# Clapton ![version](https://badgen.net/rubygems/v/clapton) ![downloads](https://badgen.net/rubygems/dt/clapton) ![license](https://badgen.net/github/license/kawakamimoeki/clapton) Clapton is a Ruby on Rails gem for building web apps with pure Ruby only (no JavaScript and no HTML templates). ## Stack - Ruby on Rails - Action Cable (WebSocket) - [Ruby2JS](https://www.ruby2js.com/) (for compiling Ruby to JavaScript) - [Morphdom](https://github.com/patrick-steele-idem/morphdom) - importmap ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'clapton' ``` And then execute: $ bundle install ## Usage To use a Clapton component in your view: ```ruby # app/components/task_list_component.rb class TaskListComponent < Clapton::Component def render @state.tasks.each do |task| @root.add(TaskItemComponent.new(id: task[:id], title: task[:title], due: task[:due], done: task[:done])) end add_button = Clapton::Button.new add_button.add(Clapton::Text.new("Add Task")) add_button.add_action(:click, :TaskListState, :add_task) @root.add(add_button) @root.render end end ``` ```ruby # app/components/task_item_component.rb class TaskItemComponent < Clapton::Component def render button = Clapton::Button.new button.add(Clapton::Text.new(@state.done ? "✅" : "🟩")) button.add_action(:click, :TaskListState, :toggle_done) text_field = Clapton::TextField.new(@state, :title) text_field.add_action(:input, :TaskListState, :update_title) datetime_field = Clapton::DateTimeField.new(@state, :due) datetime_field.add_action(:input, :TaskListState, :update_due) @root.add(button).add(text_field).add(datetime_field) @root.render end end ``` ```ruby # app/states/task_list_state.rb class TaskListState < Clapton::State attribute :tasks def add_task(params) task = Task.create(title: "New Task", due: Date.today, done: false) self.tasks << { id: task.id, title: task.title, due: task.due, done: task.done } end def toggle_done(params) task = Task.find(params[:id]) task.update(done: !params[:done]) self.tasks.find { |t| t[:id] == params[:id] }[:done] = task.done end def update_title(params) task = Task.find(params[:id]) task.update(title: params[:title]) self.tasks.find { |t| t[:id] == params[:id] }[:title] = task.title end def update_due(params) task = Task.find(params[:id]) task.update(due: params[:due]) self.tasks.find { |t| t[:id] == params[:id] }[:due] = task.due end end ``` ```ruby # app/states/task_item_state.rb class TaskItemState < Clapton::State attribute :id attribute :title attribute :due attribute :done end ``` ```ruby # app/controllers/tasks_controller.rb class TasksController < ApplicationController def index @tasks = Task.all @components = [ [:TaskListComponent, { tasks: @tasks.map { |task| { id: task.id, title: task.title, due: task.due, done: task.done } } }] ] end end ``` ```html # app/views/layouts/application.html.erb <%= clapton_javascript_tag %> ``` ```html # app/views/tasks/index.html.erb <%= clapton_tag %> ``` Make sure to include the necessary route in your `config/routes.rb`: ```ruby mount Clapton::Engine => "/clapton" ``` ![TODO APP DEMO](./docs/todo-app-demo.gif) ### Component rendering ```html <%= clapton_component_tag( :TaskListComponent, { tasks: @tasks.map { |task| { id: task.id, title: task.title, due: task.due, done: task.done } } } ) %> ``` ### Generate Component and State ```bash rails generate clapton TaskList ``` After running the generator, you will see the following files: - `app/components/task_list_component.rb` - `app/states/task_list_state.rb` ### Special Event #### render The `render` event is a special event that is triggered when the component is rendered. ```ruby # app/components/task_list_component.rb class TaskListComponent < Clapton::Component def render # ... @root.add_action(:render, :TaskListState, :add_empty_task, debounce: 500) @root.render end end ``` ### Preset Components ```ruby block_quote = Clapton::BlockQuote.new block_quote.add(Clapton::Text.new("Hello")) box = Clapton::Box.new box.add(Clapton::Text.new("Hello")) button = Clapton::Button.new button.add(Clapton::Text.new("Click me")) button.add_action(:click, :TaskListState, :add_task) checkbox = Clapton::Checkbox.new(:ExampleState, :example_attribute, { id: "example-checkbox" }) checkbox.add_action(:change, :ExampleState, :update_example_attribute) code = Clapton::Code.new code.add(Clapton::Text.new("Hello")) datetime_field = Clapton::DateTimeField.new(:ExampleState, :example_attribute, { id: "example-datetime-field" }) element = Clapton::Element.new("div", { id: "example-element" }) element.add(Clapton::Text.new("Hello")) embed = Clapton::Embed.new("
This is a test
