# natives [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/natives) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/teohm/natives) List native packages required by ruby gems on your machine. What it does: * maintains a [multi-platform catalog](https://github.com/teohm/natives-catalog/blob/master/catalogs/rubygems.yaml) of native packages for ruby gems. * detects platform, platform version using [Chef Ohai](https://github.com/opscode/ohai). * detects package manager. * returns a list of native packages based on the gems specified by you or a gemfile. ## Install ``` gem install natives ``` ## Use ``` natives list capybara-webkit sqlite3 ``` ### Have a gemfile? ``` natives list # looks for Gemfile in current directory natives list --gemfile Gemfile.special natives list --gemfile /path/to/Gemfile.special ``` ### How to install native packages? Output from `natives list` can be used together with your package manager e.g. `brew`, `apt-get`. If you need a package manager wrapper, try [pacapt](https://github.com/icy/pacapt). ``` brew install $(natives list capybara-webkit sqlite3) apt-get install $(natives list capybara-webkit sqlite3) pacapt -S $(natives list capybara-webkit sqlite3) ``` ### Switch catalog It uses 'rubygems' catalog by default. To use a different catalog: ``` natives list --catalog npm sqlite3 ``` ### Custom (project-specific) catalog It also looks for `natives-catalogs/` in current directory. If exists, it loads all catalog files in the directory. ``` $ cd rails_app1 $ cat natives-catalogs/catalog1.yaml rubygems: my_gem: mac_os_x/homebrew: - package1 ubuntu/apt: - package2 $ natives list my_gem # runs on mac os x package1 ``` ## Catalog ### Supported catalogs * **[rubygems](https://github.com/teohm/natives-catalog/blob/master/catalogs/rubygems.yaml) <-- calling for contributions! :-)** * new catalog contributions e.g. for "npm" are welcomed too! Just submit your PR. ### Catalog load paths It loads YAML files (.yaml, .yml) from the following paths in this order: 1. `catalogs/` in this gem. 2. `natives-catalogs/` in current working directory, if any. When there are multiple YAML files in a path, they are **sorted by filename** and loaded in that order. ### Catalog file format A catalog file is written in YAML, based on this format: ``` catalog_name: entry_name: platform/package_provider: version: - package_name ``` For example, ``` rubygems: capybara-webkit: mac_os_x/homebrew: 10.7.5: - libqtwebkit-dev ``` #### Use `default` when apply to all platforms ``` rubygems: curb: default: - curl ``` #### Use `default` when apply to all versions ``` rubygems: capybara-webkit: mac_os_x/homebrew: default: - libqtwebkit-dev ``` #### Use array to group platforms ``` rubygems: capybara-webkit: [ubuntu/apt, debian/apt]: default: - libqtwebkit-dev ``` #### Use array to group versions ``` rubygems: capybara-webkit: ubuntu/apt: [10.04, 10.04.1, 10.04.2, 10.04.3, 10.04.4]: - libqt4-dev default: - libqtwebkit-dev ``` #### Supported values for platform/package_provider Not in the list? No worry, submit a PR to patch [`host_detection/package_provider.rb`](https://github.com/teohm/natives/blob/master/lib/natives/host_detection/package_provider.rb). ``` aix/aix amazon/yum arch/pacman centos/yum debian/apt fedora/yum freebsd/freebsd gcel/apt gentoo/portage linaro/apt linuxmint/apt mac_os_x/homebrew mac_os_x/macports mac_os_x_server/macports nexentacore/solaris omnios/ips openindiana/ips opensolaris/ips opensuse/zypper oracle/yum raspbian/apt redhat/yum scientific/yum smartos/smartos solaris2/ips suse/zypper ubuntu/apt xcp/yum xenserver/yum ``` ## Contributing to natives * Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet. * Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it. * Fork the project. * Start a feature/bugfix branch. * Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution. * Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it. ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Huiming Teo. See LICENSE.txt for further details.