import React, { useCallback, useRef } from 'react'; import useDeepCompareEffect from 'use-deep-compare-effect'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { isEqual, isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import SearchBar from 'foremanReact/components/SearchBar'; import { STATUS, getControllerSearchProps } from 'foremanReact/constants'; import { noop } from 'foremanReact/common/helpers'; import { useForemanSettings } from 'foremanReact/Root/Context/ForemanContext'; import { PaginationVariant, Flex, FlexItem } from '@patternfly/react-core'; import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n'; import PageControls from './PageControls'; import MainTable from './MainTable'; import { getPageStats } from './helpers'; import SelectAllCheckbox from '../SelectAllCheckbox'; import { orgId } from '../../services/api'; import { useClearSearch } from '../extensions/SearchBar/SearchBarHooks'; /* Patternfly 4 table wrapper */ const TableWrapper = ({ actionButtons, alwaysShowActionButtons, alwaysShowToggleGroup, toggleGroup, children, metadata, fetchItems, autocompleteEndpoint, autocompleteQueryParams, searchQuery, updateSearchQuery, searchPlaceholderText, additionalListeners, activeFilters, displaySelectAllCheckbox, hasInteracted, setHasInteracted, selectAll, selectAllMode, selectNone, selectDefault, selectPage, areAllRowsOnPageSelected, areAllRowsSelected, selectedCount, selectedDefaultCount, selectedResults, clearSelectedResults, emptySearchBody, hideSearch, alwaysHideToolbar, hidePagination, nodesBelowSearch, bookmarkController, readOnlyBookmarks, inclusionSet, exclusionSet, ...allTableProps }) => { const dispatch = useDispatch(); const foremanPerPage = useForemanSettings().perPage || 20; const perPage = Number(metadata?.per_page ?? foremanPerPage); const page = Number(metadata?.page ?? 1); const total = Number(metadata?.subtotal ?? 0); const totalSelectableCount = Number(metadata?.selectable ?? total); const { pageRowCount } = getPageStats({ total, page, perPage }); const unresolvedStatus = !!allTableProps?.status && allTableProps.status !== STATUS.RESOLVED; const unresolvedStatusOrNoRows = unresolvedStatus || pageRowCount === 0; const showPagination = !unresolvedStatusOrNoRows && !hidePagination; const filtersAreActive = activeFilters?.length && !isEqual(new Set(activeFilters), new Set(allTableProps.defaultFilters)); const hideToolbar = alwaysHideToolbar || (!searchQuery && !filtersAreActive && allTableProps.status === STATUS.RESOLVED && total === 0); const showActionButtons = actionButtons && (alwaysShowActionButtons || !hideToolbar); const showToggleGroup = toggleGroup && (alwaysShowToggleGroup || !hideToolbar); const paginationParams = useCallback(() => ({ per_page: perPage, page }), [perPage, page]); const prevRequest = useRef({}); const prevSearch = useRef(''); const prevAdditionalListeners = useRef([]); const prevActiveFilters = useRef([]); const paginationChangePending = useRef(null); const hasChanged = (oldValue, newValue) => !isEqual(oldValue, newValue); const spawnFetch = useCallback((paginationData) => { const fetchWithParams = (allParams = {}) => { const newRequest = { ...(paginationData ?? paginationParams()), ...allParams, }; const pagParamsHaveChanged = (newPagParams, oldPagParams) => ( && hasChanged(, || (newPagParams.per_page && hasChanged(newPagParams.per_page, oldPagParams.per_page)); const newRequestHasStalePagination = !!(paginationChangePending.current && pagParamsHaveChanged(newRequest, paginationChangePending.current)); const newRequestHasChanged = hasChanged(newRequest, prevRequest.current); const additionalListenersHaveChanged = hasChanged(additionalListeners, prevAdditionalListeners.current); // If a pagination change is in-flight, // don't send another request with stale data if (newRequestHasStalePagination && !additionalListenersHaveChanged) return; paginationChangePending.current = null; if (newRequestHasChanged || additionalListenersHaveChanged) { // don't fire the same request twice in a row prevRequest.current = newRequest; prevAdditionalListeners.current = additionalListeners; dispatch(fetchItems(newRequest)); } }; let paramsOverride; const activeFiltersHaveChanged = hasChanged(activeFilters, prevActiveFilters.current); const searchQueryHasChanged = hasChanged(searchQuery, prevSearch.current); if (searchQuery && !hideSearch) paramsOverride = { search: searchQuery }; if (!hideSearch && (searchQueryHasChanged || activeFiltersHaveChanged)) { // Reset page back to 1 when filter or search changes prevSearch.current = searchQuery; prevActiveFilters.current = activeFilters; paramsOverride = { search: searchQuery, page: 1 }; } if (paramsOverride) { // paramsOverride may have both page and search, or just search const pageOverride = !!; if (pageOverride) paginationChangePending.current = null; fetchWithParams(paramsOverride); if (pageOverride) paginationChangePending.current = paramsOverride; } else { fetchWithParams(); } }, [ hideSearch, activeFilters, dispatch, fetchItems, paginationParams, searchQuery, additionalListeners, ]); useDeepCompareEffect(() => { spawnFetch(); }, [searchQuery, spawnFetch, additionalListeners]); const