# 2.0.0 - Removed ability to set default suffix. All suffixes now default to `+json`. - Suffixes are now set for a given view and version instead of as a block. - Added `suffix :yoursuffix` command to override the default `:json` suffix. - Removed defaults block. - Removed registrations block. # 1.0.0 - Added the ability to do inline tests when defining validations using `assert_pass ''` and `assert_fail ''`. - `media_type` has been replaced with `use_name`. - It is no longer possible to set a default version. Please use `version do` instead. - You no longer need to specify a custom format string. If you set an organisation with `def self.organisation` or set a module wide organisation with `MediaTypes::set_organisation , ''` the library will generate identifiers for you. - `self.base_format` has been replaced by `identifier_format do |type:, view:, version:, suffix:|`. - Added the `empty` validation to mark an empty object as valid. - Added the `identifier` function to get the [Media Type Identifier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_type) for the validator. - Added `version(x)` and `view(x)` functions. - Added an `available_validations` functions that returns all defined validations. - Fixed an issue where validations could accidentally merge if defined with a bad `base_format`. - Fixed an issue where undefined validations would accept an empty object. # 0.6.2 - Fix handling empty collections # 0.6.1 - Fix no `validations` error on `validatable?` (now returns `false`) - Update `bundler` to `2.x` # 0.6.0 - Change default expected type for `attribute` to Object - Remove default `actionpack` calls for `.register` - Add integration for registering with `actionpack` (rails) - Add integration for registering with `http` (http.rb) - Fix stack overflow for cyclic schema # 0.5.5 - Fix an issue with `attribute(optional:, &block)` not passing `optional:` to the created `collection`. # 0.5.4 - Fix formatter reworked template when fields are not present # 0.5.3 - Remove `require 'awesome_print'` in library code as it's marked as a development dependency onlvy # 0.5.2 - Add requires in files with missing requires # 0.5.1 - Fix merging optional attributes - Change `#inspect` to look like a tree # 0.5.0 - Change internal representation of key to symbol - Change default type from `nil` to `Object`, removing special behaviour for nil - Add `Rules` class to handle normalization of keys and handling `rules` (`Scheme`, `Attribute`, etc) - Add guard classes to handle guard behaviour (`OutputEmptyGuard`, `OutputTypeGuard` and `RulesExhaustedGuard`) - Add `optional:` keywords to most dsl (`attribute`, `collection`, `any`, `link`) - Add `Formatter` class to handle formatting of the `Constructable#to_s` - Add behaviour to strip leading dot (`.`) or plus (`+`) from `+%` if `var` is nil, fixing weird media types - Add behaviour to remove format variable values if format variable is not present, fixing warnings - Add `inspect` for most public classes - Add second argument for type or scheme to `any` dsl, mimicking `collection` - Add tests for most dsl, common permutations - Rename `force` to `expected_type` - Remove `format_view` behaviour where it adds a dot (`.`) if a view is present - Remove special iteration behaviour for `Links` (`link` dsl), allowing them to be optional, or non-exhaustive - Raise error if `self.base_format` is not available at time of `Dsl.media_type` call - Fix `expected_type` guard for arrays, nil, or arrays with nil. # 0.4.1 - Use strings for `:_links`, matching the other validation keys # 0.4.0 - Simplify `assert_media_type_format` by dumping views completely - Add test for `merge` - Add test for nested blocks in `validations` using `view` and `version` nesting - Add test for `validatable?` - Add block passing to `Scheme.new` # 0.3.0 - Add `merge` dsl to merge two `Scheme` # 0.2.6 - Change validation to accept both symbolised and stringified input ánd validations # 0.2.5 - Add automatic require for `media_types/scheme/any_of` # 0.2.4 - Change messages for `assert_media_types_registered` to be more informative and consistent # 0.2.3 - Fix an issue with `Hash#compact` which was introduce in 2.4+. Now works with Ruby 2.3 # 0.2.2 - Fix an issue with `Registrar#versions` - Fix link in the gemspec to Github # 0.2.1 - Fix an issue with `Constructable#valid?` and `Constructable#validate!` # 0.2.0 Breaking changes to update public API and usage - Remove `Base` class (use `MediaTypes::Dsl` instead) - Remove a lot of configuration options as they are deemed unneeded - Remove `active_support` dependency - Rename `ConstructableMimeType` to `Constructable` - Moved global scheme types to `Scheme` as subtype - Add `MediaTypes::Dsl` - Add `validations` block to capture schemes - Add `registrations` block to capture register intent - Add `defaults` block to capture mime type defaults - Add `MediaTypes.register` class method to call `Mime::Type.register` - Add `Registerable` capture class - Add type / base setting for `Constructable` - Add versioned validations - Add forced types of `collection`s - Add `attribute` with block - Add `EnumerationOfType` for schema typed arrays - Add `AnyOf` for scheme enum types - Add non-block calls for `Scheme` dsl - Add yard documentation to `/docs` # 0.1.0 :baby: initial release