module Qa::Authorities class Getty::Ulan < Base include WebServiceBase def search q parse_authority_response(json(build_query_url(q))) end # get_json is not ideomatic, so we'll make an alias def json(*args) get_json(*args) end def build_query_url q query = URI.escape(sparql(untaint(q))) # Replace ampersands, otherwise the query will fail "{URI.escape(sparql(q)).gsub('&','%26')}&_implicit=false&implicit=true&_equivalent=false&_form=%2Fsparql" end def sparql(q) search = untaint(q) # if more than one term is supplied, check both preferred and alt labels if search.include?(' ') ex = "(" search.split(' ').each do | i | ex += "regex(CONCAT(?name, ' ', ?alt), \"#{i}\",\"i\" ) && " end ex = ex[0..ex.length - 4] ex += ")" else ex = "regex(?name, \"#{search}\", \"i\")" end # The full text index matches on fields besides the term, so we filter to ensure the match is in the term. sparql = "SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?name ?bio { ?s a skos:Concept; luc:term \"#{search}\"; skos:inScheme ; gvp:prefLabelGVP [skosxl:literalForm ?name] ; foaf:focus/gvp:biographyPreferred [schema:description ?bio] ; skos:altLabel ?alt . FILTER #{ex} . } ORDER BY ?name" end def untaint(q) q.gsub(/[^\w\s-]/, '') end def find id json(find_url(id)) end def find_url id "{id}.json" end def request_options { accept: 'application/sparql-results+json'} end private # Reformats the data received from the Getty service # Add the bio for disambiguation def parse_authority_response(response) response['results']['bindings'].map do |result| { 'id' => result['s']['value'], 'label' => result['name']['value'] + ' (' + result['bio']['value'] + ')' } end end end end