# = NMatrix # # A linear algebra library for scientific computation in Ruby. # NMatrix is part of SciRuby. # # NMatrix was originally inspired by and derived from NArray, by # Masahiro Tanaka: http://narray.rubyforge.org # # == Copyright Information # # SciRuby is Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014, Ruby Science Foundation # NMatrix is Copyright (c) 2012 - 2014, John Woods and the Ruby Science Foundation # # Please see LICENSE.txt for additional copyright notices. # # == Contributing # # By contributing source code to SciRuby, you agree to be bound by # our Contributor Agreement: # # * https://github.com/SciRuby/sciruby/wiki/Contributor-Agreement # # == stat_spec.rb # # Tests for statistical functions in NMatrix. # require 'spec_helper' require 'pry' describe "Statistical functions" do context "mapping and reduction related functions" do [:dense, :yale, :list].each do |stype| context "on #{stype} matrices" do let(:nm_1d) { NMatrix.new([5], [5.0,0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0], stype: stype) unless stype == :yale } let(:nm_2d) { NMatrix.new([2,2], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0], stype: stype) } it "behaves like Enumerable#reduce with no argument to reduce" do expect(nm_1d.reduce_along_dim(0) { |acc, el| acc + el }.to_f).to eq 11 unless stype == :yale expect(nm_2d.reduce_along_dim(1) { |acc, el| acc + el }).to eq NMatrix.new([2,1], [1.0, 5.0], stype: stype) end it "should calculate the mean along the specified dimension" do unless stype == :yale then puts nm_1d.mean expect(nm_1d.mean).to eq NMatrix.new([1], [2.2], stype: stype, dtype: :float64) end expect(nm_2d.mean).to eq NMatrix[[1.0,2.0], stype: stype] expect(nm_2d.mean(1)).to eq NMatrix[[0.5], [2.5], stype: stype] end it "should calculate the minimum along the specified dimension" do expect(nm_1d.min).to eq 0.0 unless stype == :yale expect(nm_2d.min).to eq NMatrix[[0.0, 1.0], stype: stype] expect(nm_2d.min(1)).to eq NMatrix[[0.0], [2.0], stype: stype] end it "should calculate the maximum along the specified dimension" do expect(nm_1d.max).to eq 5.0 unless stype == :yale expect(nm_2d.max).to eq NMatrix[[2.0, 3.0], stype: stype] end it "should calculate the variance along the specified dimension" do expect(nm_1d.variance).to eq NMatrix[3.7, stype: stype] unless stype == :yale expect(nm_2d.variance(1)).to eq NMatrix[[0.5], [0.5], stype: stype] end it "should calculate the sum along the specified dimension" do expect(nm_1d.sum).to eq NMatrix[11.0, stype: stype] unless stype == :yale expect(nm_2d.sum).to eq NMatrix[[2.0, 4.0], stype: stype] end it "should calculate the standard deviation along the specified dimension" do expect(nm_1d.std).to eq NMatrix[Math.sqrt(3.7), stype: stype] unless stype == :yale expect(nm_2d.std(1)).to eq NMatrix[[Math.sqrt(0.5)], [Math.sqrt(0.5)], stype: stype] end it "should raise an ArgumentError when any invalid dimension is provided" do expect { nm_1d.mean(3) }.to raise_exception(RangeError) unless stype == :yale expect { nm_2d.mean(3) }.to raise_exception(RangeError) end it "should convert to float if it contains only a single element" do expect(NMatrix[4.0, stype: stype].to_f).to eq 4.0 unless stype == :yale expect(NMatrix[[[[4.0]]], stype: stype].to_f).to eq 4.0 unless stype == :yale expect(NMatrix[[4.0], stype: stype].to_f).to eq 4.0 end it "should raise an index error