# v1.0.3 (unreleased) * `fix` **Make `pakyow/assets` compatible with Ruby 2.7.0.** - External assets used the `http` gem, which is failing on Ruby 2.7.0-preview3. We replaced it with the `async-http` gem which is already a dependency of other Pakyow frameworks. *Related links:* - [Pull Request #362][pr-362] - [Commit 4278340][4278340] [pr-362]: https://github.com/pakyow/pakyow/pull/362/commits [4278340]: https://github.com/pakyow/pakyow/commit/4278340178abea1dc7891ed02d098c5b747b2d5b # v1.0.2 * `fix` **CDN prefix is now correctly added to assets in plugin views.** *Related links:* - [Commit 84da911][84da911] [84da911]: https://github.com/pakyow/pakyow/commit/84da911d78a33e0328bc64a7051f56268f088273 # v1.0.0 * Hello, Web