
Saucy is a Rails engine for monthly subscription-style SaaS apps.

Example scenarios covered by Saucy:

* I sign up for "Free" plan under new account "thoughtbot"
* I am an admin and can be reached at ""
* I create a project "Hoptoad"
* I upgrade to the "Basic" plan and my credit card is charged
* I now have permissions to add users and projects to the "thoughtbot" account
* I invite "" to "Hoptoad"
* I create a project "Trajectory"
* I invite "" to "Trajectory"


In your Gemfile:

    gem "saucy", :git => ''

After you bundle, run the generators:

    rails generate saucy:install
    rails generate saucy:views

You will want to include the `ensure_active_account` `before_filter` in any controller actions that you want to protect if the user is using an past due paid account.

You will want to custom the from email address on billing emails:

Saucy::Configuration.mailer_sender = ""

In addition, there are a number of string such as application name, support url, etc. that are provided and customized with i18n translations.  You can customize these in your app, and you can see what they are by looking at config/locales/en.yml in saucy.

Development environment

Plans need to exist for users to sign up for. In db/seeds.rb:

    %w(free expensive mega-expensive).each do |plan_name|

Then run: rake db:seed

Test environment

Generate the Braintree Fake for your specs:

    rails generate saucy:specs

Generate feature coverage:

    rails generate saucy:features

To use seed data in your Cucumber, add this to features/support/seed.rb:

    require Rails.root.join('db','seeds')


To change the layout for a controller inside of saucy, add a line like this to
your config/application.rb:

    config.saucy.layouts.accounts.index = "custom"

Your layout should yield(:header) in order to get the headers from saucy views.

To extend the ProjectsController:

    class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
      include Saucy::ProjectsController

      def edit
        @deleters = @project.deleters