require 'rails/generators/rails/scaffold/scaffold_generator' module ExpressAdmin module Generators class ScaffoldGenerator < ::Rails::Generators::ScaffoldGenerator source_root File.expand_path("../templates", __FILE__) attr_reader :view_path, :resource_class remove_hook_for :scaffold_controller remove_hook_for :assets def create_root_folder empty_directory admin_view_path end def copy_view_files available_views.each do |view| template "#{view}", File.join(admin_view_path, "#{view}") end end def generate_controller controller_file_path = File.join(["app/controllers", project_name, admin_controller_path, "#{controller_file_name}_controller.rb"].compact) template "controller/controller.rb", controller_file_path end def add_route route_path = Rails.root ? "#{Rails.root}/config/routes.rb": "config/routes.rb" if open(route_path).grep("scope '#{project_path}'").any? inject_into_file 'config/routes.rb', " resources :#{controller_file_name}\n", after: "scope '#{project_path}' do\n" else # this whole thing needs reworking for admin controllers # in applications if module_name # <-- should be namespaced? admin_route = <<-EOD namespace :admin do scope '#{module_name}' do resources :#{controller_file_name}, except: [:edit] end end EOD else admin_route = <<-EOD namespace :admin do resources :#{controller_file_name}, except: [:edit] end EOD end inject_into_file 'config/routes.rb', admin_route, after: "#{namespaced?}::Engine.routes.draw do\n" end end def add_menu_item path = if namespaced? "#{namespaced?.to_s.underscore}.#{project_name}_admin_#{controller_file_name}_path" else "admin_#{controller_file_name}_path" end menu_entry = %Q( - title: '#{controller_file_name.titleize}' path: '#{path}' ) menu_path = Rails.root ? "#{Rails.root}/config/menu.yml": "config/menu.yml" if File.exists?(menu_path) inject_into_file menu_path, menu_entry, after: 'items:' end end protected def available_views %w(index) end def available_actions %w(index show update destroy) end def handler :et end def project_path project_name || Rails.application.class.parent_name end def project_name namespaced_path rescue nil end def module_name controller_class_path.last if controller_class_path.size.eql?(2) end def admin_controller_path # place the generated controller into an Admin module acp = controller_class_path.dup if acp.empty? acp.push 'admin' else acp.insert(1,'admin').compact.slice(1..-1) end File.join acp end def model_class_name class_path_parts = class_name.split("::") class_path_parts.unshift namespace.to_s if namespaced? class_path_parts.join("::") end def admin_view_path path_parts = ["app/views", project_name, admin_controller_path, controller_file_name] File.join path_parts.compact end def model_path if Rails.application class_name.underscore else # drop the module name for the engine as the generators # we invoke will automatically add it back again class_name.split("::").slice(1..-1).join("::").underscore end end private def destroy(what, *args) log :destroy, what argument = args.flat_map(&:to_s).join(" ") # in_root { run_ruby_script("bin/rails destroy #{what} #{argument}", verbose: true) } system("bin/rails destroy #{what} #{argument}") end end end end