if it contains more than a single element" do expect { nm_1d.to_f }.to raise_error(IndexError) unless stype == :yale expect { nm_2d.to_f }.to raise_error(IndexError) end it "should map a block to all elements" do expect(nm_1d.map { |e| e ** 2 }).to eq NMatrix[25.0,0.0,1.0,4.0,9.0, stype: stype] unless stype == :yale expect(nm_2d.map { |e| e ** 2 }).to eq NMatrix[[0.0,1.0],[4.0,9.0], stype: stype] end it "should map! a block to all elements in place" do fct = Proc.new { |e| e ** 2 } unless stype == :yale then expected1 = nm_1d.map(&fct) nm_1d.map!(&fct) expect(nm_1d).to eq expected1 end expected2 = nm_2d.map(&fct) nm_2d.map!(&fct) expect(nm_2d).to eq expected2 end it "should return an enumerator for map without a block" do expect(nm_2d.map).to be_a Enumerator end it "should return an enumerator for reduce without a block" do expect(nm_2d.reduce_along_dim(0)).to be_a Enumerator end it "should return an enumerator for each_along_dim without a block" do expect(nm_2d.each_along_dim(0)).to be_a Enumerator end it "should iterate correctly for map without a block" do en = nm_1d.map unless stype == :yale expect(en.each { |e| e**2 }).to eq nm_1d.map { |e| e**2 } unless stype == :yale en = nm_2d.map expect(en.each { |e| e**2 }).to eq nm_2d.map { |e| e**2 } end it "should iterate correctly for reduce without a block" do unless stype == :yale then en = nm_1d.reduce_along_dim(0, 1.0) expect(en.each { |a, e| a+e }.to_f).to eq 12 end en = nm_2d.reduce_along_dim(1, 1.0) expect(en.each { |a, e| a+e }).to eq NMatrix[[2.0],[6.0], stype: stype] end it "should iterate correctly for each_along_dim without a block" do unless stype == :yale then res = NMatrix.zeros_like(nm_1d[0...1]) en = nm_1d.each_along_dim(0) en.each { |e| res += e } expect(res.to_f).to eq 11 end res = NMatrix.zeros_like (nm_2d[0...2, 0]) en = nm_2d.each_along_dim(1) en.each { |e| res += e } expect(res).to eq NMatrix[[1.0], [5.0], stype: stype] end it "should yield matrices of matching dtype for each_along_dim" do m = NMatrix.new([2,3], [1,2,3,3,4,5], dtype: :complex128, stype: stype) m.each_along_dim(1) do |sub_m| expect(sub_m.dtype).to eq :complex128 end end it "should reduce to a matrix of matching dtype for reduce_along_dim" do m = NMatrix.new([2,3], [1,2,3,3,4,5], dtype: :complex128, stype: stype) m.reduce_along_dim(1) do |acc, sub_m| expect(sub_m.dtype).to eq :complex128 acc end m.reduce_along_dim(1, 0.0) do |acc, sub_m| expect(sub_m.dtype).to eq :complex128 acc end end it "should allow overriding the dtype for reduce_along_dim" do m = NMatrix[[1,2,3], [3,4,5], dtype: :complex128] m.reduce_along_dim(1, 0.0, :float64) do |acc, sub_m| expect(acc.dtype).to eq :float64 acc end m = NMatrix[[1,2,3], [3,4,5], dtype: :complex128, stype: stype] m.reduce_along_dim(1, nil, :float64) do |acc, sub_m| expect(acc.dtype).to eq :float64 acc end end it "should convert integer dtypes to float when calculating mean" do m = NMatrix[[1,2,3], [3,4,5], dtype: :int32, stype: stype] expect(m.mean(0).dtype).to eq :float64 end it "should convert integer dtypes to float when calculating variance" do m = NMatrix[[1,2,3], [3,4,5], dtype: :int32, stype: stype] expect(m.variance(0).dtype).to eq :float64 end it "should convert integer dtypes to float when calculating standard deviation" do m = NMatrix[[1,2,3], [3,4,5], dtype: :int32, stype: stype] expect(m.std(0).dtype).to eq :float64 end end end end end