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A bully threatens you. What should you do? <(6. You see your neighbor s garage door is open. Inside you see a brand new bike and your friend dares you to steal it. You walk in and grab the bike but you make a lot of noise getting it out and accidentally dent it. The neighbor runs out and sees you. What do you do? 7. You go online and see that a kid you don t like is on. You threaten him and you think it s a joke. The next day at school the kid tells the teacher and she asks if any one did it. What do you do?  8. You hear some kids making fun of a student in the class what do you do? 19.You see someone take another child s pencil case. What do you do? hT10.One of the  popular kids in the class asks you to do her homework. If you don t do it, she will tell all the other kids not to hang around with you. What do you do? 11. You and the rest of your basketball team have slacked off in school and your coach found out and canceled your season and practices. One of the kids suggest in retaliation to trash the gym at night. You l12. You are at cheerleading practice and your coach forgot some equipment and had to run out to her car and get it. She told you not to do any kind of stunts while she s gone. After she s gone some of the girls suggest trying basket tosses*. You haven t learned them yet, but how hard could they be? You&  13. You re at the mall with some really  popular kids. They go into a candy store and steal all kinds of candy. They come out and tell you that if you tell anybody they will lock you up and beat you until you re worse than dead. You&  R T Vf/ 0DTimes New Roman2bbv 0b( 0'DFranklin Gothic Heavyv 0b( 0'"c  .  @n?" dd@  @@`` LDX*w            ?R$/[@`%b$2}{Tzc2IO%b$|ĚղGԵI&mn_c $0 @{25ʚ;2Nʚ;g45d5dv 0b~ppp@ <4!d!d` 0b2b<4dddd` 0b2b <4BdBdb 0bRb? % Bully Test! G B Are you a bully? Take this  test to find out where you stand. Once you get to a green, yellow, or red screen, check your points and then click on the word  back. This will take you back to the last question you were on. Keep track of your points as you go. Then click  Next Question. B"G?Gg    <  ` ` ̙33` 333MMM` ff3333f` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> vnf(    6 P  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0   RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  0l ``  >*  0 `   @*  0 `   @*  A޽h ?\\Jhy\c\My Documents\Thinkquest\Thinkquest Bullying\web\background.jpg ̙33 Default Design& 0 f(    C A\\Jhi\c\My Documents\Thinkquest Bullying\web\turtle_stuck_on_back_md_clr[1].gif0   C A\\Jhi\c\My Documents\Thinkquest Bullying\web\pablo_platypus_prize_fighting_mode_md_clr[1].gif r  S   r  S p@P    0  > 2    0= HClick to Start(2 H  0޽h ? ̙33 ]U@ (     60pPH@___PPT9" -You are asked to sit at a table with some really popular kids. They give you a cupcake and dare you to hit your friend with it. What do you do? T egG^rR@`  0?z!0!0@8___PPT9 You throw the cupcake at your friend and tell him you re sorry later.&F! 2Fg @`  0H  @!0!0 `$B. You throw the cupcake and laugh. % 2%g}  0HM  !0!0@8___PPT9 9You tell the teacher even though they may talk about you.":! 2:c @`  0UP@!0!0 E Next question 2^B  6D`p`H  0޽h ? ̙33K  P (    6]p`XP___PPT92* 1{ You see your friend beating up another kid at recess. A group of kids are surrounding them. What do you do? -|n!  gng gG^rR@`"  0|n@!0!0 z>A. You join in the fight and beat the kid up with you friend. ? 2?gK  0c0  @!0!0 ?B. You help the victim and tell your friend to cut it out.H@ 2gg8g  0sp ]@!0!0 4C. Since there is a group of kids, you watch. 4  2gg,gg gg E1  6(|P@!0!0 E Next question 2^B  6D`p`R   s *R   s * 0H  0޽h ? ̙33 `@(  ^  6`H@8___PPT9 JYou see a bully in the window, being hurt by his Dad. What should you do?$K!Kg^rR@`  007PJ@!0!0 _#A. Sit and laugh, he deserves it.  $ 2$g   0  @!0!0 b&B. Talk to your parents or a teacher. ' 2'g   0X ` @!0!0 x<C. Pretend you didn t see it.  2g  6P@!0!0 E Next question 2^B  6D`p`H  0޽h ? ̙33 YQpD(  D D 6|0 `*TLD___PPT9& _You are asked to go with a bunch of bullies and vandalize the cafeteria. What do you do? ZY! YggGN.