# frozen_string_literal: true require 'test_helper' # was the web request successful? # was the user redirected to the right page? # was the user successfully authenticated? # was the correct object stored in the response? # was the appropriate message delivered in the json payload? class DeviseJwtAuth::UnlocksControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase describe DeviseJwtAuth::UnlocksController do setup do @request.env['devise.mapping'] = Devise.mappings[:lockable_user] end teardown do @request.env['devise.mapping'] = Devise.mappings[:user] end before do @original_lock_strategy = Devise.lock_strategy @original_unlock_strategy = Devise.unlock_strategy @original_maximum_attempts = Devise.maximum_attempts Devise.lock_strategy = :failed_attempts Devise.unlock_strategy = :email Devise.maximum_attempts = 5 end after do Devise.lock_strategy = @original_lock_strategy Devise.maximum_attempts = @original_maximum_attempts Devise.unlock_strategy = @original_unlock_strategy end describe 'Unlocking user' do before do @resource = create(:lockable_user) end describe 'request unlock without email' do before do @auth_headers = @resource.create_named_token_pair @new_password = Faker::Internet.password post :create @data = JSON.parse(response.body) end test 'response should fail' do assert_equal 401, response.status end test 'error message should be returned' do assert @data['errors'] assert_equal @data['errors'], [I18n.t('devise_jwt_auth.passwords.missing_email')] end end describe 'request unlock' do describe 'unknown user should return 404' do before do post :create, params: { email: 'chester@cheet.ah' } @data = JSON.parse(response.body) end test 'unknown user should return 404' do assert_equal 404, response.status end test 'errors should be returned' do assert @data['errors'] assert_equal @data['errors'], [I18n.t('devise_jwt_auth.passwords.user_not_found', email: 'chester@cheet.ah')] end end describe 'successfully requested unlock' do before do post :create, params: { email: @resource.email } @data = JSON.parse(response.body) end test 'response should not contain extra data' do assert_nil @data['data'] end end describe 'case-sensitive email' do before do post :create, params: { email: @resource.email } @mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last @resource.reload @data = JSON.parse(response.body) @mail_config_name = CGI.unescape(@mail.body.match(/config=([^&]*)&/)[1]) @mail_reset_token = @mail.body.match(/unlock_token=(.*)"/)[1] end test 'response should return success status' do assert_equal 200, response.status end test 'response should contains message' do assert_equal @data['message'], I18n.t('devise_jwt_auth.unlocks.sended', email: @resource.email) end test 'action should send an email' do assert @mail end test 'the email should be addressed to the user' do assert_equal @mail.to.first, @resource.email end test 'the client config name should fall back to "default"' do assert_equal 'default', @mail_config_name end test 'the email body should contain a link with reset token as a query param' do user = LockableUser.unlock_access_by_token(@mail_reset_token) assert_equal user.id, @resource.id end describe 'unlock link failure' do test 'response should return 404' do assert_raises(ActionController::RoutingError) do get :show, params: { unlock_token: 'bogus' } end end end describe 'password reset link success' do before do get :show, params: { unlock_token: @mail_reset_token } @resource.reload raw_qs = response.location.split('?')[1] @qs = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(raw_qs) @access_token = @qs[DeviseJwtAuth.access_token_name] @unlock = @qs['unlock'] @refresh_token = response.cookies[DeviseJwtAuth.refresh_token_name] end test 'respones should have success redirect status' do assert_equal 302, response.status end test 'response should contain auth params' do assert @access_token assert @unlock assert @refresh_token end end end describe 'case-insensitive email' do before do @resource_class = LockableUser @request_params = { email: @resource.email.upcase } end test 'response should return success status if configured' do @resource_class.case_insensitive_keys = [:email] post :create, params: @request_params assert_equal 200, response.status end test 'response should return failure status if not configured' do @resource_class.case_insensitive_keys = [] post :create, params: @request_params assert_equal 404, response.status end end end end end end