") emphasis = Clapton::Emphasis.new emphasis.add(Clapton::Text.new("Hello")) form = Clapton::Form.new form.add(Clapton::Text.new("Hello")) heading = Clapton::Heading.new(1) heading.add(Clapton::Text.new("Hello")) image = Clapton::Image.new("https://example.com/image.png", "Example Image") link = Clapton::Link.new("https://example.com") link.add(Clapton::Text.new("Example Link")) list = Clapton::List.new (1..3).each do item = Clapton::ListItem.new item.add(Clapton::Text.new("Item #{i}")) list.add(item) end ordered_list = Clapton::OrderedList.new (1..3).each do item = Clapton::ListItem.new item.add(Clapton::Text.new("Item #{i}")) ordered_list.add(item) end paragraph = Clapton::Paragraph.new paragraph.add(Clapton::Text.new("Hello")) quote = Clapton::Quote.new quote.add(Clapton::Text.new("Hello")) radio_button = Clapton::RadioButton.new(:ExampleState, :example_attribute, { id: "example-radio-button" }) radio_button.add_action(:change, :ExampleState, :update_example_attribute) select = Clapton::Select.new([{ value: "1", text: "One" }, { value: "2", text: "Two" }], :ExampleState, :example_attribute, { id: "example-select" }) select.add_action(:change, :ExampleState, :update_example_attribute) span = Clapton::Span.new span.add(Clapton::Text.new("Hello")) text_area = Clapton::TextArea.new(:ExampleState, :example_attribute, { id: "example-text-area" }) text_field = Clapton::TextField.new(:ExampleState, :example_attribute, { id: "example-text-field" }) text = Clapton::Text.new("Hello")` ``` ### Optional #### Action Cable Clapton uses Action Cable to broadcast state changes to the client. If you want to identify the user, you can set the `current_user` in the connection. ```ruby # app/channels/application_cable/connection.rb module ApplicationCable class Connection < ActionCable::Connection::Base identified_by :current_user def connect self.current_user = find_verified_user end private def find_verified_user if verified_user = User.find_by(id: cookies.signed[:user_id]) verified_user else reject_unauthorized_connection end end end end ``` ### Testing #### RSpec ```ruby # spec/spec_helper.rb require "clapton/test_helper/rspec" RSpec.configure do |config| config.include Clapton::TestHelper::RSpec, type: :component end ``` ```ruby # spec/components/task_list_component_spec.rb describe "TaskListComponent", type: :component do it "renders" do render_component("TaskListComponent", tasks: [{ id: 1, title: "Task 1", done: false, due: Time.current }]) # You can use Capybara matchers here expect(page).to have_selector("input[type='text']") end end ``` #### Minitest ```ruby # test/test_helper.rb require "clapton/test_helper/minitest" class ActiveSupport::TestCase include Clapton::TestHelper::Minitest end ``` ```ruby # test/components/task_list_component_test.rb class TaskListComponentTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "renders" do render_component("TaskListComponent", tasks: [{ id: 1, title: "Task 1", done: false, due: Time.current }]) # You can use Capybara matchers here assert_select "input[type='text']" end end ``` ## Deployment Run `bundle exec rake clapton:compile` to compile the components. `app/components` is codes that are compiled to JavaScript. So, you need to ignore the directory from autoloading. ```ruby # config/application.rb Rails.autoloaders.main.ignore(Rails.root.join("app/components")) ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `bin/dev` to start the development server. ### Testing Run `bundle exec rake test` to run the test suite. Run `cd test/dummy && bundle exec rake test` to run the test suite for the dummy app. Run `cd test/dummy && bundle exec rspec` to run the test suite for the dummy app with RSpec. Run `cd lib/clapton/javascripts && npm run test` to run the test suite for the JavaScript part. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/kawakamimoeki/clapton. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](https://github.com/kawakamimoeki/clapton/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).