@` D 0,z@!0!0 ^"A. Go with them and get caught.  # 2#g   D 0$ P @"!0!0 e)C. Tell an adult and try to prevent it.. * 2*g  D 0P0 * @ !0!0 n B. Tell them no and walk away. 2! 2gG  D 6 P@!0!0 E Next question 2^B D 6D`p`R D s * H D 0޽h ? ̙33 LF(  La L S p0@X  @8___PPT9 MA bully threatens you when you see him cheat on a test. What should you do? <N" MgG L 0,p*@(!0!0 o3A. Walk away but be worried the rest of the day.  4 24g~ L 0X` &!0!0@8___PPT9 6Tell your parents or another adult. They can help you.&7! 27g @` L 0`@  $!0!0@8___PPT9 WThreaten them right back. It is not like they are really going to do something to you.&X! 2Xg @` L 6P@!0!0 E Next question 2^B L 6D`p`H L 0޽h ? ̙33  Y Q  <(  <0 < S X  @8___PPT9 You see your neighbor s garage door is open. Inside you see a brand new bike and your friend dares you to steal it. You walk in and grab the bike but you make a lot of noise getting it out and accidentally dent it. The neighbor runs out and sees you. What do you do? <" gGX < 0 P: @.!0!0 tA. Tell him that you re sorry and fix his bike for him.  ; 2;g < 0` P0Z @,!0!0 s7B. Blame it on your friend and say he made you do it. 8 28g < 0@ P0 *!0!0@8___PPT9 MLie and tell the owner that you were just passing by and someone else did it.&N! 2Ng @` < 600P@!0!0 E Next question 2^B  < 6D`p`H < 0޽h ? ̙33  X P  (    S l`0X  @8___PPT9 You go online and see that a kid you don t like is on. You threaten him and you think it s a joke. The next day at school the kid tells the teacher and she asks if anyone did it. What do you do? <" gG  0, 0  =   2gF  0 `@2!0!0 dA. You pretend that you didn t hear the teacher 33g~  0`  0!0!0@8___PPT9 :You tell the truth, even though you may get into trouble. "; 2;g @`0   0|0 p* @4!0!0 LC. You lie and say he s making it up. ' 2'g   6P@!0!0 E Next question 2^B   6D`p`H  0޽h ? ̙33#  \c(  \[ \ S $p`@Z  B:___PPT9 I You hear some kids making fun of a student in the class what do you do? 8J" fIg \ 0p)0@6!0!0 tA. Go join them. F 2gfg  \ 0/@ : @8!0!0 xB. Tell them to stop.F 2gfg \ 03  @:!0!0 sC. Ignore them. F 2gfg  \ 69P@!0!0 E Next question 2^B  \ 6D`p`H \ 0޽h ? ̙33w 'd(  d d S HD``0X  @8___PPT9  You see someone take another child s pencil case. What do you do? *E" Eg. d 0F@p@@!0!0 $A. Tell the bully to give it back.F% 2gf g d 0L@p Z @>!0!0 uB. Ignore them. F 2gfg1 d 0P @: @<!0!0 'C. Laugh and make fun of the child. F( 2gf"g d 6VP@!0!0 E Next question 2^B d 6D`p`H d 0޽h ? ̙33(  ph(  pP p S  _`0X  @8___PPT9  NOne of the  popular kids in the class asks you to do her homework. If you don t do it, she will tell all the other kids not to hang around with you. What do you do? *" g( p 0 2 5  0 @T!0!0 ,13  24 You are doing good and your trying that s what counts, but there always is room for improvement.,s 2 j  0 0  B 2    0,J @V!0!0 425  36 You are not showing signs of being a bully. Maybe you can help other kids with their bullying problems.,w 2pH  0޽h ? ̙33z *"(    04X(& @!0!0 :Back(2   0tJ 0  >1 Points (2  B  s *޽h ? ̙33z *"(    0& @!0!0 :Back(2   0 `  >2 Points (2  B  s *޽h ? ̙33   f(    0h& @!0!0 :Back(2   0T@ `0  > 2    0 0M  >3 Points (2  B  s *޽h ? ̙33 00(  H  0޽h ? ̙33rl`:~(-a6? F mN {V,`PiqxP  (   1$Slide 15$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$ Slide 16$ Oh+'0Q `h  PowerPoint PresentationssppPoi Nancy Nymarkese33cMicrosoft PowerPointon@P!:@6[@@!L?PGPg  P('& &&#TNPPp2OMi & TNPP &&TNPP     'A x(xʦ """)))UUUMMMBBB999|PP3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙f3333f3333333333f3333333f3f33ff3f3f3f3333f3333333f3̙33333f333ff3ffffff3f33f3ff3f3f3ffff3fffffffff3fffffff3f̙ffff3ff333f3ff33fff33f3ff̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff̙̙3̙f̙̙̙3f̙3f3f3333f333ff3fffff3f3f̙3ffffffffff!