# Extend Object with bean declaration and bean injection functionality # Example of usage: # class Bar # bean :bar # end # # class Foo # include SmartIoC::Iocify # bean :foo, scope: :prototype, instance: false, factory_method: :get_beans # # inject :bar # inject :some_bar, ref: bar, from: :repository # # def hello_world # puts 'Hello world' # end # end # # SmartIoC::Container.get_bean(:bar).hello_world module SmartIoC::Iocify def self.included base base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # @param bean_name [Symbol] bean name # @param scope [Symbol] bean scope (defaults to :singleton) # @param package [nil or Symbol] # @param factory_method [nil or Symbol] factory method to get bean # @param instance [Boolean] instance based bean or class-based # @param context [Symbol] set bean context (ex: :test) # @return nil def bean(bean_name, scope: nil, package: nil, instance: true, factory_method: nil, context: nil) file_path = caller[0].split(':').first bean_definition = SmartIoC.get_bean_definition_by_class(self) if bean_definition if bean_definition.path == file_path # seems that file with bean definition was reloaded # lets clear all scopes so we do not have container = SmartIoC::Container.get_instance container.unregister_bean(self) container.force_clear_scopes else raise ArgumentError, "bean with for class #{self.to_s} was already defined in #{bean_definition.path}" end end bean_definition = SmartIoC.register_bean( bean_name: bean_name, klass: self, scope: scope, path: file_path, package_name: package, instance: instance, factory_method: factory_method, context: context ) if bean_definition.is_instance? class_eval %Q( def initialize raise ArgumentError, "constructor based allocation is not allowed for beans. Use ioc container to allocate bean." end ) end nil end # @param bean_name [Symbol] injected bean name # @param ref [Symbol] refferece bean to be sef as bean_name # @param from [Symbol] package name # @return nil # @raise [ArgumentError] if bean_name is not a Symbol # @raise [ArgumentError] if ref provided and ref is not a Symbol # @raise [ArgumentError] if from provided and from is not a Symbol # @raise [ArgumentError] if bean with same name was injected before def inject(bean_name, ref: nil, from: nil) bean_definition = SmartIoC::Container.get_instance.get_bean_definition_by_class(self) if bean_definition.nil? raise ArgumentError, "#{self.to_s} is not registered as bean. Add `bean :bean_name` declaration" end bean_definition.add_dependency( bean_name: bean_name, ref: ref, package: from ) if bean_definition.is_instance? class_eval %Q( private attr_reader :#{bean_name} ) else class_eval %Q( class << self private attr_reader :#{bean_name} end ) end nil end end end