wait_thr.status == "run" or wait_thr.status == "sleep") and @repl_sessions.key?(team_id_user) begin if ( - @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:finished]) > timeout open("#{config.path}/repl/#{@channel_id}/#{@repl_sessions[team_id_user][:name]}.input", "a+") { |f| f.puts "quit" } respond "REPL session finished: #{@repl_sessions[team_id_user][:name]}", dest unreact :running, @ts_react[@repl_sessions[team_id_user].name] pids = `pgrep -P #{@repl_sessions[team_id_user][:pid]}`.split("\n").map(&:to_i) #todo: it needs to be adapted for Windows pids.each do |pid| begin Process.kill("KILL", pid) rescue end end @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:collaborators].each do |collaborator| @repl_sessions.delete(collaborator) end @repl_sessions.delete(team_id_user) break end sleep 0.2 resp_repl = if resp_repl.to_s != "" if @ts_repl[@repl_sessions[team_id_user].name].to_s != "" unreact(:running, @ts_repl[@repl_sessions[team_id_user].name]) @ts_repl[@repl_sessions[team_id_user].name] = "" end if (resp_repl.to_s.lines.count < 60 and resp_repl.to_s.size < 3500) or resp_repl.match?(/^\s*[_\*]*`\w+`/im) respond resp_repl, dest else resp_repl.gsub!(/^\s*```/, "") resp_repl.gsub!(/```\s*$/, "") send_file(dest, "", "response.rb", "", "text/plain", "ruby", content: resp_repl) end @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:output] << resp_repl @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:input_output] << resp_repl end rescue Exception => excp @logger.fatal excp end end elsif @repl_sessions.key?(team_id_user) and @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:command].to_s == "" respond "You are already in a repl on this SmartBot. You need to quit that one before starting a new one." else @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:finished] = code = @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:command] @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:command] = "" code.gsub!("\\n", "\n") code.gsub!("\\r", "\r") # Disabled for the moment since it is deleting lines with '}' #code.gsub!(/^\W*$/, "") #to remove special chars from slack when copy/pasting. if code.match?(/\A\s*-/i) # don't treat elsif code.match(/\A\s*\?\s*(.*)\s*\z/im) save_stats :open_ai_chat #call chatgpt when: ? prompt #if no prompt then suggest next code line prompt = $1 prompt = "suggest next code line" if prompt.to_s == "" tid = "#{user.team_id}_#{}" @repl_sessions[tid][:chat_gpt] ||= {} react :speech_balloon if !@repl_sessions[tid][:chat_gpt].key?(:client) or @repl_sessions[tid][:chat_gpt][:client].nil? get_personal_settings() tmp_repl_sessions, message_connect = SlackSmartBot::AI::OpenAI.connect(@repl_sessions, config, @personal_settings, reconnect: true, service: :chat_gpt) @repl_sessions[tid][:chat_gpt] = tmp_repl_sessions[tid][:chat_gpt] respond message_connect if message_connect end @repl_sessions[tid][:chat_gpt][:prompts] ||= [] unless @repl_sessions[tid][:chat_gpt][:client].nil? model ||= @repl_sessions[tid][:chat_gpt][:smartbot_model] #todo: add source code to the prompt @repl_sessions[tid][:chat_gpt][:prompts] << prompt @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:input_output] << prompt prompts = @repl_sessions[tid][:input_output].join("\n") success, res = SlackSmartBot::AI::OpenAI.send_gpt_chat(@repl_sessions[tid][:chat_gpt][:client], model, prompts, @repl_sessions[tid].chat_gpt) if success @repl_sessions[tid][:chat_gpt][:prompts] << res respond "*ChatGPT>* _#{model}_\n#{res}" @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:input_output] << res elsif res.to_s.strip!='' respond "*ChatGPT>* _#{model}_\n#{res}" else respond "ChatGPT: Sorry, I cannot chat right now. Please try again later." end end unreact :speech_balloon elsif code.match?(/System/i) or code.match?(/Kernel/i) or code.include?("File.") or code.include?("`") or code.include?("exec") or code.include?("spawn") or code.include?("IO.") or code.match?(/open3/i) or code.match?(/bundle/i) or code.match?(/gemfile/i) or code.include?("%x") or code.include?("ENV") or code.match?(/=\s*IO/) or code.include?("Dir.") or code.match?(/=\s*File/) or code.match?(/=\s*Dir/) or code.match?(/<\s*File/) or code.match?(/<\s*Dir/) or code.match?(/\w+:\s*File/) or code.match?(/\w+:\s*Dir/) or code.match?(/=?\s*(require|load)(\(|\s)/i) respond "Sorry I cannot run this due security reasons", dest elsif code.match(/\A\s*add\s+collaborator\s+<@(\w+)>\s*\z/i) collaborator = $1 user_info = find_user(collaborator) collaborator_name = "#{user_info.team_id}_#{}" if @repl_sessions.key?(collaborator_name) respond "Sorry, <@#{collaborator}> is already in a repl. Please ask her/him to quit it first.", dest else respond "Collaborator added. Now <@#{collaborator}> can interact with this repl.", dest creator = @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:user_creator] @repl_sessions[creator][:collaborators] << collaborator_name @repl_sessions[collaborator_name] = { name: @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:name], dest: dest, on_thread: Thread.current[:on_thread], thread_ts: Thread.current[:thread_ts], user_type: :collaborator, user_creator: creator, } end else if @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:user_type] == :collaborator creator = @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:user_creator] @repl_sessions[@repl_sessions[team_id_user][:user_creator]][:input] << code else creator = team_id_user @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:input] << code end if code.include?("```") @repl_sessions[creator][:input_output] << code else @repl_sessions[creator][:input_output] << "```\n#{code}\n```" end case code when /^\s*(quit|exit|bye|bye\s+bot)\s*$/i if @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:user_type] == :collaborator respond "Collaborator <@#{}> removed.", dest @repl_sessions[creator][:collaborators].delete(team_id_user) @repl_sessions.delete(team_id_user) else open("#{config.path}/repl/#{@channel_id}/#{@repl_sessions[team_id_user][:name]}.input", "a+") { |f| f.puts code } respond "REPL session finished: #{@repl_sessions[team_id_user][:name]}", dest unreact :running, @ts_react[@repl_sessions[team_id_user].name] pids = `pgrep -P #{@repl_sessions[team_id_user][:pid]}`.split("\n").map(&:to_i) #todo: it needs to be adapted for Windows pids.each do |pid| begin Process.kill("KILL", pid) rescue end end @repl_sessions[team_id_user][:collaborators].each do |collaborator| @repl_sessions.delete(collaborator) end @repl_sessions.delete(team_id_user) end else if @ts_repl[@repl_sessions[creator].name].to_s == "" @ts_repl[@repl_sessions[creator].name] = Thread.current[:ts] react :running end open("#{config.path}/repl/#{@channel_id}/#{@repl_sessions[creator][:name]}.input", "a+") { |f| f.puts code } end end end end end end