___www281,13,12. You are at cheerleading practice and your coach forgot some equipment and had to run out to her car and get it. She told you not to do any kind of stunts while she s gone. After she s gone some of the girls suggest trying basket tosses*. You haven t learned them yet, but how hard could they be? You& 282,14, 13. You re at the mall with some really  popular kids. They go into a candy store and steal all kinds of candy. They come out and tell you that if you tell anybody they will lock you up and beat you until you re worse than dead. You& 4http://submit.thinkquest.org/TQ0312169/Results.html -1,-1,LAST -1,-1,LASTe 16$Slide 15$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$ Slide 16$"Slide 17$$Slide 15$&Slide 17$(Slide 16$*Slide 15$,Slide 16$.Slide 17$0Slide 17$2Slide 16$4Slide 15$6Slide 15$8Slide 17$:Slide 16$<Slide 15$>Slide 16$@Slide 17$xSlide 17$zSlide 15 16$"Slide 17$$Slide 15$&Slide 17$(Slide 16$*Slide 15$,Slide 16$.Slide 17$0Slide 17$2Slide 16$4Slide 15$6Slide 15$8Slide 17$:Slide 16$<Slide 15$>Slide 16$@Slide 17$xSlide 17$zSlide 15$|Slide 16$~Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 15$Slide 15$Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17"Slide 3"Slide 4"Slide 5xd5. A bully threatens you. What should you do? <(6. You see your neighbor s garage door is open. Inside you see a brand new bike and your friend dares you to steal it. You walk in and grab the bike but you make a lot of noise getting it out and accidentally dent it. The neighbor runs out and sees you. What do you do? 7. You go online and see that a kid you don t like is on. You threaten him and you think it s a joke. The next day at school the kid tells the teacher and she asks if any one did it. What do you do?  8. You hear some kids making fun of a student in the class what do you do? 19.You see someone take another child s pencil case. What do you do? hT10.One of the  popular kids in the class asks you to do her homework. If you don t do it,   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~$|Slide 16$~Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 15$Slide 15$Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17"Slide 3"Slide 4"Slide 5xd5. A bully threatens you. What should you do? <(6. You see your neighbor s garage door is open. Inside you see a brand new bike and your friend dares you to steal it. You walk in and grab the bike but you make a lot of noise getting it out and accidentally dent it. The neighbor runs out and sees you. What do you do? 7. You go online and see that a kid you don t like is on. You threaten him and you think it s a joke. The next day PowerPoint Document(gDocumentSummaryInformation8%"Slide 17$$Slide 15$&Slide 17$(Slide 16$*Slide 15$,Slide 16$.Slide 17$0Slide 17$2Slide 16$4Slide 15$6Slide 15$8Slide 17$:Slide 16$<Slide 15$>Slide 16$@Slide 17$xSlide 17$zSlide 15$|Slide 16$~Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 15$Slide 15$Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17"Slide 3"Slide 4"Slide 5xd5. A bully threatens you. What should you do? <(6. You see your neighbor s garage door is open. Inside you see a brand new bike and your friend dares you to steal it. You walk in and grab the bike but you make a lot of noise getting it out and accidentally dent it. The neighbor runs out and sees you. What do you do? 7. You go online and see that a kid you don t like is on. You threaten him and you think it s a joke. The next day at school the kid tells the teacher and she asks if any one did it. What do you do?  8. You hear some kids making fun of a student in the class what do you do? 19.You see someone take another child s pencil case. What do you do? hT10.One of the  popular kids in the class asks you to do her homework. If you don t do it, she will tell all the other kids not to hang around with you. What do you do? 11. You and the rest of your basketball team have slacked off in school and your coach found out and canceled your season and practices. One of the kids suggest in retaliation to trash the gym at night. You l12. You are at cheerleading practice and your coach forgot some equipment and had to run out to her car and get it. She told you not to do any kind of stunts while she s gone. After she s gone some of the girls suggest trying basket tosses*. You haven t learned them yet, but how hard could they be? You&  13. You re at the mall with some really  popular kids. They go into a candy store and steal all kinds of candy. They come out and tell you that if you tell anybody they will lock you up and beat you until you re worse than dead. You&  R T Vf/ 0DTimes New Roman2bbv 0b( 0'DFranklin Gothic Heavyv 0b( 0'"c  .  @n?" dd@  @@`` LDX*v            ?R$/[@`%b$2}{Tzc2IO%b$|ĚղGԵI&mn_c $0 @{25ʚ;2Nʚ;g45d5dv 0b~ppp@ <4!d!d` 0b2b<4dddd` 0b2b <4BdBdb 0bRb? % Bully Test! G B Are you a bully? Take this  test to find out where you stand. Once you get to a green, yellow, or red screen, check your points and then click on the word  back. This will take you back to the last question you were on. Keep track of your points as you go. Then click  Next Question. B"G?Gg     c[@ (     6p PH@___PPT9" /You are asked to sit at a table with some really popular kids. They give you a cupcake and dare you to hit your friend with it. What do you do? V ggG^rR@`  0"z!0!0@8___PPT9 You throw the cupcake at your friend and tell him you re sorry later.&F! 2Fg @`  0d+  @!0!0 `$B. You throw the cupcake and laugh. % 2%g  04  !0!0@8___PPT9 9You tell the teacher even though they may talk about you.&:! 2:g @`  06P@!0!0 E Next question 2^B  6D`p`H  0޽h ? ̙33rFd "(  V 1$Slide 15$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$ Slideshe will tell all the other kids not to hang around with you. What do you do? 11. You and the rest of your basketball team have slacked off in school and your coach found out and canceled your season and practices. One of the kids suggest in retaliation to trash the gym at night. You l12. You are at cheerleading practice and your coach forgot some equipment and had to run out to her car and get it. She told you not to do any kind of stunts while she s gone. After she s gone some of the girls suggest trying basket tosses*. You haven t learned them yet, but how hard could they be? You&  13. You re at the mall with some really  popular kids. They go into a candy store and steal all kinds of candy. They come out and tell you that if you tell anybody they will lock you up and beat you until you re worse than dead. You& f/ 0DTimes New Roman2bbv 0b( 0'DFranklin Gothic Heavyv 0b( 0'"c  .  @n?" dd@  @@`` LDX*s            ?R$/[@`%b$2}{Tzc2IO%b$|ĚղGԵI&mn_c $0 @{25ʚ;2Nʚ;g45d5dv 0b~ppp@ <4!d!d` 0b2b<4dddd` 0b2b <4BdBd$b 0bRb? % Bully Test! G B Are you a bully? Take this  test to find out where you stand. Once you get to a green, yellow, or red screen, check your points and then click on the word  back. This will take you back to the last question you were on. Keep track of your points as you go. Then click  Next Question. B"G?Gg    6 v(    0PP] B 2    0tP PNow that you are done with the bully test you can rate yourself with this scale.Q(2Q   0\ 0  B 2  H  0޽h ? ̙33r[= 7{L(  z 2$Slide 15$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$ Slide 16$"Slide 17$$Slide 15$&Slide 17$(Slide 16$*Slide 15$,Slide 16$.Slide 17$0Slide 17$2Slide 16$4Slide 15$6Slide 15$8Slide 17$:Slide 16$<Slide 15$>Slide 16$@Slide 17$xSlide 17$zSlide 15$|Slide 16$~Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 15$Slide 15$Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17"Slide 3"Slide 4"Slide 5xd5. A bully threatens you. What should you do? <(6. You see your neighbor s garage door is open. Inside you see a brand new bike and your friend dares you to steal it. You walk in and grab the bike but you make a lot of noise getting it out and accidentally dent it. The neighbor runs out and sees you. What do you do? 7. You go online and see that a kid you don t like is on. You threaten him and you think it s a joke. The next day at school the kid tells the teacher and she asks if any one did it. What do you do?  8. You hear some kids making fun of a student in the