# -*- ruby -*- begin require 'hoe' rescue LoadError abort "ERROR: This Rakefile is only useful with hoe installed. If you're trying to install the rubyforge library, please install it via rubygems." end Object.send :remove_const, :RubyForge if defined? RubyForge require './lib/rubyforge.rb' Hoe.new("rubyforge", RubyForge::VERSION) do |p| p.rubyforge_name = "codeforpeople" p.url = "http://rubyforge.org/projects/codeforpeople" p.author = ['Ara T Howard', 'Ryan Davis', 'Eric Hodel'] p.need_tar = false changes = p.paragraphs_of("History.txt", 1).first summary, *description = p.paragraphs_of("README.txt", 3, 3..4) p.changes = changes p.summary = summary p.description = description.join("\n\n") end # vim:syntax=ruby