Feature: reporting errors to the user Background: we want to show a non-technical error report to the user. Consequently, we do not print the stack trace of the error. @starts-new-os-process @network-io Scenario: The user calls "push" when the S3 credentials are invalid When I run `s3_website push --site ../../features/support/test_site_dirs/my.blog.com --config_dir ../../features/support/test_site_dirs/my.blog.com` Then the output should contain: """ The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records. (AWS::S3::Errors::InvalidAccessKeyId) """ And the output should not contain: """ throw """ And the exit status should be 1 @starts-new-os-process @network-io Scenario: The user calls "cfg apply" when the S3 credentials are invalid When I run `s3_website cfg apply` And the exit status should be 1