class what do you do? 19.You see someone take another child s pencil case. What do you do? hT10.One of the  popular kids in the class asks you to do her homework. If you don t do it, she will tell all the other kids not to hang around with you. What do you do? 11. You and the rest of your basketball team have slacked off in school and your coach found out and canceled your season and practices. One of the kids suggest in retaliation to trash the gym at night. You l12. You are at cheerleading practice and your coach forgot some equipment and had to run out to her car and get it. She told you not to do any kind of stunts while she s gone. After she s gone some of the girls suggest trying basket tosses*. You haven t learned them yet, but how hard could they be? You&  13. You re at the mall with some really  popular kids. They go into a candy store and steal all kinds of candy. They come out and tell you that if you tell anybody they will lock you up and beat you until you re worse than dead. You& 2heref/ 0DTimes New Roman2bbv 0b( 0'DFranklin Gothic Heavyv 0b( 0'"c  .  @n?" dd@  @@`` LDX*s            ?R$/[@`%b$2}{Tzc2IO%b$|ĚղGԵI&mn_c $0 @25ʚ;2Nʚ;g45d5dv 0b~ppp@ <4!d!d` 0b2b<4dddd` 0b2b <4BdBdb 0bRbF>___PPT9 2? % Bully Test! G B Are you a bully? Take this  test to find out where you stand. Once you get to a green, yellow, or red screen, check your points and then click on the word  back. This will take you back to the last question you were on. Keep track of your points as you go. Then click  Next Question. B"G?Gg    b  (    0PP] B 2    0tP LNow that you are done with the bully test, click here to check your results.M(2M 2 !015  0\ 0  B 2  H  0޽h ? ̙33r  uL(  z 2$Slide 15$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$ Slide 16$"Slide 17$$Slide 15$&Slide 17$(Slide 16$*Slide 15$,Slide 16$.Slide 17$0Slide 17$2Slide 16$4Slide 15$6Slide 15$8Slide 17$:Slide 16$<Slide 15$>Slide 16$@Slide 17$xSlide 17$zSlide 15$|Slide 16$~Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 15$Slide 15$Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17"Slide 3"Slide 4"Slide 5xd5. A bully threatens you. What should you do? <(6. You see your neighbor s garage door is open. Inside you see a brand new bike and your friend dares you to steal it. You walk in and grab the bike but you make a lot of noise getting it out and accidentally dent it. The neighbor runs out and sees you. What do you do? 7. You go online and see that a kid you don t like is on. You threaten him and you think it s a joke. The next day at school the kid tells the teacher and she asks if any one did it. What do you do?  8. You hear some kids making fun of a student in the class what do you do? 19.You see someone take another child s pencil case. What do you do? hT10.One of the  popular kids in the class asks you to do her homework. If you don t do it, she will tell all the other kids not to hang around with you. What do you do? 11. You and the rest of your basketball team have slacked off in school and your coach found out and canceled your season and practices. One of the kids suggest in retaliation to trash the gym at night. You l12. You are at cheerleading practice and your coach forgot some equipment and had to run out to her car and get it. She told you not to do any kind of stunts while she s gone. After she s gone some of the girls suggest trying basket tosses*. You haven t learned them yet, but how hard could they be? You&  13. You re at the mall with some really  popular kids. They go into a candy store and steal all kinds of candy. They come out and tell you that if you tell anybody they will lock you up and beat you until you re worse than dead. You& 2heref/ 0DTimes New Roman2bbv 0b( 0'DFranklin Gothic Heavyv 0b( 0'"c  .  @n?" dd@  @@`` LDX*s            ?R$/[@`%b$2}{Tzc2IO%b$|ĚղGԵI&mn_c $0 @25ʚ;2Nʚ;g45d5dv 0b~ppp@ <4!d!d` 0b2b<4dddd` 0b2b <4BdBdb 0bRbF>___PPT9 2? % Bully Test! G B Are you a bully? Take this  test to find out where you stand. Once you get to a green, yellow, or red screen, check your points and then click on the word  back. This will take you back to the last question you were on. Keep track of your points as you go. Then click  Next Question. B"G?Gg    r 5L(  z c$Slide 15$Slide 17$Slid$Slide 16$Slide 15$ Slide 16$"Slide 17$$Slide 15$&Slide 17$(Slide 16$*Slide 15$,Slide 16$.Slide 17$0Slide 17$2Slide 16$4Slide 15$6Slide 15$8Slide 17$:Slide 16$<Slide 15$>Slide 16$@Slide 17$xSlide 17$zSlide 15$|Slide 16$~Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 15$Slide 15$Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17"Slide 3"Slide 4"Slide 5xd5. A bully threatens you. What should you do? <(6. You see your neighbor s garage door is open. Inside you see a brand new bike and your friend dares you to steal it. You walk in and grab the bike but you make a lot of noise getting it out and at school the kid tells the teacher and she asks if any one did it. What do you do?  8. You hear some kids making fun of a student in the class what do you do? 19.You see someone take another child s pencil case. What do you do? hT10.One of the  popular kids in the class asks you to do her homework. If you don t do it, she will tell all the other kids not to hang around with you. What do you do? 11. You and the rest of your basketball team have slacked off in school and your coach found out and canceled your season and practices. One of the kids suggest in retaliation to trash the gym at night. You l12. You are at cheerleading practice and your coach forgot some equipment and had to run out to her car and get it. She told you not to do any kind of stunts while she s gone. After she s gone some of the girls suggest trying basket tosses*. You haven t learned them yet, but how hard could they be? You&  13. You re at the mall with some really  popular kids. They go into a candy store and steal all kinds of candy. They come out and tell you that if you tell anybody they will lock you up and beat you until you re worse than dead. You& 2heref/ 0DTimes New Romanܨbbv 0b( 0wDFranklin Gothic Heavyv 0b( 0w"c  .  @n?" dd@  @@`` LDX*s             ?R$/[@`%b$2}{Tzc2IO%b$|ĚղGԵI&mn_c $0 @25ʚ;2Nʚ;g45d5dv 0b~ppp@ <4!d!d` 0bȩb<4dddd` 0bȩb <4BdBdb 0bRbF>___PPT9 2? % Bully Test! G B Are you a bully? Take this  test to find out where you stand. Once you get to a green, yellow, or red screen, check your points and then click on the word  back. This will take you back to the last question you were on. Keep track of your points as you go. Then click  Next Question. B"G?Gg      \N(  \F \ S /p`@X  /@8___PPT9 HYou hear some kids making fun of a student in the class what do you do? &I" Ig \ 0Д/0@6!0!0 tA. Go join them. F 2gfg  \ 0ș/@ : @8!0!0 xB. Tell them to stop.F 2gfg \ 0/  @:!0!0 sC. Ignore them. F 2gfg  \ 6@/P@!0!0 E Next question 2^B  \ 6D`p`H \ 0޽h ? ̙33r95T 5[L(  z $Slide 15$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$ Slide 16$"Slide 17$$Slide 15$&Slide 17$(Slide 16$*Slide 15$,Slide 16$.Slide 17$0Slide 17$2Slide 16$4Slide 15$6Slide 15$8Slide 17$:Slide 16$<Slide 15$>Slide 16$@Slide 17$xSlide 17$zSlide 15$|Slide 16$~Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 15$Slide 15$Slide 16$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17"Slide 3"Slide 4"Slide 5xd5. A bully threatens you. What should you do? <(6. You see your neighbor s garage door is open. Inside you see a brand new bike and your friend dares you to steal it. You walk in and grab the bike but you make a lot of noise getting it out and accidentally dent it. The neighbor runs out and sees you. What do you do? 7. You go online and see that a kid you don t like is on. You threaten him and you think it s a joke. The next day at school the kid tells the teacher and she asks if any one did it. What do you do?  8. You hear some kids making fun of a student in the class what do you do? 19.You see someone take another child s pencil case. What do you do? hT10.One of the  popular kids in the class asks you to do her