module Jsonapi class ResourceGenerator < ::Rails::Generators::NamedBase source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) argument :attributes, type: :array, default: [], banner: "field[:type][:index] field[:type][:index]" class_option :'omit-comments', type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: ['--omit-comments', '-c'], desc: 'Generate without documentation comments' class_option :'actions', type: :array, default: nil, aliases: ['--actions', '-a'], desc: 'Array of controller actions to support, e.g. "index show destroy"' desc "This generator creates a resource file at app/resources, as well as corresponding controller/specs/route/etc" def copy_resource_file unless model_klass raise "You must define a #{class_name} model before generating the corresponding resource." end generate_controller generate_serializer generate_application_resource unless application_resource_defined? generate_spec_payload if actions?('create', 'update') generate_strong_resource end generate_route generate_tests generate_resource generate_swagger if docs_controller? end private def actions @options['actions'] || %w(index show create update destroy) end def actions?(*methods) methods.any? { |m| actions.include?(m) } end def omit_comments? @options['omit-comments'] end def generate_controller to = File.join('app/controllers', class_path, "#{file_name.pluralize}_controller.rb") template('controller.rb.erb', to) end def generate_serializer to = File.join('app/serializers', class_path, "serializable_#{file_name}.rb") template('serializer.rb.erb', to) end def generate_application_resource to = File.join('app/resources', class_path, "application_resource.rb") template('application_resource.rb.erb', to) end def application_resource_defined? 'ApplicationResource'.safe_constantize.present? end def docs_controller? File.exists?('app/controllers/docs_controller.rb') end def generate_swagger code = " jsonapi_resource '/v1/#{type}'" code << ", only: [#{ { |a| ":#{a}" }.join(', ')}]" if actions.length < 5 code << "\n" inject_into_file 'app/controllers/docs_controller.rb', before: /^end/ do code end end def generate_spec_payload to = File.join('spec/payloads', class_path, "#{file_name}.rb") template('payload.rb.erb', to) end def generate_strong_resource code = " strong_resource :#{file_name} do\n" attributes.each do |a| type = a.type type = :string if type == :text code << " attribute :#{}, :#{type}\n" end code << " end\n" inject_into_file 'config/initializers/strong_resources.rb', after: "StrongResources.configure do\n" do code end end def generate_route code = " resources :#{type}" code << ", only: [#{ { |a| ":#{a}" }.join(', ')}]" if actions.length < 5 code << "\n" inject_into_file 'config/routes.rb', after: "scope path: '/v1' do\n" do code end end def generate_tests if actions?('index') to = File.join "spec/api/v1/#{file_name.pluralize}", class_path, "index_spec.rb" template('index_request_spec.rb.erb', to) end if actions?('show') to = File.join "spec/api/v1/#{file_name.pluralize}", class_path, "show_spec.rb" template('show_request_spec.rb.erb', to) end if actions?('create') to = File.join "spec/api/v1/#{file_name.pluralize}", class_path, "create_spec.rb" template('create_request_spec.rb.erb', to) end if actions?('update') to = File.join "spec/api/v1/#{file_name.pluralize}", class_path, "update_spec.rb" template('update_request_spec.rb.erb', to) end if actions?('destroy') to = File.join "spec/api/v1/#{file_name.pluralize}", class_path, "destroy_spec.rb" template('destroy_request_spec.rb.erb', to) end end def generate_resource to = File.join('app/resources', class_path, "#{file_name}_resource.rb") template('resource.rb.erb', to) end def jsonapi_config File.exists?('.jsonapicfg.yml') ? YAML.load_file('.jsonapicfg.yml') : {} end def update_config!(attrs) config = jsonapi_config.merge(attrs)'.jsonapicfg.yml', 'w') { |f| f.write(config.to_yaml) } end def prompt(header: nil, description: nil, default: nil) say(set_color("\n#{header}", :magenta, :bold)) if header say("\n#{description}") if description answer = ask(set_color("\n(default: #{default}):", :magenta, :bold)) answer = default if answer.blank? && default != 'nil' say(set_color("\nGot it!\n", :white, :bold)) answer end def api_namespace @api_namespace ||= begin ns = jsonapi_config['namespace'] if ns.blank? ns = prompt \ header: "What is your API namespace?", description: "This will be used as a route prefix, e.g. if you want the route '/books_api/v1/authors' your namespace would be 'books_api'", default: 'api' update_config!('namespace' => ns) end ns end end def model_klass class_name.safe_constantize end def type end end end