require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') describe 'document removal', :type => :indexer do it 'removes an object from the index' do session.remove(post) connection.should have_delete("Post #{}") end it 'removes an object by type and id' do session.remove_by_id(Post, 1) connection.should have_delete('Post 1') end it 'removes an object by type and id and immediately commits' do connection.should_receive(:delete_by_id).with('Post 1').ordered connection.should_receive(:commit).ordered session.remove_by_id!(Post, 1) end it 'removes an object from the index and immediately commits' do connection.should_receive(:delete_by_id).ordered connection.should_receive(:commit).ordered session.remove!(post) end it 'removes everything from the index' do session.remove_all connection.should have_delete_by_query("type:[* TO *]") end it 'removes everything from the index and immediately commits' do connection.should_receive(:delete_by_query).ordered connection.should_receive(:commit).ordered session.remove_all! end it 'removes everything of a given class from the index' do session.remove_all(Post) connection.should have_delete_by_query("type:Post") end it 'correctly escapes namespaced classes when removing everything from the index' do connection.should_receive(:delete_by_query).with('type:Namespaced\:\:Comment') session.remove_all(Namespaced::Comment) end end