# frozen_string_literal: true class IO # We need to use this for a jruby work around on both 1.8 and 1.9. # So this either creates the constant (on 1.8), or harmlessly # reopens it (on 1.9). module WaitReadable end end require 'puma/detect' require 'puma/delegation' require 'tempfile' if Puma::IS_JRUBY # We have to work around some OpenSSL buffer/io-readiness bugs # so we pull it in regardless of if the user is binding # to an SSL socket require 'openssl' end module Puma class ConnectionError < RuntimeError; end # An instance of this class represents a unique request from a client. # For example a web request from a browser or from CURL. This # # An instance of `Puma::Client` can be used as if it were an IO object # for example it is passed into `IO.select` inside of the `Puma::Reactor`. # This is accomplished by the `to_io` method which gets called on any # non-IO objects being used with the IO api such as `IO.select. # # Instances of this class are responsible for knowing if # the header and body are fully buffered via the `try_to_finish` method. # They can be used to "time out" a response via the `timeout_at` reader. class Client include Puma::Const extend Puma::Delegation def initialize(io, env=nil) @io = io @to_io = io.to_io @proto_env = env if !env @env = nil else @env = env.dup end @parser = HttpParser.new @parsed_bytes = 0 @read_header = true @ready = false @body = nil @buffer = nil @tempfile = nil @timeout_at = nil @requests_served = 0 @hijacked = false @peerip = nil @remote_addr_header = nil end attr_reader :env, :to_io, :body, :io, :timeout_at, :ready, :hijacked, :tempfile attr_writer :peerip attr_accessor :remote_addr_header forward :closed?, :@io def inspect "#<Puma::Client:0x#{object_id.to_s(16)} @ready=#{@ready.inspect}>" end # For the hijack protocol (allows us to just put the Client object # into the env) def call @hijacked = true env[HIJACK_IO] ||= @io end def in_data_phase !@read_header end def set_timeout(val) @timeout_at = Time.now + val end def reset(fast_check=true) @parser.reset @read_header = true @env = @proto_env.dup @body = nil @tempfile = nil @parsed_bytes = 0 @ready = false if @buffer @parsed_bytes = @parser.execute(@env, @buffer, @parsed_bytes) if @parser.finished? return setup_body elsif @parsed_bytes >= MAX_HEADER raise HttpParserError, "HEADER is longer than allowed, aborting client early." end return false elsif fast_check && IO.select([@to_io], nil, nil, FAST_TRACK_KA_TIMEOUT) return try_to_finish end end def close begin @io.close rescue IOError Thread.current.purge_interrupt_queue if Thread.current.respond_to? :purge_interrupt_queue end end # The object used for a request with no body. All requests with # no body share this one object since it has no state. EmptyBody = NullIO.new def setup_chunked_body(body) @chunked_body = true @partial_part_left = 0 @prev_chunk = "" @body = Tempfile.new(Const::PUMA_TMP_BASE) @body.binmode @tempfile = @body return decode_chunk(body) end def decode_chunk(chunk) if @partial_part_left > 0 if @partial_part_left <= chunk.size @body << chunk[0..(@partial_part_left-3)] # skip the \r\n chunk = chunk[@partial_part_left..-1] else @body << chunk @partial_part_left -= chunk.size return false end end if @prev_chunk.empty? io = StringIO.new(chunk) else io = StringIO.new(@prev_chunk+chunk) @prev_chunk = "" end while !io.eof? line = io.gets if line.end_with?("\r\n") len = line.strip.to_i(16) if len == 0 @body.rewind rest = io.read rest = rest[2..-1] if rest.start_with?("\r\n") @buffer = rest.empty? ? nil : rest @requests_served += 1 @ready = true return true end len += 2 part = io.read(len) unless part @partial_part_left = len next end got = part.size case when got == len @body << part[0..-3] # to skip the ending \r\n when got <= len - 2 @body << part @partial_part_left = len - part.size when got == len - 1 # edge where we get just \r but not \n @body << part[0..