3.0 enable_occupancy_driven_lighting ab2f3723-61e8-471c-9763-754abeafaefe 84c72c83-6d53-4bc5-8b3d-6cfd8eb47eb1 20210915T221802Z EC12B90B EnableOccupancyDrivenLighting Enable occupancy-driven lighting This measure applies occupancy-driven lighting. Replace this text with an explanation for the energy modeler specifically. It should explain how the measure is modeled, including any requirements about how the baseline model must be set up, major assumptions, citations of references to applicable modeling resources, etc. The energy modeler should be able to read this description and understand what changes the measure is making to the model and why these changes are being made. Because the Modeler Description is written for an expert audience, using common abbreviations for brevity is good practice. minutes_delay Number of minutes of delay for turning off lights Integer false false 15 run_output_path Alternative output path for pre-run If not specified, write to the ./generated_files directory String false false Electric Lighting.Electric Lighting Controls Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string LICENSE.md md license CD7F5672 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 .gitkeep gitkeep doc 00000000 enable_occupancy_driven_lighting_test.rb rb test 05C84085 example_model.osm osm test 53D14E69 OpenStudio 3.1.0 3.1.0 measure.rb rb script 797C5BC4 USA_NY_Buffalo.Niagara.Intl.AP.725280_TMY3.epw epw resource 3A15D82B README.md md readme 3A7B4F49