homework. If you don t do it, she will tell all the other kids not to hang around with you. What do you do? 11. You and the rest of your basketball team have slacked off in school and your coach found out and canceled your season and practices. One of the kids suggest in retaliation to trash the gym at night. You l12. You are at cheerleading practice and your coach forgot some equipment and had to run out to her car and get it. She told you not to do any kind of stunts while she s gone. After she s gone some of the girls suggest trying basket tosses*. You haven t learned them yet, but how hard could they be? You&  13. You re at the mall with some really  popular kids. They go into a candy store and steal all kinds of candy. They come out and tell you that if you tell anybody they will lock you up and beat you until you re worse than dead. You& heref/ 0DTimes New RomanШbbv 0b( 0DFranklin Gothic Heavyv 0b( 0w"c  .  @n?" dd@  @@`` LDX*s             ?R$/[@`%b$2}{Tzc2IO%b$|ĚղGԵI&mn_c $0 @25ʚ;2Nʚ;g45d5dv 0b~ppp@ <4!d!d` 0bb<4dddd` 0bb <4BdBdb 0bRbF>___PPT9 ? % Bully Test! G B Are you a bully? Take this  test to find out where you stand. Once you get to a green, yellow, or red screen, check your points and then click on the word  back. This will take you back to the last question you were on. Keep track of your points as you go. Then click  Next Question. B"G?Gg    b  (    0pG0PP] B 2    0J0P LNow that you are done with the bully test, click here to check your results.M(2M !015  0@O0 0  B 2  H  0޽h ? ̙33r[3{ [~(  z $Slide 15$Slide 17$Slide 16$Slide 15$Slide 17Root EntrydO)`½L?mPicturesCurrent UserDSummaryInformation(QJ      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDFGInKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghiEopqrstuvwxyz{|$_ Nancy NymarkNancy Nymarkaccidentally dent it. The neighbor runs out and sees you. What do you do? 7. You go online and see that a kid you don t like is on. You threaten him and you think it s a joke. The next day at school the kid tells the teacher and she asks if any one did it. What do you do?  8. You hear some kids making fun of a student in the class what do you do? 19.You see someone take another child s pencil case. What do you do? hT10.One of the  popular kids in the class asks you to do her homework. If you don t do it, she will tell all the other kids not to hang around with you. What do you do? 11. You and the rest of your basketball team have slacked off in school and your coach found out and canceled your season and practices. One of the kids suggest in retaliation to trash the gym at night. You l12. You are at cheerleading practice and your coach forgot some equipment and had to run out to her car and get it. She told you not to do any kind of stunts while she s gone. After she s gone some of the girls suggest trying basket tosses*. You haven t learned them yet, but how hard could they be? You&  13. You re at the mall with some really  popular kids. They go into a candy store and steal all kinds of candy. They come out and tell you that if you tell anybody they will lock you up and beat you until you re worse than dead. You& heref/ 0DTimes New Roman,2bbv 0b( 0DFranklin Gothic Heavyv 0b( 0w"c  .  @n?" dd@  @@`` LDX*s            ?R$/[@`%b$2}{Tzc2IO%b$|ĚղGԵI&mn_c $0 @25ʚ;2Nʚ;g45d5dv 0b~ppp@ <4!d!d` 0b3b<4dddd` 0b3b <4BdBdb 0bRbF>___PPT9 ? %E Bully Test! G  Are you a bully? Take this  test to find out where you stand. Read the questions and then click on the answer you think is best. Once you get to a green, yellow, or red screen, check your points and then click on the word  back. This will take you back to the last question you were on. Keep track of your points as you go. Then click  Next Question. BeG?G%g    & 0 f(    C A\\Jhi\c\My Documents\Thinkquest Bullying\web\turtle_stuck_on_back_md_clr[1].gif0   C A\\Jhi\c\My Documents\Thinkquest Bullying\web\pablo_platypus_prize_fighting_mode_md_clr[1].gif r  S p  r  S ,@P    0  > 2    0p= HClick to Start(2 H  0޽h ? ̙33r~ ~