-2] @partial_part_left = len - part.size end else @prev_chunk = line return false end end return false end def read_chunked_body while true begin chunk = @io.read_nonblock(4096) rescue Errno::EAGAIN return false rescue SystemCallError, IOError raise ConnectionError, "Connection error detected during read" end # No chunk means a closed socket unless chunk @body.close @buffer = nil @requests_served += 1 @ready = true raise EOFError end return true if decode_chunk(chunk) end end def setup_body if @env[HTTP_EXPECT] == CONTINUE # TODO allow a hook here to check the headers before # going forward @io << HTTP_11_100 @io.flush end @read_header = false body = @parser.body te = @env[TRANSFER_ENCODING2] if te if te.include?(",") te.split(",").each do |part| if CHUNKED.casecmp(part.strip) == 0 return setup_chunked_body(body) end end elsif CHUNKED.casecmp(te) == 0 return setup_chunked_body(body) end end @chunked_body = false cl = @env[CONTENT_LENGTH] unless cl @buffer = body.empty? ? nil : body @body = EmptyBody @requests_served += 1 @ready = true return true end remain = cl.to_i - body.bytesize if remain <= 0 @body = StringIO.new(body) @buffer = nil @requests_served += 1 @ready = true return true end if remain > MAX_BODY @body = Tempfile.new(Const::PUMA_TMP_BASE) @body.binmode @tempfile = @body else # The body[0,0] trick is to get an empty string in the same # encoding as body. @body = StringIO.new body[0,0] end @body.write body @body_remain = remain return false end def try_to_finish return read_body unless @read_header begin data = @io.read_nonblock(CHUNK_SIZE) rescue Errno::EAGAIN return false rescue SystemCallError, IOError raise ConnectionError, "Connection error detected during read" end # No data means a closed socket unless data @buffer = nil @requests_served += 1 @ready = true raise EOFError end if @buffer @buffer << data else @buffer = data end @parsed_bytes = @parser.execute(@env, @buffer, @parsed_bytes) if @parser.finished? return setup_body elsif @parsed_bytes >= MAX_HEADER raise HttpParserError, "HEADER is longer than allowed, aborting client early." end false end if IS_JRUBY def jruby_start_try_to_finish return read_body unless @read_header begin data = @io.sysread_nonblock(CHUNK_SIZE) rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e return false if e.kind_of? IO::WaitReadable raise e end # No data means a closed socket unless data @buffer = nil @requests_served += 1 @ready = true raise EOFError end if @buffer @buffer << data else @buffer = data end @parsed_bytes = @parser.execute(@env, @buffer, @parsed_bytes) if @parser.finished? return setup_body elsif @parsed_bytes >= MAX_HEADER raise HttpParserError, "HEADER is longer than allowed, aborting client early." end false end def eagerly_finish return true if @ready if @io.kind_of? OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket return true if jruby_start_try_to_finish end return false unless IO.select([@to_io], nil, nil, 0) try_to_finish end else def eagerly_finish return true if @ready return false unless IO.select([@to_io], nil, nil, 0) try_to_finish end end # IS_JRUBY def finish return true if @ready until try_to_finish IO.select([@to_io], nil, nil) end true end def read_body if @chunked_body return read_chunked_body end # Read an odd sized chunk so we can read even sized ones # after this remain = @body_remain if remain > CHUNK_SIZE want = CHUNK_SIZE else want = remain end begin chunk = @io.read_nonblock(want) rescue Errno::EAGAIN return false rescue SystemCallError, IOError raise ConnectionError, "Connection error detected during read" end # No chunk means a closed socket unless chunk @body.close @buffer = nil @requests_served += 1 @ready = true raise EOFError end remain -= @body.write(chunk) if remain <= 0 @body.rewind @buffer = nil @requests_served += 1 @ready = true return true end @body_remain = remain false end def write_400 begin @io << ERROR_400_RESPONSE rescue StandardError end end def write_408 begin @io << ERROR_408_RESPONSE rescue StandardError end end def write_500 begin @io << ERROR_500_RESPONSE rescue StandardError end end def peerip return @peerip if @peerip if @remote_addr_header hdr = (@env[@remote_addr_header] || LOCALHOST_ADDR).split(/[\s,]/).first @peerip = hdr return hdr end @peerip ||= @io.peeraddr.last end end end