V 1.0.1 .sub calls changed to .gsub V 1.0.0 Oct/18/2004 - Declared stable, now packaged as a RubyGem VB.2.5 - Auto-detection and ENV variables removed, adds too much complexity Module location is now specified by defining $TIDYLIB before require 'tidy' $TIDYLIB is the system path to the library (ex: /usr/lib/tidylib.so) Raises an error if $TIDYLIB is not defined V.B2.4 Now uses ENV['TIDY_LIB'] instead of $TIDY_LIB V B2.3 - Added library auto-detection a) use $TIDY_LIB if defined b) Search $: and ENV['PATH'] paths for (tidy|tidylib|libtidy|htmltidy).(dll|so) c) Raise an error if not found, otherwise loads V.B2.2 - Tidy.to_b added V.B2.1 - load_config method added V.B2 - load(path) method added, library must be loaded explicity this avoids hard coding the library name require 'tidy' Tidy.load('path/to/tidylib.so') V.B1 First release