searchBarKey = useClearSearch({ updateSearchQuery }); // If the new page wouldn't exist because of a perPage change, // we should set the current page to the last page. const validatePagination = (data) => { const mergedData = { ...paginationParams(), }; const { page: requestedPage, per_page: newPerPage } = mergedData; const { lastPage } = getPageStats({ page: requestedPage, perPage: newPerPage, total, }); const result = {}; if (requestedPage) { const newPage = (requestedPage > lastPage) ? lastPage : requestedPage; = Number(newPage); } if (newPerPage) result.per_page = Number(newPerPage); return result; }; const onPaginationUpdate = (updatedPagination) => { const pagData = validatePagination(updatedPagination); paginationChangePending.current = null; spawnFetch(pagData); paginationChangePending.current = pagData; }; const extraSearchProps = (isEmpty(bookmarkController)) ? { bookmarks: {} } : { controller: bookmarkController }; const apiParams = { ...autocompleteQueryParams, organization_id: orgId() }; const searchDataProp = { ...getControllerSearchProps(autocompleteEndpoint, `searchBar-${bookmarkController}`, !readOnlyBookmarks, apiParams), ...extraSearchProps, isDisabled: unresolvedStatusOrNoRows && !searchQuery, }; return ( <> {displaySelectAllCheckbox && !hideToolbar && } {!hideSearch && !hideToolbar && updateSearchQuery(search)} key={searchBarKey} /> } {showToggleGroup && {toggleGroup} } {showActionButtons && {actionButtons} } {showPagination && } {nodesBelowSearch && {nodesBelowSearch} } {children} {showPagination && } ); }; TableWrapper.propTypes = { // ouiaId is needed on all tables for automation testing ouiaId: PropTypes.string.isRequired, searchQuery: PropTypes.string.isRequired, updateSearchQuery: PropTypes.func.isRequired, fetchItems: PropTypes.func.isRequired, metadata: PropTypes.shape({ selectable: PropTypes.number, total: PropTypes.number, page: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string, // The API can sometimes return strings ]), subtotal: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string, // The API can sometimes return strings ]), per_page: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string, ]), search: PropTypes.string, }), autocompleteEndpoint: PropTypes.string.isRequired, autocompleteQueryParams: PropTypes.shape({}), searchPlaceholderText: PropTypes.string, actionButtons: PropTypes.node, alwaysShowActionButtons: PropTypes.bool, alwaysShowToggleGroup: PropTypes.bool, toggleGroup: PropTypes.node, children: PropTypes.node, // additionalListeners are anything that should trigger another API call, e.g. a filter additionalListeners: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string, PropTypes.bool, ])), activeFilters: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.string, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), ])), defaultFilters: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.string, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), ])), displaySelectAllCheckbox: PropTypes.bool, selectedCount: PropTypes.number, selectedDefaultCount: PropTypes.number, selectedResults: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({})), clearSelectedResults: PropTypes.func, hasInteracted: PropTypes.bool, setHasInteracted: PropTypes.func, selectAll: PropTypes.func, selectAllMode: PropTypes.bool, selectNone: PropTypes.func, selectDefault: PropTypes.func, selectPage: PropTypes.func, areAllRowsOnPageSelected: PropTypes.func, areAllRowsSelected: PropTypes.func, emptySearchBody: PropTypes.string, hideSearch: PropTypes.bool, alwaysHideToolbar: PropTypes.bool, hidePagination: PropTypes.bool, nodesBelowSearch: PropTypes.node, bookmarkController: PropTypes.string, readOnlyBookmarks: PropTypes.bool, resetFilters: PropTypes.func, inclusionSet: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.array, PropTypes.element, PropTypes.object]), exclusionSet: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.array, PropTypes.element, PropTypes.object]), }; TableWrapper.defaultProps = { metadata: { subtotal: 0, selectable: 0 }, children: null, additionalListeners: [], activeFilters: [], defaultFilters: [], searchPlaceholderText: undefined, actionButtons: null, alwaysShowActionButtons: true, alwaysShowToggleGroup: false, toggleGroup: null, hasInteracted: false, setHasInteracted: noop, displaySelectAllCheckbox: false, selectedCount: 0, selectedDefaultCount: 0, selectedResults: [], clearSelectedResults: noop, selectAll: undefined, selectAllMode: false, selectNone: undefined, selectDefault: undefined, selectPage: undefined, areAllRowsOnPageSelected: noop, areAllRowsSelected: noop, emptySearchBody: __('Try changing your search settings.'), hideSearch: false, alwaysHideToolbar: false, hidePagination: false, nodesBelowSearch: null, bookmarkController: undefined, readOnlyBookmarks: false, resetFilters: undefined, autocompleteQueryParams: undefined, inclusionSet: new Set([]), exclusionSet: new Set([]), }; export default TableWrapper;