$(function() { $('form a.add_nested_fields').live('click', function() { // Setup var assoc = $(this).attr('data-association'); // Name of child var content = $('#' + assoc + '_fields_blueprint').html(); // Fields template // Make the context correct by replacing new_ with the generated ID // of each of the parent objects var context = ($(this).closest('.fields').find('input:first').attr('name') || '').replace(new RegExp('\[[a-z]+\]$'), ''); // context will be something like this for a brand new form: // project[tasks_attributes][1255929127459][assignments_attributes][1255929128105] // or for an edit form: // project[tasks_attributes][0][assignments_attributes][1] if(context) { var parent_names = context.match(/[a-z_]+_attributes/g) || []; var parent_ids = context.match(/[0-9]+/g); for(i = 0; i < parent_names.length; i++) { if(parent_ids[i]) { content = content.replace( new RegExp('(\\[' + parent_names[i] + '\\])\\[.+?\\]', 'g'), '$1[' + parent_ids[i] + ']' ) } } } // Make a unique ID for the new child var regexp = new RegExp('new_' + assoc, 'g'); var new_id = new Date().getTime(); content = content.replace(regexp, new_id); $(this).before(content); return false; }); $('form a.remove_nested_fields').live('click', function() { var hidden_field = $(this).prev('input[type=hidden]')[0]; if(hidden_field) { hidden_field.value = '1'; } $(this).closest('.fields').hide(); return false; }); });