CommonMethods = { findIndexWhere: (attrs) -> found = -1 for index, model of @models found = parseInt(index) for key, value of attrs if model.get(key) != value found = -1 break break if found != -1 found pick: (keys...) ->, _.partialRight(_.pick, keys...)) sum: -> args = _.toArray(arguments) args.unshift(this.models) return _.sum.apply(_, args) # convenience method to create a new subCollection subcollection: (options) -> new Lanes.Models.SubCollection(this, options) destroyAll: (options = {}) -> existing = _.clone(this.models) _.extend( options, { data:, (m) -> {id:}) }) Lanes.Models.Sync.state('delete', this, options).then( -> _.each(existing, (model) -> model.trigger('destroy', model, model.collection, options) ) return this ) clone: -> new @constructor( @invoke( 'clone' ), @options ) serialize: (options = {depth: 1}) -> depth = options.depth depth += 1 options = _.extend({}, options, {depth}) (model) -> if model.serialize model.serialize(options) else out = _.extend({}, model) delete out.collection out } class ModelsCollection constructor: -> @_isLoaded = false @errors = [] Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.Collection.apply(this, arguments) this.on('add remove reset', this._triggerLengthEvent ) _triggerLengthEvent: -> this.trigger('change:length', this) # convenience method to instantiate a collection # then call fetch on it with the options provided @fetch: (options) -> collection = new this collection.fetch(options) collection # Fetch the a set of models for the collection, replacing all # current models whith them when the call completes fetch: (options = {}) -> if this.cacheDuration Lanes.Models.ServerCache.fetchCollection(this, options) else this.sync('read', this, options) getOrFetch: (id, options) -> @get(id) || @fetchId(id, options) # Fetch a single model with the given id fetchId: (id, options = {}) -> return if id == @requestInProgress?.query?[@model::idAttribute] this.sync('read', this, _.extend({ limit: 1, query: {"#{@model::idAttribute}": id} }, options)) # Load the collection unless it's already loaded ensureLoaded: (options = {}) -> if options.force || (!@_isLoaded && !this.length ) this.fetch(options) else _.Promise.resolve(this) # Call the callback function when the current fetch succeeds # If the collection is not currently being loaded, # the callback is immediatly invoked whenLoaded: (cb) -> if this.requestInProgress this._loaded_callbacks ||= [] this._loaded_callbacks.push(cb) else cb(this) this # Sets the attribute data from a server respose setFromServer: (data, options, method) -> @_isLoaded = true if 'delete' == method models =, 'id'), (id) => @get(id) ) this.remove(models) else if options.reset update = 'reset' else update = 'set' this[update](data, options) if this._loaded_callbacks cb(this) for cb in this._loaded_callbacks delete this._loaded_callbacks isLoaded: -> @_isLoaded # true if any models have unsaved data isDirty: -> !!this.findWhere(isDirty: true) url: -> @model::urlRoot() # Uses Lanes.Models.Sync by default sync: (options...) -> Lanes.Models.Sync.state(options...) save: (options) -> Lanes.Models.Sync.state('update', this, options) # returns data to save to server. If options.saveAll is true, # all attributes from all models data is returned. # Otherwise only unsaved attributes are returned. dataForSave: (options) -> unsaved = [] for model in @models if options.saveAll || model.isDirty unsaved.push( model.dataForSave(options) ) unsaved mixins:[ CommonMethods ] class BasicCollection constructor: -> super isLoaded: -> true mixins:[ CommonMethods ] class SubCollection constructor: -> super isLoaded: -> true mixins:[ CommonMethods ] url: -> this.collection.url() filter: -> this._runFilters() setFromServer: (data, options, type) -> @collection.setFromServer(data, options, type) Lanes.Models.SubCollection = Lanes.lib.MakeBaseClass( Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.SubCollection, SubCollection ) Lanes.Models.BasicCollection = Lanes.lib.MakeBaseClass( Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.Collection.extend(Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.USCollection), BasicCollection ) Lanes.Models.Collection = Lanes.lib.MakeBaseClass( Lanes.Vendor.Ampersand.RestCollection, ModelsCollection ) ## Override a few methods on the standard collection to ensure that # models are fetched correctly and have the fk set when they're created class Lanes.Models.AssociationCollection extends Lanes.Models.Collection constructor: (models, @options) -> @model = @options.model @associationFilter = @options.filter super _prepareModel: (attrs, options = {}) -> if @associationFilter _.extend(attrs, @associationFilter) model = super if @options.inverse parent = this.parent.clone() parent[@options.inverse.without].reset() if @options.inverse.without model.set(, parent, options) model fetch: (options) -> options.query ||= {} _.extend(options.query, @associationFilter) _.extend(options, @options) super(options)